sort by size opencart - sorting

I'm trying to add a new sorting method i'e "sort by height" in opencart.
A.location is:catalog/model/catalog/product.php -> added p.height here
$sort_data = array(
B. in the same file
elseif($data['sort'] == 'p.height' ){
$sql .= " ORDER BY(" . $data['sort'] . ")ASC";
/*$sql .= "SELECT * FROM". DB_PREFIX . "product p ORDER BY p.height DESC";*/
C. location is:/catalog/controller/product/category.php
$this->data['sorts'][] = array(
'text' => $this->language->get('text_size_asc'),
'value' => 'height-ASC',
'href' => $this->url->link('product/category', 'path=' . $this->request->get['path'] . '&sort=height&order=ASC' . $url)
Result is i can see "sort by height" in option but nothing happens when i select it returns the default sort value.
Can any one suggest where i am doing wrong?

It should be p.height-ASC not height-ASC For the 'value' key otherwise it does not recognise it. You also need to change &sort=height to &sort=p.height in the 'url' key


Excel file with Multiple Sheets in Laravel-Excel 3.1 -> Import Original and Store + Store Individual sheets after cell validations

Thanks for the reaching out to my question, but i have got a problem, I'm trying to Import an excel file with multiple sheets.
Find sheets by some cell-value validation, like if on cell E7, i have a value, store this sheet as separate file. I'm doing mapping() for cell values, and then trying to use Excel::store to save each individual sheet separately. Can't receive any data for individual sheets
Also store the original file. This works!
The issue is, i can't receive any data for storing individual-sheets as excel files, i can create the individual excel files, but no data is being received, or maybe i'm not using the right data-format mentioned on documentation.
Please also check the code. Any help would be appreciated.
public function mapping(): array
return [
'altafit_id' => 'E7',
'year' => 'B3',
'initial_month' => 'B4',
'final_month' => 'B5',
public function model(array $row)
// dd($row);
$name = $row['altafit_id'];
$year = $row['year'];
$initial_month = $row['initial_month'];
$final_month = $row['final_month'];
$file_type = 'club';
// dd(collect((object) $row));
Excel::store(collect((object) $row), 'P&L_' . $name . '_' . $year . '_' . $initial_month . '_06' . ',clubs' . ',' . $initial_month . ',' . $final_month . '.' . 'xls', 'public');
return new Files([
//'user_id' => $row['user_id'],
'file_name' => 'P&L_' . $name . '_' . $year . '_' . $initial_month . '_06' . ',clubs' . ',' . $initial_month . ',' . $final_month . '.' . 'xls',
'file_type' => $file_type
Already check the documentation, but doesn't work for me.

laravel deserialize/decode job raw body

i'm experiencing one problem here. Sample will speak for it self.
Queue::after(function (JobProcessed $event) {
$job_details = json_decode($event->job->getRawBody(), true);
This is how $job_details looks like:
'displayName' => 'App\\Jobs\\CommandJob',
'job' => 'Illuminate\\Queue\\CallQueuedHandler#call',
'maxTries' => 10,
'timeout' => NULL,
'data' =>
array (
'commandName' => 'App\\Jobs\\CommandJob',
'command' => 'O:19:"App\\Jobs\\CommandJob":9:{s:32:"' . "\0" . 'App\\Jobs\\CommandJob' . "\0" . 'commandName";N;s:30:"' . "\0" . 'App\\Jobs\\CommandJob' . "\0" . 'arguments";N;s:28:"' . "\0" . 'App\\Jobs\\CommandJob' . "\0" . 'command";s:20:"google:get-campaigns";s:5:"tries";i:10;s:32:"' . "\0" . 'App\\Jobs\\CommandJob' . "\0" . 'nextCommand";a:1:{i:0;s:19:"google:get-adgroups";}s:6:"' . "\0" . '*' . "\0" . 'job";N;s:10:"connection";N;s:5:"queue";s:11:"update_data";s:5:"delay";N;}',
I would like to get some params from $job_details['data']['command'].
Is there some simple way to do this , or i need some home made soultion ?
$event->job->getRawBody returns a string so you can't write $job_details['data']['command'] and you will end up with Illegal string offset error.
I am using Laravel 5.4 and i have managed to retrieve my Job instance using $event->job->payload() then applying the unserialize method according to the documentation.
So what i did is :
$payload = $event->job->payload();
$myJob = unserialize($payload['data']['command']);
//... Just work with $myJob as if it were your job class
The $job_details["data"]["command"] is a string generated from serialize($value). You can unserialize($str) it to create the job object represented by your string. You will then have access to the properties according to the usual visibility rules.
$job = unserialize($job_details["data"]["command"]);
dump($job->queue;) // "update_data"
I was having error with an email that contained some space in it. To fix the problem and send it, I had to decode the payload of the failed jobs and remove the space in the email.
To do so, in php artisan tinker
// take some specific failed jobs
$failed_job = DB::table('failed_jobs')->where('id', $your_job_id)->first();
$payload = json_decode($failed_job->payload);
$obj = unserialize($payload->data->command);
// here I have the user content, I can see the wrong email
$user = $obj->notifiables;
//update email and save
$user->email = "newemail#something"
As the last step, push again the jobs into the queue.

