Disqus Comment Count Not Always Passing URL with AJAX - ajax

Basically in a nut shell I'm using AJAX to pass through say 30 items in an infinite scroll/masonry setup. In my AJAX file, one of the lines basically is requesting the WEB URL + the Unique Key for the page + the Disqus Hash Tag at the end to get the comment count for the page and to display this on the index. E.g. it looks like this
For some reason, I'm getting mixed results. Sometimes, I will get results for all of the items as I scroll down and they load with masonry. Other times I will get no comment count and it will simply be blank for all of the items loaded via masonry. It's very sporadic and doesn't always pass the value through.
I know I could use the API and do some more complicated things, but for my purpose I'm simply looking to get a post count for the relevant URL and display it, that's all.
Any tips on why this passes and other times it does not? Everything else in my page seems in order.


Link change SESSION var

I have a listing page for an e-commerce website with various items (item_list.php). This page is generated with a PHP loop and displays each item inside a <li> element. Every item is a link to the same page, called item_details.php .
When clicking on the link i want to run a script that changes a SESSION var to a certain $id (which will be excracted from the <li> itself with .innerHTML function) and then allowing the browser to move into the next page (item_details).
This is needed so i can display the proper information about each item.
I think this is possible with Ajax but I would prefer a solution that uses JS and PHP only.
(P.S.This is for a University project and im still a PHP newbie, i tried searching for an answer for a good while but couldn't find a solution)
No JS or other client-side code can set session values, so you need either an ajax call to php, or some workaround. This is not a complete answer, but something to get you thinking and hopefully going on the project again.
The obvious answer is just include it in the link and then get it in PHP from the $_GET -array, and filter it properly.
item title
If, however, there is some reason this is not a question with an obvious answer:
1.) Closest what you're after can be achieved with a callback and an ajax call. The idea is to have the actual link with a click function, returning false so the link doesn't fire at once, which also calls an ajax post request which finally will use document.location to redirect your browser.
I strongly advice against this, as this will prevent ctrl-clicks causing a flawed user experience.
Check out some code an examples here, which you could modify. You will also need an ajax.php file which will actually set the session value. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#product-click
2.) Now, a perhaps slightly better approach, if you truly need to do this client-side could be to use an click handler which instead of performing an ajax call or setting session directly, would be to use jQuery to set a cookie and then access this data on the item_list.php -page.
See more information and instructions here: https://www.electrictoolbox.com/jquery-cookies/
$('product_li a).click(function(){
$.cookie("li_click_data", $(this).parent().innerhtml());
return true;
<li class="product_li">your product title</li>
And in your target php file you check for the cookie. Remember, that this cookie can be set to anything, so never ever trust user data. Test and filter it in order to make sure your code is not compromised. I don't know what you want to do with this data.
3.) Finally, as the best approach, you should look at your current code, and see if there is something you can re-engineer. Here's a quick example.
You could do the following in php to save an array of the values in the session on each page load, and then get that value provided you have some kind of id or other usable identifier for your items:
// for list_items.php
foreach($item as $i) {
// Do what you normally do, but also set an array in the session.
// Presuming you have an id or some other means (here as item_id), to identify
// an item, then you can also access this array on the item_details -page.
$_SESSION['mystic_item_data_array'][$i['item_id]] = $i['thedata'];
// For item_details.php
$item_id = // whatever means you use to identify items, get that id.
$data_you_need = $_SESSION['mystic_item_data_array'][$item_id];
All above ways are usable for small data like previous page, filters, keys and similar.
Basically, 1 and 2 (client-side) should only be used, if the data is actually generated client-side. If you have it in PHP already, then process it in php as well.
If your intention is to store actual html, then just regenerate that again on the other page and use one of the above ways to store the small data in case you need that.
I hope this gets you going and at least thinking of how to solve your project. Good luck!

