MVC4 Source and VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

According to the documentation at (under 'Getting and Building the Code' the very first item says:
The easiest way to work with our source is to install Visual Studio 2010 (with SP1).
I am running VS2010 SP1 and have managed to follow all of the instructions to get this source code up and running (on my Win7 64 bit machine). I am have the .NET 4.5 framework installed.
During the build (from the command line) as well as from Visual Studio itself, I get the following error:
"The project file 'MY_LOCAL_PATH\src\System.Net.Http.Formatting.NetCore\System.Net.Http.Formatting.NetCore.csproj' cannot be opened. The project type is not supported."
Does anyone know how to get this project to load? All of the others in the Runtime.sln load fine.
The two project type guids that are in the project file (csproj) are BC8A1FFA-BEE3-4634-8014-F334798102B3 and FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC. The first has something to with Metro and the other is C#. I could understand the metro hangup but again the documentation says VS2010 SP1 is fine.

As documented here, the solution now requires VS2012 and Windows 8. I'll update the documentation Wiki accordingly.

I have emailed a few people as well as this post to no avail. Looking more into this and my best guess is that because of the Metro project type I am going to need to get Windows 8 to get this to work. The MVC project does build regardless of this project so I am going to say this is the answer.


How do I fix missing NuGet references?

I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2017, version 15.6.6. A co-worker gave me a solution which he says I should be able to open and rebuild without any problems. There seems to be something wrong with either the NuGet packages and/or Framework. Co-worker will only say it must be something wrong with my computer, so I'm hoping someone here can help.
I tried right clicking on the solution and picking "Restore NuGet Packages". The references still have the yellow triangle by them. I tried to rebuild anyway and got the message "The reference assembilies for framework ".NETFramework, Version=v6.0" were not found. I looked at the project properties and saw the target framework was blank. I tried choosing .NET Framework 4.6, but that gave me multiple errors of the type "Package [name of NuGet package] is not compatible with net46(.NETFramework, Version=v4.6)." The co-worker had mentioned trying .NET Core before, so I tried downloading .NET Core 3.1 from this site: I installed it (including restarting my computer), but don't see .NET Core in the Target framework. Can anyone help guide me getting this solution running?
Here's an image showing the missing references (yellow triangle) on the right and the reference error message when I tried to rebuild.
Here's an image after I set the framework to 4.6 and showing the target framework choices I have available:
We can see that:
.NET 6 is supported by Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2022 for Mac (and later versions).
You can update to VS2022 and try again.

Developing in Visual Studio 2010 and Sharepoint 2007. Using new SPSite throws errors

I'm re-writing a console application using Visual Studio 2010. The original application was written using Visual Studio 2008 and works OK, but has no tests associated with it. Hence, the idea of re-writing it with tests.
Both applications are working with a Sharepoint 2007 site.
The project compiles but when I try and run it the code below is throwing errors.
SPSite spsite = null;
SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() {
spsite = new SPSite("http://sharepointdev");
return spsite;
I'm running this on Windows Server 2008. I've set the platform target of the build to be x86 (this is in the properties of my project) and in Security I've checked that this is a full trust application. I'm also running the project as an administrator. I've also set the .NET Framework to be 3.5
Is it just a case that SharePoint 2007 just doesn't want to play with Visual Studio 2010, or is there something else I've not yet considered?
I've tried searching on the web and stackoverflow but all the articles I've seen deal with trying to get Visual Studio 2010 to work with Sharepoint 2010.
The exact error I get is 'Object reference not set to an instant of an object' with the debugger high-lighting the SPSecurity call.
If I just use this code
using(SPSite spsite = new SPSite("http://sharepointdev")){
Then I get a FileNotFoundException, which isn't exactly true! I've got plenty of applications that do find a site using that URL. What I suspect the error message is trying to say is that my 2010 application is not being allowed to access the site, but I've not found any clues as to why that should be.
Any clues, hints or suggestions gratefully accepted.
I've lifted the code from my VS 2010 project and dropped it into a new VS 2008 project and it ran straight-away.
I created a simple little console application in VS 2010. By default it uses .NET Framework 4, I had to set this to .NET Framework 3.5. I also set the platform target to be 'Any CPU' and it works. This makes me wonder if there is an issue with the Test Project associated with my first application?
I re-created the console application but this time without a Test Project associated with it (the test project was a class library and worked with NUnit). It ran with no problems. I guess the problem lies within the test project and something there that the solution doesn't like. Probably there's a build there it doesn't like
TL;DR; answer: Switch to Any CPU build - don't choose x86.
I've run into this problem before with a console utility. I got the same FileNotFound error but it's referring to the DLL, not your SharePoint site. Digging a bit I discovered a deeper error of BadImageFormat and realized it was complaining about a DLL or EXE. I guessed it was due to the linking from x86 to MSIL. There's a lot of things that have to happen to marshal calls between the two and I guess it led to an incompatibility. When I switched it (and verified all my support library projects) built to MSIL/Any CPU the application worked with no problems and no other changes.
I use Visual Studio 2010 to develop for SharePoint 2007 all day for a long time now and the only problems I've encountered aren't related to that combination. More often than not it's a quirk of a 3rd party add-on I'm using. For almost all of my development I start with the WSP Builder templates but they are buggy and have a few quirks you have to work around (some severe enough to take down your SharePoint server) so I don't blame VS 2010 directly.