How to filter {ITEM_TITLE} and {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} osclass keywords before using them in emails?

How to filter {ITEM_TITLE} and {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} osclass keywords before using them in emails?
I want to apply a function on the item_title and item_description before using them in emails.
Title: Sell bmw_ x5__
To become
Sell bmw x5
without changing the database values
I have the function
removeunderline(argument) that works, I only need to know from where to call it or where to use it.
(Osclass forums are blocked for new users, that's why I ask here)
Put removeunderline() at {ITEM_TITLE} and {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} values.
$words = array();
$words[] = array(
$words[] = array(
removeunderline($item['s_description']), // here
removeunderline($item['s_title']), // here
'<a href="' . $validation_url . '" >' . $validation_url . '</a>',
'' . $edit_url . '',
'' . $delete_url . '',
Do the same for all {ITEM_TITLE} in this file (10 replacements).
Do the same for all {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} in this file (3 replacements).

Catalog Price Rules applied to special_price

First question on stackoverflow...i am excited :)
Currently magento is using the special price if its lower than the applied catalog price rule. If the catalog price rule makes the product cheaper than the special price, then the catalog price rule defines the shop price.
I am looking for an elegant way to make catalog price rules be applied
to the special price (additionally). Maybe there is some store config for it? Maybe
there is some neat observer way?
Thank you so much!
Works up to current Magento Just tested it in a project after update. Josef tried another approach which might work as well.
I am sad to say, I solved my first real stackoverflow question for my own:
Goto Mage_CatalogRule_Model_Resource_Rule
Goto method _getRuleProductsStmt
Add this to the initial select of the method before the first original ->from:
$select->from(null, array('default_price' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CASE
WHEN pp_default_special.value THEN pp_default_special.value ELSE
pp_default_normal.value END")));
Add this after the first join() has happened
$specialPriceAttr = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')
->getAttribute(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY, 'special_price');
$specialPriceTable = $specialPriceAttr->getBackend()->getTable();
$specialPriceAttributeId= $specialPriceAttr->getId();
$joinCondition2 = '%1$s.entity_id=rp.product_id AND (%1$s.attribute_id=' . $specialPriceAttributeId . ')
AND %1$s.store_id=%2$s';
sprintf($joinCondition2, 'pp_default_special', Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID), null
How it works:
When a catalog price rule is applied (via backend or cron) the db table catalogrule_product_price is populated. The above SQL magic joins the special_price (if exists) to the resultset as column default_value, if no special_price is found the regular price gets joined.
The result has been checked and is working.
Have fun! And dont hack the core!
There seem to be some changes in newer Magento releases!
For 1.9 i had to:
copy app/code/core/Mage/CatalogRule/Model/Action/Index/Refresh.php to app/code/local/Mage/CatalogRule/Model/Action/Index/Refresh.php
Change _prepareTemporarySelect.
I post the function in full here. Joins for special_price are added and then the price added to the selection of the price field. It still prefers group prices, becuas I never use them, but that can be changed easily!
function _prepareTemporarySelect(Mage_Core_Model_Website $website)
/** #var $catalogFlatHelper Mage_Catalog_Helper_Product_Flat */
$catalogFlatHelper = $this->_factory->getHelper('catalog/product_flat');
/** #var $eavConfig Mage_Eav_Model_Config */
$eavConfig = $this->_factory->getSingleton('eav/config');
$priceAttribute = $eavConfig->getAttribute(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY, 'price');
$specialPriceAttr = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')->getAttribute(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY, 'special_price');
$specialPriceTable = $specialPriceAttr->getBackend()->getTable();
$specialPriceAttributeId = $specialPriceAttr->getId();
$select = $this->_connection->select()->from(array(
'rp' => $this->_resource->getTable('catalogrule/rule_product')
) , array())->joinInner(array(
'r' => $this->_resource->getTable('catalogrule/rule')
) , 'r.rule_id = rp.rule_id', array())->where('rp.website_id = ?', $website->getId())->order(array(
'pg' => $this->_resource->getTable('catalog/product_attribute_group_price')
) , 'pg.entity_id = rp.product_id AND pg.customer_group_id = rp.customer_group_id' . ' AND pg.website_id = rp.website_id', array())->joinLeft(array(
'pgd' => $this->_resource->getTable('catalog/product_attribute_group_price')
) , 'pgd.entity_id = rp.product_id AND pgd.customer_group_id = rp.customer_group_id' . ' AND pgd.website_id = 0', array());
$storeId = $website->getDefaultStore()->getId();
if ($catalogFlatHelper->isEnabled() && $storeId && $catalogFlatHelper->isBuilt($storeId))
'p' => $this->_resource->getTable('catalog/product_flat') . '_' . $storeId
) , 'p.entity_id = rp.product_id', array());
$priceColumn = $this->_connection->getIfNullSql($this->_connection->getIfNullSql('pg.value', 'pgd.value') , $this->_connection->getIfNullSql('p.special_price', 'p.price'));
'pd' => $this->_resource->getTable(array(
) , 'pd.entity_id = rp.product_id AND pd.store_id = 0 AND pd.attribute_id = ' . $priceAttribute->getId() , array())->joinLeft(array(
'pspd' => $specialPriceTable
) , 'pspd.entity_id = rp.product_id AND (pspd.attribute_id=' . $specialPriceAttributeId . ')' . 'AND pspd.store_id = 0', array())->joinLeft(array(
'p' => $this->_resource->getTable(array(
) , 'p.entity_id = rp.product_id AND p.store_id = ' . $storeId . ' AND p.attribute_id = pd.attribute_id', array())->joinLeft(array(
'psp' => $specialPriceTable
) , 'psp.entity_id = rp.product_id AND (psp.attribute_id=' . $specialPriceAttributeId . ')' . 'AND psp.store_id = ' . $storeId, array());
$priceColumn = $this->_connection->getIfNullSql($this->_connection->getIfNullSql('pg.value', 'pgd.value') , $this->_connection->getIfNullSql('psp.value', $this->_connection->getIfNullSql('pspd.value', $this->_connection->getIfNullSql('p.value', 'pd.value'))));
'grouped_id' => $this->_connection->getConcatSql(array(
) , '-') ,
'product_id' => 'rp.product_id',
'customer_group_id' => 'rp.customer_group_id',
'from_date' => 'r.from_date',
'to_date' => 'r.to_date',
'action_amount' => 'rp.action_amount',
'action_operator' => 'rp.action_operator',
'action_stop' => 'rp.action_stop',
'sort_order' => 'rp.sort_order',
'price' => $priceColumn,
'rule_product_id' => 'rp.rule_product_id',
'from_time' => 'rp.from_time',
'to_time' => 'rp.to_time'
return $select;
I fixed it in another way. It was just easy to put into the price field for example 100 and then into special price field 90 when there was 10% discount on product page but now I removed special price from product page and just created catalog price rule 10% discount to that product(s) and now other rules also work:)