Yahoo Pipes to loop through all pages

I am looking to pull job postings from a site that has multiple pages of postings. I can pull the content from one page
On a simple example I can get it to iterate and grab page content (this is a simple example site base)
However when I take the first example and try to clean the data (I can't use the Xpath filter to grab the HTML id and I cand seem to find a way to limit the scope elsewhere. Here is what I am trying (regex, rename...):
Any thoughts?

Symfony2, doctrine2, session, best way to paginate search page

Let's imagine we have simple data and want to make pagination of it. It's not hard to do, simple _GET var with page number others doctrine with offset will allow us to do it in easy way, BUT How should it look like in search page? Let me explain.
For example we have simple route with /search url. Where we have form for our search. When use input string we user POST method on same page and will get result. Simple enough but if we add pagination here it become a problem with storing "inputed string".
If we store in session on search query it will be solution BUT... it's not. Why? User input search string - get result with pagination (here search string already in session) after that leave the page (or close browser, or left to another page). When he will return data from session will show him 'result of old query'...
So question is, what is the best practice for such situation? I want simple search query + pagination of it but if user left page - clear result.
Using POST instead of GET for search query is kinda unusual and not really safe. Since search query operations are read-only you should use GET to access/get the data. POST is used for updating or creating resources.
And how you will go back/forward in the pagination (using browser's buttons)? You always will be getting an alert box. AND you cannot share/bookmark the search query url.
BTW to answer your question, sessions and hidden input fields would be the way to go. You also can use a combination of get and post
When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

Scraping pages with asynchronous responses with Hpricot

I'm trying to scrape a page but the initial response has nothing in the body as the content is pumped in asynchronously, e.g. the results from a search on the apple website: http://www.apple.com/uk/search/?q=searching+for+something&sec=global
Any ideas on how I can successfully grab the results from the search with hpricot?
When the search page you refer to is loaded, it makes a request via javascript/ajax to some other location, then populates the search results. This is what you're seeing in the page. Hpricot itself can't help you here because it has no way to interpret the javascript that comes with the page in order to fetch the actual search results list.
Now, if what you're interested in are the search results, you'd need to analyze a bit what happens when you enter that page and type a search query. Some javascript in the page takes your query, and calls (via XMLHttpRequest or similar, AJAX techniques) some other script in Apple's server. This is the one that actually does the search in a database and returns the result.
I suggest you install Firefox with the Firebug plugin, or some other way of seeing the actual requests a page and its javascript components send and / or receive. You'll see that, for the search page you referred, it fetches two parts: First, the "featured" results that come from this URL:
Notice the search string is in the "q" parameter.
Second, a long results list comes from here:
These both are XML documents; you might have better luck parsing these URLs with Hpricot.

Web Programming with AJAX, Problem with caching (I think)

Web programmer here - using AJAX (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP, MySQL), but for some reason Internet Explorer is acting up (surprise surprise).
AJAX is updating query results on the HTML page, via a PHP script that queries a MySQL Database.
Everything is working fine, except when I use Internet Explorer 8.0 .
There are several php scripts, which allow for the data to be ordered according to certain criteria, and for testing purposes I have attached the mktime field (current time, in the format HH:MM:SS) to the beginning of the results for each query.
When I use IE, these times appear to remain constant, whereas with ALL other browsers these times are correct and display the current time.
I think the issue has something to do with caching or something along those lines anyway.
Any thoughts or suggestions welcome...
Here is an article on the caching issue.
If your request is a GET change it to a POST, this will prevent the results being cached.
GET requests are cached in IE; switch it to a POST request and it won't be cached anymore.
Instead of switching to POST, which can be ugly if you're not really using it to update or create content, you should append a random number to the query string, as in http://domain.com/ajax/some-request?r=123456. If this number is unique for every request you won't have caching problems.
What I have done is, I have kept the "GET" and added new dummy query parameter to the querystring as follows,
I set dummyParam a value of date object in the javascript so that every time the url is generated browser will treat it as a new url and fetch new (fresh) results.
var d = new Date();
url = url + '&dummyParam='+d.valueOf();
So instead of generating some random numbers this is easy way!
