In VBscript, how do you set an array element to be a dynamic array? - vbscript

I want each element of an array to be a dynamic array that I can later individually resize with ReDim. I don't want to use ArrayList or use a 2d array. Is this possible, and how?

Redim MasterArray(10)
For x = 1 To 10
Redim SubArray(10)
MasterArray(x) = SubArray
MasterArray(1)(2) = 5
MasterArray(2)(2) = 6
MsgBox MasterArray(1)(2) ' shows 5
MsgBox MasterArray(2)(2) ' shows 6


QTP/UFT - Storing Multiple Arrays In An Array

I have a function that imports a sheet to the global sheet and then loops through the columns and rows to create an array.
Public Function importArray()
DataTable.ImportSheet "location","Lists", "Global"
rowCount = DataTable.GetSheet(dtGlobalSheet).GetRowCount -1
columnCount = DataTable.GetSheet(dtGlobalSheet).GetParameterCount
ReDim myArray(-1)
For x = 1 to columnCount Step 1
For i = 0 to rowCount Step 1
ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound(myArray) + 1)
myArray(i) = Datatable.Value(x, dtGlobalSheet)
MsgBox Join(myArray, vbNewLine)
End Function
So now that I know I can get the columns into an array, I need to store each array individually.
For example:
Main array = myArray(i)
Call importArray() to get array
Column count = 2
Column names = Name, Surname
Store array into array variable with name as column name
Populate myArray() with stored arrays
myArray(Name(), Surname())
The reason I want to do this is because I have a function that will need to reference these arrays to look for a value in the array then do some logic. While I know that I can just create arrays one by one, the problem is that I might have 20 arrays to use, in which case the code will become really bulky.
Perhaps there is a better way to do what I am thinking of doing, but otherwise, help on this would be really appreciated.
Use multidimensional arrays
'Declare a Dynamic Array
Dim arrData()
' Make it a multidimensional array
ReDim Preserve arrData(rowCount, colCount)
For Loop row
For Loop col
arrData(row, col) = ...
column names as array indexes is not okay - that is a dictionary (Map) already

Iterate over all selected rows of SSDBGrid to fill an array

I need to iterate over all of the selected rows in an SSDBGrid. Then, I need to get the value in the current row and populate the relevant place in the array with this value.
I've been attempting to do this with the code below:
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim nomCode(Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks.Count) As String ' This is my array.
Do While Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks <> 0
nomCode(i) = Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks(0)
If Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks.Count > 0 Then
End If
i = i + 1
However, nomCode(i) is always being filled as nomCode(i) = "??"
Why is it inserting "??", and how can I fix this to insert the value of the current row?
You need to first of all re-think how you're declaring your array.
Dim nomCode() As String
ReDim nomCode(Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks.Count - 1) As String
This is because when declaring an array you need to pass in a constant as the length. ReDim doesn't, so this will go partly towards solving the issue.
Dim x As Integer
Dim bk As Variant
For x = 0 to Grd_Nominal.Rows.Count - 1
bm = Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks(x)
nomCode(x) = Grd_Nominal.Columns("Your_Column").CellValue(bm)
This should sort the rest of the issue, I think.