Export comments from fb:comments

I'm a little desperate about this. I have a site with a comments box with around 183000 comments that I want to backup. But every time I do an fql.query, I only get 100 items. I had tried:
SELECT xid, object_id, post_id, time, text, id FROM comment WHERE xid='bdatapoyo' ORDER BY time DESC
and after that, using the last "time"
SELECT xid, object_id, post_id, time, text, id FROM comment WHERE xid='bdatapoyo' AND time >= xxxxxxx ORDER BY time DESC
but the latter only gives me one comment..
I made an PHP page with this code, but again, it only grabs 100 items:
require 'php-sdk/src/facebook.php';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => 'XXXXXXXXXX',
'secret' => 'XXXXXXXXXX',
'cookie' => true,
$conexion = mysql_connect("localhost", "XXXX", "XXXX");
mysql_select_db("TVN", $conexion);
$time_old = "1315070888";
do {
$fql = "SELECT fromid,time,text FROM comment WHERE xid='bdatapoyo' AND time >= " . $time_old . " ORDER BY time";
$response = $facebook->api(array(
'method' => 'fql.query',
'query' =>$fql,
foreach($response as $key => $value) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO comment (text, uuid, time) VALUES ('" . $value["text"] . "', '" . $value["fromid"] . "', '" . $value["time"] . "')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$time_old = $response[count($response)-1]["time"];
} while (count($response) > 0);
OK, I was able to pull this out with LIMIT and OFFSET. The correct FQL is
SELECT fromid,time,text FROM comment WHERE xid='bdatapoyo' LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
and then paging with the OFFSET
is this code setup to import every single comment to a db from all users on your site? What is xid=bdatapoyo?
