Is there any syntaxhighlighter for SAS? - syntax-highlighting

I need to post SAS code on my website. However, if I do write my HTML to highlight SAS cod it would take me a long time.
How can I transform the SAS code into nice looking HTML counterpart?

I would simply copy/paste from your editor into a rich text editor (ie, MS Word or similar) that is capable of producing an HTML file. Alternately, some text editors like UltraEdit are capable of doing SAS markup.

I just discovered that Gist actually supports SAS Syntax highlighting!
This is what you see if you create a file on Gist.
If you'd like to embed SAS codes into (say) a blog article (like myself), the way I usually do this is:
Create a Markdown file on Gist. For example, see this Gist Markdown file that I created ). Notice that an "embed link" is created for you:
In your website, already have the plugin oEmbed Gist already installed.
When you create a new blog post in Wordpress, in the body field (where you'd normally type out content of your blog post), simply copy and paste the Gist embedded link into the the body.
Publish that blog post and you shall see it renders beautifully!
(alternatively, if you wish to write your Wordpress blog post normally, and embed multiple Gist SAS codes, just simply save the gist files as .sas files (instead of one .md file), and embed multiple embed URLs (corresponding to each code blogs).
More info see this stackoverflow forum - where I learnt about the awesome Gist and Wordpress Gist oEmbed combo!

As of SAS Entreprise Guide v5.1, you can right-click on the editor window and select 'Copy HTML source to clipboard'.
You can then paste the HTML directly into the HTML source of your page.
Note that this may even work in earlier versions of the SAS Entreprise Guide - version 5.1 just happens to be the version I have installed.
Thanks to #otto for providing the original idea of using Enterprise Guide.

I have found no great solution. SAS does not seem to be supported by any of the javascript highlighters.
At least three text editors I know of can export coloured HTML to the clipboard (and hence your page, or Word or PowerPoint).
Emacs (ESS) (on Mac I use Aquamacs)
(possibly) SAS enhanced editor... not sure about this.
Another possibility is TextWrangler on Mac for which a SAS syntax colouring file is available. But I have not tried this. [update: it is not very good. many keywords missing.
A fifth possibility is SublimeText 3. It has a great syntax colouring plugin. It even gets
y = X * z ;
* but this really is a comment ;
coloured correcty.
The SAS colouring package is not included by default but is downloadable from
A trial version is free and ST is cross platform]
Somewhat off-topic -- but is the next question :-)
For preparing papers and documents there is a LaTeX package listings (which works if you use BeraMono instead of Courier) and a newer package based on it called SASnRdisplay. These packages produce great output and it is easy to add keywords. Also for listings you need to allow lowercase keywords with the sensitive=false option.

Can you use Enterprise Guide?
When I copy and paste from the EG edit window into something that supports rich text (word, an outlook email, etc), I get all of my colors and highlighting.
From here, you just have to grab the HTML and stick it online. It may not be the prettiest HTML (WYSIWYG output rarely is), but it works. In Outlook 2010, you can right click and "View Source" on any mails that have been sent/received (or as a trick, you can paste it into a blank email and then close it and view source in your "Drafts" folder).
As I said, it is some ugly HTML (and all on one line), but I'd assume that the output of any javascript highlighter is also fairly ugly:
<b><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:navy;background:white'>data</span></b><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'> test;<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=MsoNormal style='mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none'><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span></span><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:blue;background:white'>set</span><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'> test;<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=MsoNormal style='mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none'><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'><span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span></span><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:blue;background:white'>length</span><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'> fakevar $</span><b><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:teal;background:white'>16</span></b><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'>;<o:p></o:p></span></p><p class=MsoNormal><b><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:navy;background:white'>run</span></b><span style='font-family:"Courier New";color:black;background:white'>;</span><o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p>
You can see it rendered here:

I think you can the following:
Store your codes on
Use the embed URL code (provided in in your site as...(Run Code Snippet):
<script src=""></script>
*Maybe this isn't a 100% solution, but is good because when you update your code on Gist, the code will be updated in your website. Futhermore, if you use, you just copy the URL and paste in your page editor to see the code.