Visual studio redistributable & side-by-side / DependentAssembly error

(I'm running Windows7 and using Visual Studio 2010.)
I'm using ClamAV in a .NET Azure project, and I'm running into side-by-side errors whenever I run clamd.exe, either through my code or by running clamd.exe on it's own.
In Visual Studio 2010 I am getting the error:
Win32Exception was unhandled The application has failed to start
because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the
application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for
more detail
And in Event Viewer I get:
Activation context generation failed for
Dependent Assembly
could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
When I searched for "8.0.50727.6195" it led me to the 2005 redist, so I downloaded it
After a restart I am still getting the side-by-side error. Additionally, I think that the redist installer is not completing it's install-- like it's seeing visual studio 2010 and saying "oh, that's good enough, no need for me to install". I haven't tried uninstalling 2010 and using 2005, because the rest of my Dev team is using VS 2010.
What's the deal? How can this be fixed? I'm ready to pull out my hair.
The link Timores posted is the update for Visual Studio. The actual redistributable package is this:
The version you mention is actually at found here
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 MFC Security Update
Timores is right: the redist should be this one, which is related to this KB entry
As you can see there, msvcr80.dll has been updated to version 8.0.50727.6195.
It is the "security update" of the "SP1" of the 2005 C++ runtime..
Your exe probably requires (through an internal manifest) that specific version.
If it is not found on the system (there's a lot of places searched for) nor in the current folder (with a suitable manifest aside) it won't load the exe since it is not able to "activate the context", that is load the specific DLL required in the manifest.
I had similar issues when my system got updated (windows updates) and the newly compiled EXEs were not working with an old-versioned runtime placed on the same folder.
I had to update msvcr80.dll and its manifest (which I found deep in \windows\winsxs) to make everything work.
Context activation is a tricky matter, anyway :)

Building Compact Framework applications with VS2010 (without VS2005)

I want to perform a .NET CF 2.0 build using VS2010. I know it's not supported "normnally," but I've seen this answer: ( .NET Compact Framework with Visual Studio 2010? ) ...and I want to use that approach.
The blog post cited there says I need to modify the .csproj files for the .NET CF projects, to point to a particular Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets . But I don't have that file.
I figured I needed to install the Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK to get it.
I tried installing it and get this:
I have seen this question:
Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK Refresh install issue on Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2
I don't think the solution proposed there is workable for me. I do not have VS2008. I do not have VS2005. I have only VS2010, and I have no installable media for those other products.
I have also tried the administrative install (msiexec /a), but the resulting directory structure doesn't contain any files like Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets .??
Is there a way for me to install WM6 Standard SDK?
Q2: Anyone know the reg key that it looks for to determine if I have the appropriate pre-reqs?
Is this going to work if I just fiddle with my registry?
Q3: Is my assumption wrong? Really I want the Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets file and its friends. Where can I get this? (I have no existing VS2008 machine to suck from)
Q4: Another approach I can think of is getting an eval version of VS2008, installing that into a VM, then installing the WM6 Std SDK there, then grabbing the Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets file from that. Long way round. Is this gonna work and is it worth the trouble?
Here's the answer.
It is possible to build CF apps with VS2010, as outlined in Joel Fjorden's blog post. There are pre-requisites you need, in order to make this happen.
I believe the only official way to get the required files, including Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets , Microsoft.CompactFramework.CSharp.targets , Microsoft.CompactFramework.VisualBasic.targets and Microsoft.CompactFramework.Build.Tasks.dll , is to install the related version of Visual Studio. These files are all version-specific, so to get the files for building for .NET CF 2.0, you need to install VS2005, and for .NET CF 3.5 you need to install VS2008. Installing VS2010 gives you neither. It works to use eval versions of the tools. It worked for me anyway.
If you are willing to go custom, you can simply copy these files from a working installation of VS2005 or VS2008 (or both), into the appropriate .NET directory, usually something like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 (change the version as appropriate). Chris Tacke has helpfully posted a link to the files you need. I don't know if copying these files violates the license for VS20?? , I am not a licensing expert.
You cannot get these files from the Windows Mobile SDK, as far as I can tell. Even so, you might still want a version-specific mobile SDK to get the emulators and skins and so on.
This is a basic "build" capability. It works but it doesn't give you designer support, debugging capability, built-in project templates, and so on. My advice to anyone who wants to do forward development on .NET CF is to use the tools that are geared toward those tasks - VS2005 or VS2008.
Thanks to Chris Tacke for posting a link for the files.
Not sure if it's any help, but the CF targets files from VS2008 can be found here. Let us know if you make any progress.
The "Power Toys for .NET Compact Framework" package (currently found at also contains the required files.
Thought I'd leave that here since it's an official Microsoft download.

