Make: Set shell and source a file at the same time? - bash

Suppose I would like to set a shell in make:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash
Next, suppose I have some runcom/bash file I would like to source as well. This file optionally activates a virtual environment:
if [ -d venv ]; then source venv/bin/activate fi;
However, if I write:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash && source runcom/bash
This fails. However, if I deposited the venv logic into the local ~/.bashrc and write:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash -l
I can get the exact functionality I need.
But, I have to deposit something that should remain downstream from the local user into the user's upstream environment -- I'd rather not.
Is there a way to get the make shell to source a file at the declaration step in the make start-up process?

This can't work:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash && source runcom/bash
Because SHELL tells make how to invoke the shell; if you make the contents of SHELL be a shell script then make has to invoke the shell to interpret how to invoke the shell, which means it has to invoke the shell to invoke the shell to interpret how to invoke the shell, etc.
So, SHELL must be either a simple command or, at most, a simple set of arguments that can converted into an argv list and passed to exec(2).
So, this is really a shell question not a make question: how can you get the shell to source arbitrary stuff when it starts without changing ~/.profile or whatever?
Luckily, this is possible; see the bash man page:
If this parameter is set when bash is executing a shell script,
its value is interpreted as a filename containing commands to
initialize the shell, as in ~/.bashrc. The value of BASH_ENV is
subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and
arithmetic expansion before being interpreted as a filename.
PATH is not used to search for the resultant filename.
ENV Similar to BASH_ENV; used when the shell is invoked in posix
So, in your makefile you can use something like:
SHELL := /bin/bash
export BASH_ENV := runcom/bash
and that should be sufficient.


shell program to build a stack in Linux ubuntu [duplicate]

How to set a global environment variable in a bash script?
If I do stuff like
export FOO=bar
...the vars seem to stay in the local context, whereas I'd like to keep using them after the script has finished executing.
Run your script with .
This will run the script in the current shell environment.
export governs which variables will be available to new processes, so if you say
export BAR=2
then $BAR will be available in the environment of, but $FOO will not.
When you run a shell script, it's done in a sub-shell so it cannot affect the parent shell's environment. You want to source the script by doing:
. ./
This executes it in the context of the current shell, not as a sub shell.
From the bash man page:
. filename [arguments]
source filename [arguments]
Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell
environment and return the exit status of the last command executed
from filename.
If filename does not contain a slash, file names in PATH are used to
find the directory containing filename.
The file searched for in PATH need not be executable. When bash is not
in POSIX mode, the current directory is searched if no file is found
in PATH.
If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off,
the PATH is not searched.
If any arguments are supplied, they become the positional parameters
when filename is executed.
Otherwise the positional parameters are unchanged. The return status
is the status of the last command exited within the script (0 if no
commands are executed), and false if filename is not found or cannot
be read.
source is also feasible.
Description for linux command source:
source is a Unix command that evaluates the file following the command,
as a list of commands, executed in the current context
export FOO=bar
export FOO
man export:
The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.
A common design is to have your script output a result, and require the cooperation of the caller. Then you can say, for example,
eval "$(yourscript)"
or perhaps less dangerously
cd "$(yourscript)"
This extends to tools in other languages besides shell script.
In your shell script, write the variables to another file like below and source these files in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
echo "export FOO=bar" >>
In your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, source it like below:
source Path-to-file/
You can then access it globally.
export FOO

Access variable declared inside Makefile command

I'm trying to access a variable declared by previous command (inside a Makefile).
Here's the Makefile:
Here's the script declaring the variable I want to access,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Here's the script trying to access the variable previously defined,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $myVar
Unfortunately when I run make, myVar isn't accessible. Is there an other way around? Thanks.
Make will run each shell command in its own shell. And when the shell exits, its environment is lost.
If you want variables from one script to be available in the next, there are constructs which will do this. For example:
( . ./; ./ )
This causes Make to launch a single shell to handle both scripts.
Note also that you will need to export the variable in order for it to be visible in the second script; unexported variables are available only to the local script, and not to subshells that it launches.
UPDATE (per Kusalananda's comment):
If you want your shell commands to populate MAKE variables instead of merely environment variables, you may have options that depend on the version of Make that you are running. For example, in BSD make and GNU make, you can use "variable assignment modifiers" including (from the BSD make man page):
!= Expand the value and pass it to the shell for execution and
assign the result to the variable. Any newlines in the result
are replaced with spaces.
Thus, with BSD make and GNU make, you could do this:
$ cat Makefile
foo!= . ./; ./
#echo "foo=${foo}"
$ cat
export test=bar
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "$test"
$ make
Note that does not include any shebang because it's being sourced, and is therefore running in the calling shell, whatever that is. That makes the shebang line merely a comment. If you're on a system where the default shell is POSIX but not bash (like Ubuntu, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc), this should still work because POSIX shells should all understand the concept of exporting variables.
The two separate invocations of the scripts create two separate environments. The first script sets a variable in its environment and exits (the environment is lost). The second script does not have that variable in its environment, so it outputs an empty string.
You can not have environment variables pass between environments other than between the environments of a parent shell to its child shell (not the other way around). The variables passed over into the child shell are only those that the parent shell has export-ed. So, if the first script invoked the second script, the value would be outputted (if it was export-ed in the first script).
In a shell, you would source the first file to set the variables therein in the current environment (and then export them!). However, in Makefiles it's a bit trickier since there's no convenient source command.
Instead you may want to read this StackOverflow question.
EDIT in light of #ghoti's answer: #ghoti has a good solution, but I'll leave my answer in here as it explains a bit more verbosely about environment variables and what we can do and not do with them with regards to passing them between environments.

