I tried to add jasper reports library (net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:5.2.0) as a maven dependency to my project , unfortunately one of it's dependencies com.lowagie:itext:2.1.7.js2 is a little bit untypical and cannot be located in maven central. I've found, however, that it's available at http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/maven2/com/lowagie/itext/ .
My questions are:
What is the purpose of jaspersoft custom-build of iText? Patches?
Is it safe to use regular iText library, version 2.1.7 found in maven central repo?
Since the iText license changed from MPL/LGPL Jasper Report couldn't upgrade. So according to the LGPL they supplied a jar file with their changes.
You may ask what changes are:
they added a pom.xml (not relevant in your case)
they did a minor change to the ant.properties for their own version numbering (not relevant in your case)
patched the PdfGraphics2D.java file (fixed a transparency bug)
The change is about the currentFillGState, Lines 1089, 1490, 1616-1628.
What this means for you is difficult to tell but you have the following possibilities:
exchange the patched.jar with the default and run (extensive) tests
add the patched.jar to your repository
add the public jasper report repo to your repo (http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/maven2)
and as others pointed out ask jr folks for further details, e.g. here would be a start:
It's a long story. My current place uses Ant for builds. They create about 20 different foundation class jars that are used in multiple projects. Originally, the projects would check in the particular versions of the various jars they needed and then never updated them. That meant that each application had incompatible jars with other projects and our servers. Hilarity ensued.
To handle this, I immediately brought in a Maven repository, and integrated Ivy into our Ant builds. No more checking in jars. Instead, you fetch the correct version from the Maven repository. Originally, I expected the developers to keep the version numbers in the ivy.xml up to date, but they never did. Instead, the Ivy integration and setup depends upon an external Subversion project. This allowed me to integrate Ivy with minimal changes to the old build.xml files. I added a ivy.version.properties file to that external ivy project and maintain the version numbers of various jars in there. There's a corporate wide version number.
The various projects use the ${corporate.version} property for our foundation jars version numbers. When I update that ivy.version.properties file, all projects get updated with the right version number for our foundation classes. We use <ivy:makepom> to generate a pom.xml for our projects and use this to deploy our jars and wars into our Maven repository.
The result: I no longer have to worry about the developers keeping the version numbers of their projects in sync. I, as the release engineer handle that by updating that one ivy.version.properties file. All projects are in sync.
Now, we're moving to Maven, and I want to be able to do the same thing. I doubt developers will remember to update their pom.xml with the correct version numbers, so I want to read that in from another file, and use that.
There are two issues: One is that Maven first reads in the version number of a project before it executes any goal. No version number in the pom.xml, no version number for the generated jar.
Even if I manage to get by that first step, we have the fact that the pom.xml has no version number in it for foundation classes. When Maven pulls down the pom.xml to get the dependencies, it can't figure out which revision.
Yes, I could put that into a corporate pom.xml and have that as a parent project for all of the other projects. We already have a parent project to help set up various aspect of all projects. I could put a foundation class version number in there. However, that means that the developers now have to update the parent project's version number with each release. If developers can't be trusted to update the version number of their project with each release, what makes you think they'll do that with the parent's version for each release?
I know other people must have run into a similar issue. How do you handle this?
I could have an Ant script that generates the pom.xml from a template pom.xml, but that seems a bit silly.
I was wondering if is it possible for Maven to generate a pom.xml on the fly and then to use that to continue the executing the right goal. For example, I type in mvn package, and Maven will take a template.pom.xml file, fill in the missing version numbers to generate a generated.pom.xml file, then execute mvn package on that generated pom.
Or, is there a better way to solve this issue? Basically, I need to control the version number of our releases across all projects. This way, all projects are using the same version of our foundation classes. Also, I control some other versions of other jars (like log4j) this way. I've done this with Ant and Ivy, and now I want to move to Maven.
I think the best option is to create a pom.xml with all the dependencies to your packages in its and then import it in your developer project paren pom.xml using import
So, in the project parent POM:
So for new set of foundation libraries, you deploy a new pom.xml with all the versions in it and update the ${corporate.version} in the relevant parent pom.xml file. You can even have when the versions are not yet fixed define a -SNAPSHOT artifact with these version numbers.
for more information, see: https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html#Importing_Dependencies
We actually have the same kind of problem and I know that there is trade-off between "lazy programmers" who never update their poms and the stability aspect: Changing the versions of the foundation jars "suddenly" which may cause unexpected build fails.
If you really want the behaviour you describe, I would put the desired dependencies into a SNAPSHOT pom and use it either as a parent pom or import it as a BOM. In this way, you can change the content and everybody pulls in the new content with the next update.