Assign values in a loop in Classic ASP

I have this setup here:
'highest number of days and lowest
niedrigsterTag = 8
hoechsterTag = 8
dim tageV(), tageB()
redim tageV(7), tageB(7)
tageV(0) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Mo", 1)
tageV(1) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Di", 2)
tageV(2) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Mi", 3)
tageV(3) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Do", 4)
tageV(4) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Fr", 5)
tageV(5) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Sa", 6)
tageV(6) = 7
'for example: mo - fr
for each item in tageV
'save smallest weekday
if(isNumeric(item)) then
if(item <= niedrigsterTag) then
niedrigsterTag = item
end if
end if
As you might see, I'm pretty new into classic ASP. I don't understand what I'm missing on my loop. In pseudocode, it looks fine:
for each numeric value in my array, check if the current value of item is <= the current maxValue (hoechsterTag) - which is in the first iteration 8. If so, override the current value.
Now I'm stuck. I added a response.end() in the most-inner if. However, niedrigsterTag has a value of 7 instead of 1. Also, during the 1st iteration, item should be 1, right? For me it is 7. I imagined response.end() is an equivalent to PHP's die()
What I'm trying to realize:
if current iteration < current value, override it, so I'm ending up with the smallest value.
I know this is pretty basic, and so far I hadn't problems doing stuff like this in other languages. Don't know why this makes it so special.
Thank you for any hints and advices
When you are assigning the values to your tageV array, you are assigning them as strings and then comparing them to integers. You need to compare like datatypes for one.
Also, they way it is written is like this: In the first iteration, if the item is 1 and niedrigsterTag is 8 then niedrigsterTag is changed to 1 and response.end stops the loop and exits. What you need is more like this:
'highest number of days and lowest
niedrigsterTag = 8
hoechsterTag = 8
dim tageV(), tageB()
redim tageV(7), tageB(7)
tageV(0) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Mo", 1)
tageV(1) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Di", 2)
tageV(2) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Mi", 3)
tageV(3) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Do", 4)
tageV(4) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Fr", 5)
tageV(5) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Sa", 6)
tageV(6) = 7
'for example: mo - fr
for each item in tageV
'save smallest weekday
if(CInt(item) <= niedrigsterTag) then
niedrigsterTag = CInt(item)
end if
Response.write("niedrigsterTag = " & niedrigsterTag)
This loops through the array and every time it finds a smaller value, the variable is assigned that value. Once the loop is done, the variable will hold the smallest value.
By the way, the reason you were getting 7 was because that was the only value that was making it past the if statements.

Non repeating positive random numbers, over a given range

am generating a game using vb 6.0, at one face i need to generate non repeating random numbers between 1 and 100. am using the following code for generating the random numbers
dim n(10) as integer
for i=0 to 9
next i
the code is within a for loop hence it generate 10 Nos. randomly, but it includes repeating numbers and also '0', is their any suggestion to avoid repeating numbers and '0'
then output of my code is:
the numbers 42 is appear two times in the array and 0 cannot be avoided
thanks in advance
Here is a simple technique
Dim n(10) As Integer
Dim choice(100) As Integer
' Create a list of possible numbers
For i = 0 To 100
choice(i) = i
' Populate the array with unique numbers
For i = 1 To 10
lastix = 101 - i
' Find one that has not been selected
ix = Round(Rnd * lastix)
' Assign it
n(i) = choice(ix)
' Replace with one that has not been used
choice(ix) = choice(lastix)
You can use the same technique for shuffling cards.
To avoid 0, multiply by 99 and add 1. To avoid duplicates, keep track of what you generated and retry if you get a duplicate. (Since you need only a few numbers. If you need many, shuffle an array of all possible outcomes and take the initial members.)
the solution below is not the fastest, but makes up by that for being easy ...
it uses a hidden listbox control which contains the required values and retreives a random one every time
the values in this example are just the squared numbers of the index
run the project and click the command button to see what happens. it should show messageboxes with the square numbers in random order
'1 form with:
'1 listbox control : name=List1
'1 command button : name=Command1
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim intIndex As Integer
'generate a new random sequence every time
Randomize Timer
'loop through the list and retreive 1 random value at a time
With List1
Do While .ListCount > 0
intIndex = Int(Rnd * .ListCount)
MsgBox .List(intIndex)
'remove the used item from the list
.RemoveItem intIndex
End With 'List1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim intIndex As Integer
'hide listbox
List1.Visible = False
'fill listbox with values (squares)
For intIndex = 1 To 10
List1.AddItem CStr(intIndex * intIndex)
Next intIndex
End Sub
btw i am just using 10 numbers so you dont have to click through 100 messageboxes :)

Clean 2 Dimentional Array in VB.NET

I declared my multidimentional array like this:
Dim invoice_discountitems(100, 1) As String
I Fill my array with this:
'Fill Array with items discounts
For i As Int16 = 0 To data_set.Tables("discount_items").Rows.Count - 1
invoice_discountitems(i, 0) = data_set.Tables("discount_items").Rows(i).Item("item_code")
invoice_discountitems(i, 1) = data_set.Tables("discount_items").Rows(i).Item("discountitem_average")
Now how i can remove the filled items of this array?
Thanks in Advance
Because an array is statically sized, an empty array is the same as a freshly initialized array. So, if you want to clear the whole thing:
invoice_discountitems = New String(100, 1)
Or, if you wish to clear specific elements, use Array.Clear()
Array.Clear(invoice_discountitems, 1, 10)