If you're creating your own HTML page (and find the gist solution undesirable), checkout CodeMirror.
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
mode: 'sas',
styleActiveLine: true,
lineNumbers: true,
readOnly: true
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- sas language mode -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- optional plugins -->
<script src=""></script>
<form><textarea id="code" name="code">
libname foo "/tmp/foobar";
%let count=1;
/* Multi line
data _null_;
* single comment;
if x=x2 then put "x must be 1";
else do;
put x=;
/* embedded comment
* comment;
proc glm data=sashelp.class;
class sex;
model weight = height sex;
proc sql;
select count(*)
from sashelp.class;
create table foo as
select * from sashelp.class;
select *
from foo;

And a sixth answer is pspad. Which has a SAS addin to get build capabilities.
SAS utils here:

maybe this repo helps.

Emacs can do this using Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS). There are two contexts which I find useful for editing SAS code. The first is sas-mode for editing whole SAS files, the second is using a source block within org-mode for literate programming.
I highly recommend reading the Emacs tutorial. If you've just installed Emacs, just open it and press Enter (on the 'Emacs Tutorial' link). Otherwise, press C-h t.
1. Install ESS
Press M-x list-packages and search for Emacs Speaks Statistics via C-s emacs speaks statistics. Press i to mark the package for install. Press x to install all marked packages.
2. Load ESS
To load ESS run M-: (require 'ess-site). For more details, refer to the install instructions.
SAS Mode
Load SAS mode within the current buffer via M-x sas-mode. This provides syntax highlighting according to your current theme. For example, this is a light theme.
Org Mode
Load org-mode via M-x org-mode. Create a source block by typing <s and pressing TAB to autocomplete. This creates a source code block:
Then type sas to let Org Mode know that the source code is SAS code.
To toggle syntax highlighting within the source block, run M-: (setq org-src-fontify-natively t).
Any code within the block then takes on the syntax highlighting for SAS. The coloring is dependent on your theme. This is an example of a dark theme:
Org-mode allows for exporting to HTML using C-c C-e h o. With htmlize, the syntax highlighting will be exported too.

If you want to merely highlight the code for programming purposes, then the best option for you as highlighted above is a text editor. I have worked on SAS for close to a decade across platforms and organizations. I find the old crimson editor the best as it is freeware, is very light and supports many functions that are typically needed.
To ensure SAS specific syntax highlighting, you need to select the sas keyword and syntax files. These files are provided with installation only.
Please follow the following steps
1. Install crimson editor (i am using version 3.70)
2. Click on Tools->Preferences->File->Syntax Type
3. In the syntax type, select the button with three dots on bottom right. It will give you a pop up and select sas.spc
4. In the Keywords, select the button with three dots on bottom right. It will give you a pop up and select sas.key
5. In the description type SAS
6. In the Top right frame/panel, select SAS from the last option
And you are good to go
Edit: The Crimson Editor can be obtained from

An old question an an old programming language, but maybe somebody (like me) is still interested in yet another answer:
How to generate SAS code highlighting using Notepad++
There is a [] (blog entry by SAS themselves) explaining how to use syntax highlighting for SAS code in Notepad++. It basically refers to a freely available Notepad++ plugin at
The next step is optional: You can export the highlighted code from Notepad++ to HTML using the NppExport plugin, see e.g.
How to highlight SAS code in VIM
There is a nice introduction on how to use VIM for editing SAS code from the SAS community:
The basic idea is that you obtain a syntax definition file for VIM and install that, see

To highlight text in a macro input the following line:
%macro __enable_eg_syntax_highlight; %mend __enable_eg_syntax_highlight;
So where everything was just black the above line will bring back the SAS formatting.
Regards Terry


Pasting HTML into CKEDITOR

How can you paste HTML directly into a CKEDITOR without clicking source? I can test that the settings support the tags I paste because it works if I paste after clicking "source." I've tried "full html" input type and my custom text input type.
But if I paste directly the code gets cleaned/converted.
For example this:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Louisiana has a chance to have a really great Governor in #EddieRispone. Auto insurance costs and taxes will be coming way down with Eddie, and your 2nd Amendment will be protected. Current Democrat governor has done a really poor job! VOTE EARLY FOR EDDIE!</p>— Donald J. Trump (#realDonaldTrump) November 2, 2019</blockquote>
renders as this (unless pasted into source):
You have to use the source button to EDIT the source code.
The code you're trying to put is only usable in html. So your script is going to read this as TEXT and not as HTML like you cant. You have to put it via the source code button.
Or you can use PHP to parse your document but it's not the easiest way to do this.