Passing an environment variable to a shell script from Fastlane

I'm running Fastlane (a continuous build tool for iOS) in order to execute a custom shell script for decrypting a file.
This is the command.
sh "./ ENV['ENCRYPTION_P12']"
I cannot figured out a way to pass the environment variable to that script. Obviously, if I hardcode the pwd into the script, it works correctly.
sh "./ mypwd"
Any suggestions?
Expanding From Within The Immediate Shell
Assuming that sh, here, is a fastlane command that invokes a shell command with the given argument as script text:
# as a fastlane directive
sh './ "$ENCRYPTION_P12"'
Note that if this were being literally invoked as a command line for /bin/sh, it would need a -c argument:
# in other contexts
sh -c './ "$ENCRYPTION_P12"'
Note that this absolutely depends on ENCRYPTION_P12 being an environment variable -- that is, exported to the environment by the system by which it was set.
Expanding from Within The Invoked Script
That said, if it is an environment variable, you have a better option: Just use it.
That is, inside, you can refer to "$ENCRYPTION_P12" without needing to set it explicitly, as the shell implicitly imports all environment variables as shell variables -- and they're passed down to child processes without any explicit actions needed.
Things to Avoid: Shell Injection Attacks
Finally, an aside: The dangerous way to do this would have been something like:
sh "./ #{ENV['ENCRYPTION_P12']}"
sh "./ \"#{ENV['ENCRYPTION_P12'}\""
sh "./ '#{ENV['ENCRYPTION_P12'}'"
...thereby substituting the value into your generated string at the Ruby level. This is dangerous, however, as that string is parsed as code -- meaning that contents of ENCRYPTION_P12 could then be leveraged in shell attacks.
For instance, consider the case (given below in bash syntax):
# this will make any of the above do Very Evil Things
ENCRYPTION_P12=$'$(rm -rf ~)\'$(rm -rf ~)\''
...for which both rms will execute if directly substituted into generated shell script (as opposed to expanded during parameter expansion -- '${foo}' -- which takes place after the expansion phases which make this dangerous have already passed).
The fastlane specific answer is
or, from within your Fastfile:
decrypted = sh("./decrypt" ENV[ENCRYPTION_P12])

How to run cd within bash script (outside of subshell)

I am writing a bash script (called and would like to change directories during the course of the script, depending on some variables, say cd /home/username/${FOO}/${BAR}.
Just running this as is doesn't work when the process exits, since the directory was changed in the subshell only.
My shell is tcsh. (Yeah, I know... not my choice here.) In my .cshrc file, I want to alias the keyword gotodir to
I have read that executing the script with a . or source prefix will cause the script to be run in the same shell (i.e. not a subshell).
I have tried putting the following in my .cshrc file:
alias gotodir . /home/username/bin/
but this results in the error: /bin/.: Permission denied.
I have also tried using source instead of .
alias gotodir source /home/username/bin/
but this results in the error: if: Expression Syntax.
How do I accomplish this using a bash script while running tcsh?
When you source a file from tcsh, it tcsh runs the commands. The #! is ignored as a comment because you're not running the file as a script, just reading commands from it as if they'd been entered at the shell prompt.
Your mission is doomed to failure. Only a tcsh cd command can change the current directory of a tcsh process.
But if you're willing to bend a little, you can write a script which runs as a separate process and outputs the name of the directory to cd to. Then set the alias like
alias gotodir 'cd `/blah/blah/thescript`'
Adding an argument is possible, but tricky. Alias arguments look like history expansion, with !:1 expanding to the first argument. But quotes don't protect the ! character. You have to backslash it to prevent it being expanded during creation of the aliase, so it can do its work during the execution of the alias.
alias gotodir 'cd `/blah/blah/thescript \!:1`'
Additional quoting may be required to handle arguments and directories with spaces in them.

Global environment variables in a shell script

How to set a global environment variable in a bash script?
If I do stuff like
export FOO=bar
...the vars seem to stay in the local context, whereas I'd like to keep using them after the script has finished executing.
Run your script with .
This will run the script in the current shell environment.
export governs which variables will be available to new processes, so if you say
export BAR=2
then $BAR will be available in the environment of, but $FOO will not.
When you run a shell script, it's done in a sub-shell so it cannot affect the parent shell's environment. You want to source the script by doing:
. ./
This executes it in the context of the current shell, not as a sub shell.
From the bash man page:
. filename [arguments]
source filename [arguments]
Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell
environment and return the exit status of the last command executed
from filename.
If filename does not contain a slash, file names in PATH are used to
find the directory containing filename.
The file searched for in PATH need not be executable. When bash is not
in POSIX mode, the current directory is searched if no file is found
in PATH.
If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off,
the PATH is not searched.
If any arguments are supplied, they become the positional parameters
when filename is executed.
Otherwise the positional parameters are unchanged. The return status
is the status of the last command exited within the script (0 if no
commands are executed), and false if filename is not found or cannot
be read.
source is also feasible.
Description for linux command source:
source is a Unix command that evaluates the file following the command,
as a list of commands, executed in the current context
export FOO=bar
export FOO
man export:
The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.
A common design is to have your script output a result, and require the cooperation of the caller. Then you can say, for example,
eval "$(yourscript)"
or perhaps less dangerously
cd "$(yourscript)"
This extends to tools in other languages besides shell script.
In your shell script, write the variables to another file like below and source these files in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
echo "export FOO=bar" >>
In your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, source it like below:
source Path-to-file/
You can then access it globally.
export FOO