Making a Windows shell extension in Visual Studio 2010

I'm trying to create an absurdly simple shell extension in C++ using Visual Studio 2010, but I can't even seem to get the examples out there to work as a starting point.
I'm using Windows 7 x64.
I've tried this Visual Studio template, but once I get the template to work in VS2010, I have a host of errors that I'm not sure how to fix.
I've tried The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Shell Extensions, and once the demo compiles all the right registry settings etc. are created but no context menu appears.
I've looked at this C# COM Interop example, but I've been left confused as to whether it is safe to use C# thanks to this article*, but it looks like I might be OK if I use .NET 4 because it supports in process side-by-side CLR hosting.
in short: historically two versions of .NET cannot run in the same process, and the way shell extensions work is they inject themselves into a process. So if .NET 3.5 gets injected into a .NET 2 process - bang
So, can I use .NET 4.0 now?
Is there a working, downloadable, VS2010 solution that adds a simple shell extension?
I used to be not so bad with C++ back in the day, but after years of moulding to .NET I'm quite rusty, and as such, fiddling with the details to fix the host of errors I'm getting on the existing examples is proving... fiddly!
I could really do with a clean slate to start with that I can break myself and figure out what I did wrong!
I struggled with this for a while and had limited success with the code project article due to x64 issues and SDK differences.
I recently picked the project back up and started over using the MS all-in-one code sample and I am very pleased. It makes a simple example context menu and x64 works out of the box:
To get it running on your machine:
download the code via the all-in-one sample browser or use the direct link.
Open project in VS under admin rights
switch build config to x64 and build it
Kill all explorer sessions
Locate the new dll and run regsvr32.exe .\CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.dll
open explorer again and right click a .cpp file to see the new menu
remove it by running same command with /u flag
My next step is to get debugging working and I think this may do the trick: msdn
On Windows 7 x64 for a C++ extension you need to build it as an x64 project. In Visual Studio 2010 there is an option on the ATL Wizard to create a shell extension project that provides preview window support, thumbnails and Windows Search support. I recently used this and once built, nothing seemed to happen. However, switching the project configuration to build an x64 dll got it working.
With regards to using .Net - Explorer now launches plugins in a separate sub-process. So loading a shell extension that links to .net 4.0 does not contaminate everything with that version of .net as only the hosting subprocess will actually load that CLR. You can see this using a preview extension as a new process (prevhost) gets launched to contain this.
I got this one working:
Make sure you use the right RegAsm.exe for de/registering it:
32-bit platforms: Compile for x86/Any CPU. Use C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vXYZ\RegAsm.exe.
64-bit platforms: Compile for x64/Any CPU. Use C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\vXYZ\RegAsm.exe.
(XYZ is the version of the .NET Framework you used for compiling.)
Note, however, that Microsoft recommends against using .NET for shell extensions.
The short answer to your 'can I use C#' is no. This is from Microsoft’s Guidance for Implementing In-Process Extensions. "One runtime of particular note is the common language runtime (CLR), also known as managed code or the .NET Framework. Microsoft recommends against writing managed in-process extensions to Windows Explorer or Windows Internet Explorer and does not consider them a supported scenario."
The problem arises because only a single version of .NET can be used in an application and there is no way to enforce that limitation if multiple .NET extensions are in use.