Can you sort the code snippets table?

In Xcode 5, can you sort the list of code snippets?
I've made one of my own and it's down at the bottom. I'd rather have it be up at the top.
One cannot automatically sort the snippets. One can go into the snippet file and reorder the snippets. System snippets are always presented first so to move a user snippet to the top one would copy the data for the snippet between the dictionary tags (....) to the top of the system snippets.
How to do it
Be advised that it is likely one would lose the ordered snippets when Xcode is upgraded so this should be considered but here is the way to force the issue:
Backup the affected system snippet file
for safety
User snippets are stored as a series of xml files located in the
following directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/
Create a user snippet
Go to the user snippets folder and open the file just created with a
text editor (these are just xml files so TextEdit, TextMate, et al
will do)
Copy the user snippet between the ... tags
Paste the user snippet data into the system snippet data at the top
Why you should avoid doing it
Changes will likely be lost when Xcode is updated
You can and should create a shortcut that will allow you to type the
entire snippet into code easily
Your title of the snippet is also searchable (making the snippets easy to find)
What is the alternative
I suggest you open an enhancement request at to ask Apple to make a sort option available.

How to enable Mathematica syntax highlighting for MediaWiki using extension "SyntaxHighlight GeSHi"?

I'd like to syntax highlight Mathematica code on a MediaWiki site. I've already installed
the MediaWiki extension SyntaxHighlight GeSHi and verified that it works for other languages.
I tried simply putting a Mathematica langauge data file mathematica.php into MediaWiki's extension path wiki/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/geshi, however it didn't correctly highlight a Mathematica code block such as:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Mathematica">
(* this is a comment *)
List[Sin[x], Cos[x], Tan[x]];
Any ideas?
I do not see Mathematica listed as a supported language at, so I suppose GeSHi simply doesn't know it. I suppose you could contribute the respective highlighting code to the geshi project, if you like.
you need modify geshi.php, function get_language_name_from_extension to be specific, for added language definition to be recognized.

Cannot add inline image/picture to a Rich Text control

I have a Rich Text control bound to a Body field in my Domino Document data source ... all is good for formatting text , :) emoticons and the usual stuff. The problem is when I try to paste or upload an inline image I get the following error shown in the inline image (hmmmm, works here) ...
Most likely a mis-understanding of the steps:
Select the file
Click on upload image (<-- that one gets lost on lots of users)
Click OK
For a more advanced user experience:
Use the RichText Editor Evolution from OpenNTF. That makes your life much easier.

Sublime Text 2 - Autocomplete questions

I'm loving Sublime text but there are a few things I'd like to configure on the auto-complete:
HTML: Auto-completion of attributes within tags
When adding a class attribute to a div I have to do control+space to get the auto-complete list, is there a way of bringing that up automatically when adding attributes to tags?
HTML: Adding equals and quotes
When auto-completing the class attribute I then have to type the equals and quotes, can they be added automatically?
CSS: Auto-completion of property values
When I autocomplete a property, e.g. position I then have to add a space and press control+space or start typing to get the values autocomplete list. Is there a way of showing this list straight after the property autocomplete?
I've tried searching for an existing solution but can't find one, so I'm hoping there are some config files that I can amend! Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Try control + shift + p -> set syntax HTML in order to get auto-completion on html tags
also install: (streamlines package installation process)
and emmet: (makes writing html/css x times faster)
for more information on configuring sublime text you could check:
Definitively for autocompletion install first Package Control and them Emmet from the Palette Command, just search "emmet" and Enter.
If you don't have Package Control installed, do that first. Next find the Tag package through Package Control via ST2 and install it. I believe that's the one you're looking for, otherwise Emmet (Zen Coding) could be the one I'm thinking of. Either way, make sure your document syntax is set to HTML.

