PCL 1.6 with OpenCV in MS VC++ 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to integrate PCl with opencv using MS VC++ 2010. I followed the procedure mentioned http://ramsrigoutham.com/2012/06/28/integrating-pcl-and-opencv-passthrough-filter-example/ here. Solution was created successfully and was built with a message 2 successful and 1 skipped.
but when I try to run it, I get an error saying Unable to start program C:/project/build/Debug/ALL_BUILD, what could be the reason for this?

you probably have to select the project you want to run first, and make it the 'startup project'
ALL_BUILD does not contain any runnable code


stop solution build on first compilation\link error - msbuild

I'm compiling a solution with many projects inside using VS2013's MSBuild. I want the build to stop if one of the projects fails to compile and that the error code of msbuild will be non-zero to indicate something has failed. Can it be done?
I am running this command to start compiling:
%MS_BUILD_PATH% "%workarea%\WindowsSolution.sln" /p:Configuration=Release /p:ContinueOnError=false /p:StopOnFirstFailure=true
but it doesn't work as I want it. Any suggestions?
If anyone is still looking for this feature in Visual Studio, there is a free extension called [VSColorOutput] (here), which has an option to stop the build on first build error. Once you have installed the extension, the options is located at: Tools.Options.VSColorOutput.Build Actions.Stop Build On First Error
The official documentation says StopOnFirstFailure: If true, when one of the projects fails to build, no more projects will be built. Currently this is not supported when building in parallel (with multiple processors).
Can you try setting BuildInParallel=false and see if that helps?
Edit: Found an old blog post that says this might be easy to do if you're building a single .sln with multiple projects http://blogs.msdn.com/b/manishagarwal/archive/2006/05/09/593392.aspx
I'm using StopOnFirstBuildError
It stops the build when the any project building fails. I'm using on 2015. The linked page says it works with Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017.

Visual Studio has exited with code 0 using LibQxt

I'm trying to use the LibQxt extension within my Qt project in Visual Studio 2010. However, everything is working till i start the application. In the place where i use the first Qxt-object (does not matter which, "QxtSpanSlider * slider = new QxtSpanSlider()" or just "QxtSpanSlider slider;" for example) the program exits with code 0. What could be the problem when a program using a library "crashes" like this without any error?
I compiled Qxt using mscv2010.
No then you get an error while starting the application.
The problem was that i tried to use release build library in debug mode. Compiling Qxt again in Debug mode did make it work.

How to create a vcproj to build boost 1.54 (Visual Studio 2013)

My application use boost 1.54 and it's not up to me to upgrade it. Now I have to port the whole thing to Visual Studio 2013 but I still can't figure out a proper way to build it. So, is there a way to make a vcproj that can be built with VS 2013?
Building boost basically is quite simple.
These guide lines describe the process:
Basically what you have to do is,
Open a VisualStudio Command Prompt
Change the current dir to your boost directory i.e:
CD c:\myStuff\boost\boost_1_54_0\
Call boptstrap:
start build i.e:
bjam address-model=32
This is the process that worked for me with VC2010. It should work with 2013 as well. If you have problems specific to VC2013, please report the error messages you receive in detail.
You can also use BlueGo to build boost:
BlueGo is a tool which builds Boost libraries using Visual Studio 2010/12/13. You just have to start the application, select your configuration and hit the Build button- everything else works automatically. The application downloads the library, extracts it and builds it.

MVC4 Source and VS2010

According to the documentation at http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/documentation (under 'Getting and Building the Code' the very first item says:
The easiest way to work with our source is to install Visual Studio 2010 (with SP1).
I am running VS2010 SP1 and have managed to follow all of the instructions to get this source code up and running (on my Win7 64 bit machine). I am have the .NET 4.5 framework installed.
During the build (from the command line) as well as from Visual Studio itself, I get the following error:
"The project file 'MY_LOCAL_PATH\src\System.Net.Http.Formatting.NetCore\System.Net.Http.Formatting.NetCore.csproj' cannot be opened. The project type is not supported."
Does anyone know how to get this project to load? All of the others in the Runtime.sln load fine.
The two project type guids that are in the project file (csproj) are BC8A1FFA-BEE3-4634-8014-F334798102B3 and FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC. The first has something to with Metro and the other is C#. I could understand the metro hangup but again the documentation says VS2010 SP1 is fine.
As documented here, the solution now requires VS2012 and Windows 8. I'll update the documentation Wiki accordingly.
I have emailed a few people as well as this post to no avail. Looking more into this and my best guess is that because of the Metro project type I am going to need to get Windows 8 to get this to work. The MVC project does build regardless of this project so I am going to say this is the answer.

corelDraw 6 add-in

Thank you for taking some time to check my question,
so I need to build corelDraw 6 add-in using VB.NET
so I take 2 ways (1) just try to use VSTA editor ,but didn't work :( I got this error, try to switch .NET version to 3 or 2 but didn't work too, just show the following message >>>>>>>>>>
Unable to attach. Check for one of the following.
The application you are trying to debug uses a version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that is not supported by the debugger.
The debugger has made an incorrect assumption about the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use.
The Microsoft .NET Framework version specified by you for debugging is incorrect.
Please see the Visual Studio .NET debugger documentation for correctly specifying the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use for debugging.
any advice ...?
(2) I used my VS 2010 and created a class library project ,then used the code in the VSTA and inserted all related references to corelDraw -> build -> all goes well I got my dll file :( but how to make it work as add-in inside corelDraw 6
any advice ...?
Thank you So much,
Ooh I just solve it :)
I copy the dll file which I did using VS2010 in C:\Users\\Documents\Corel\VSTA\CorelDRAW\Addins
re-open corel and it just worked, thank you all
any idea answer about way (1) will be reate too, thank you
