How to download artifacts from github using maven? - maven

An old legacy project in my team is being salvaged for any usable part, one of its dependency is play-json_2.10 with a version number 2.2. However since its too old, its missing from all the major repository, including typesafe and sonatype central. The only place i can find it is on github:
I could download it and manually save it to a local maven repo but my team mate won't be able to see it after checking out my commit. Is there a way to make maven downloading from github and put source code somewhere? Thanks a lot.


Unable to browse artifacts on Nexus Repository ManagerOSS 3.3.0-01

I have created a maven plugin, this is dependent on a series of JARS. i have uploaded these JARs and poms to the relevant location on the server under nexus-data/blobs/maven-thirdparty/{group-id}.
when i run a task to "Rebuild Maven repository metadata" and "Rebuild repository index" these files does not appear when i try and browse the files http://{nexus-server}:port/#browse/browse/assets.
How can i have nexus server recognize the files in the repository?
i will look to that in future. I posted this same question to Sonatype forum and they assisted me with a utility that assists with this and it worked perfectly.
Thanks to Peter Lynch -
What you are trying to do will not work, although it did in Nexus Repo 2. There currently is no mechanism for adding jars in to the blobstore in this way. We've intentionally added the blobstore and all that goes along with it so that we can do more fun things with searching, metadata, etc... that were much more difficult with a system that just has files on a path. What I might suggest instead is using something like this:
Nexus Exchange - Nexus Repository Import Scripts
GitHub Repo for Scripts
That should help you get the JARs into Nexus Repository 3, into a repo of your choice. I maintain that repo, so if you run into issues, create an issue and I'll see what I can do to help you out! ~Sonatype Community Nerd

How can I show the latest artefact version on bitbucket ReadME?

I have a private repository hosted on bitbucket. Every time I release the latest version of the artefact to Nexus, I have to update the Read me which seems very repetitive.
Is there any way/plugin which can publish the latest version of the artefact directly to my repository's overview page (
I am using Maven 3+ for building the artefact using Jenkins which publishes all artefacts to Sonatype Nexus.
You can likely use something akin to this to add the file, likely the attach additional resources example:

How can I build HornetQ from source?

I'm not new to maven. but I don't know why my maven use 1.1.1 version of maven-plugin, hornet-maven-plugin. the reason I say about the version is that the repository doesn't have the version. So I think I have to change the version of plugin that the repository has.
the soure code is here( ).
I downloaded that to my local disk. and I imported to my eclipse.
but the result was an error like below.
Failure to find org.hornetq:hornetq-maven-plugin:pom:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT in was cached in the local
repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of jboss-public-repository-group has elapsed or updates are forced
If you go to the repository , there are 1.1.0 or 1.0.0.
please let me explain about this.. thanks in adavance.
You can see the answer on Line 716 of the super-POM:
It sounds like you might not be knowledgeable enough to work on the edge of the github source. Perhaps you should work with one of the recent release tags instead?
You are forking and trying to work with an in-development SNAPSHOT version of HornetQ. That normally requires more work than using released versions. Tip one: consider working only with released versions of HQ.
If not, be aware that:
HornetQ does not release *-SNAPSHOT versions of artifacts to Maven repositories. That is the reason you won't find them at that JBoss Maven repository. BTW, See here for comments with regards to figuring out dependencies of HornetQ examples
See here about the minimal instructions of using the SNAPSHOT version of the hornetq-maven-plugin
Please notice that the content of each of those links is small. I could have copied their content here but I didn't. My point is: these projects have README files which address your issues, you should always check the README.

github and maven for java collaboration

New maven and relatively new to java...
I would like to collaborate on a project in java with fellow classmates. I would like to manage the build with maven and software configuration with github. After reading a bit about it I have the following impression:
Using the two together is simply a matter of pointing a github repository at my local maven project folder. All builds and dependencies will be handled locally with source changes being committed per the strictures of github. The situation becomes more complicated if I wish for github to do something other than configuration, such as hosting the project as a maven repository.
Is my understanding of the situation correct?
You are best advised to only use github for managing source code. Consider installing a dedicated repository manager like one of the following for sharing binaries:
A repository manager is also useful for caching artifacts downloaded from 3rd party repositories like Maven Central. I find it an essential component of my ALM infrastructure.
There was a recent Sonatype blog posting called "Wait... You don't have a repository manager?" which gives some explanation as to why people won't use a repository manager.

Maven and ibiblio

I searched a lot in apache documentation and and I could not find a decent straight answer.
My questions:
When I download a jar using maven dependency (setup in pom), how can I be sure that the file does not change on the remote repository? for example, if I'm using log4j version 1.2.3, downloaded from (or any other repo for that matter), how can I be sure I'm getting the exact same jar each time?
Does maven delete jars from the local repository? let's assume I'm not clearing the repository at all, will it fill up eventually? or does maven have some kind of mechanism to clear old jars?
In Maven conventions a released version like log4j 1.2.3 will never be changed. It will be left in your locale repository until you manually delete it. It can't be changed by anyone except for the admins on maven central, but i suppose they don't do such a stupid thing.
Furthermore the download by default is done from maven central ( instead of ibiblio).
One of the "tricks" in Maven is download an artifact (released) only once...that improved your build performance in contradiction to the SNAPSHOT dependencies.
You could configure your own repository, and point all your project poms at that. It's easy to configure your poms to use a different (private) repository, but I've never set one up myself. Doesn't seem too hard, other than managing it to keep all the needed artifacts available.