I've decided that this a stupid idea and should never have been done. It's the developers' responsibility to update their own damn POM and make sure they're pulling the correct version. This is the way it really should be and developers should simply learn to do it (what's the technical term? ...oh yeah) the Correct Way.
I originally implemented this because the company had something like this (which wasn't working) and I had problems getting the developers to do what should be their job. And, the developers liked it because I was now officially responsible when something goes wrong rather than them. It's what you get when you do someone else's job.
I've convinced the company to stop trying to keep all our core jars (the jars used in our other projects) and our releases at the same version number. Instead, every project will have its own versioning. Jars will version only when there's an actual change and not when we force an upgrade to the version. And, the developers must know what versions of the various jars they depend upon.
Use the maven-release-plugin. This plugin can stamp a version number on all pom.xml files. The plugin also understands version control and knows how to tag a maven project for release (or branching).
An old legacy project in my team is being salvaged for any usable part, one of its dependency is play-json_2.10 with a version number 2.2. However since its too old, its missing from all the major repository, including typesafe and sonatype central. The only place i can find it is on github:
I could download it and manually save it to a local maven repo but my team mate won't be able to see it after checking out my commit. Is there a way to make maven downloading from github and put source code somewhere? Thanks a lot.
i have following requirement.
i need to download the latest version of artifact from custom nexus repository rather than snapshot repository.
please suggest
To get the latest version of any artifact, just omit the <version> tag from the dependency. This way maven will always fetch the latest version of this artifact from the remote repo.
Warning: Keep in mind that this is not the preferred way to handle dependencies nor it is the proper flow of dependency management. By keeping the version number open ended, there is a very high probability that your project may fetch a particular version of any library that is now not backward compatible and may break your functionality in the project. It is, therefore, always recommended to specify a particular version number of all artifacts that are required for any application and when updating any library version, one should properly test it.
For maven3 you can use the facility of an open ended version tag. Something like this
Take a look into this page for further details about version ranges
According to this issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-3092 snapshots cannot be excluded (at least until this is fixed).
I'm not new to maven. but I don't know why my maven use 1.1.1 version of maven-plugin, hornet-maven-plugin. the reason I say about the version is that the repository doesn't have the version. So I think I have to change the version of plugin that the repository has.
the soure code is here( https://github.com/verystrongjoe/hornetq/tree/master/examples/jms/clustered-queue ).
I downloaded that to my local disk. and I imported to my eclipse.
but the result was an error like below.
Failure to find org.hornetq:hornetq-maven-plugin:pom:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT in http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public was cached in the local
repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of jboss-public-repository-group has elapsed or updates are forced
If you go to the repository http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public , there are 1.1.0 or 1.0.0.
please let me explain about this.. thanks in adavance.
You can see the answer on Line 716 of the super-POM:
It sounds like you might not be knowledgeable enough to work on the edge of the github source. Perhaps you should work with one of the recent release tags instead?
You are forking and trying to work with an in-development SNAPSHOT version of HornetQ. That normally requires more work than using released versions. Tip one: consider working only with released versions of HQ.
If not, be aware that:
HornetQ does not release *-SNAPSHOT versions of artifacts to Maven repositories. That is the reason you won't find them at that JBoss Maven repository. BTW, See here for comments with regards to figuring out dependencies of HornetQ examples https://github.com/hornetq/hornetq#recreating-the-examples
See here about the minimal instructions of using the SNAPSHOT version of the hornetq-maven-plugin https://github.com/hornetq/maven-hornetq-plugin/blob/master/README.md
Please notice that the content of each of those links is small. I could have copied their content here but I didn't. My point is: these projects have README files which address your issues, you should always check the README.
I have a maven project and respective pom.xml files. it is just a ear file, which is getting generated with my proejct name. but i want it dyanmic with projectname_datetime.ear file using pom.xml. Can you please give me a static example which will create a ear file with current dateand time of build number with major_minor or something link that.
Thanks in Advance.
See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2077869/116509. You'll also need to add
However you should use probably be using -SNAPSHOT version numbers during development. If you want to be able to a refer to a definitive version, you can release that version. It's also possible to refer to a specific snapshot, see http://mojo.codehaus.org/versions-maven-plugin/examples/lock-snapshots.html.
If you are using svn for your source code management, Codehaus' buildnumber-maven-plugin may be used to put the svn revision number into the manifest of any artifact you build, including snapshots. The plugin has a goal to format timestamps too, if you need it.