QTP/UFT - Storing Multiple Arrays In An Array - vbscript

I have a function that imports a sheet to the global sheet and then loops through the columns and rows to create an array.
Public Function importArray()
DataTable.ImportSheet "location","Lists", "Global"
rowCount = DataTable.GetSheet(dtGlobalSheet).GetRowCount -1
columnCount = DataTable.GetSheet(dtGlobalSheet).GetParameterCount
ReDim myArray(-1)
For x = 1 to columnCount Step 1
For i = 0 to rowCount Step 1
ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound(myArray) + 1)
myArray(i) = Datatable.Value(x, dtGlobalSheet)
MsgBox Join(myArray, vbNewLine)
End Function
So now that I know I can get the columns into an array, I need to store each array individually.
For example:
Main array = myArray(i)
Call importArray() to get array
Column count = 2
Column names = Name, Surname
Store array into array variable with name as column name
Populate myArray() with stored arrays
myArray(Name(), Surname())
The reason I want to do this is because I have a function that will need to reference these arrays to look for a value in the array then do some logic. While I know that I can just create arrays one by one, the problem is that I might have 20 arrays to use, in which case the code will become really bulky.
Perhaps there is a better way to do what I am thinking of doing, but otherwise, help on this would be really appreciated.

Use multidimensional arrays
'Declare a Dynamic Array
Dim arrData()
' Make it a multidimensional array
ReDim Preserve arrData(rowCount, colCount)
For Loop row
For Loop col
arrData(row, col) = ...
column names as array indexes is not okay - that is a dictionary (Map) already


Make a macro to sort a row using a custom list in LibreOffice Calc

I need to sort a column containing cells with the following format : "TITLE text". I know the list of possible titles, but not the texts, so what I would like to do is sort the title in a custom order (for example : PLA, ARG, FHI, BRT) that is not alphabetical. The problem is that the title and the text are in the same cell.
So, for example, here is a screen of datas I might want to work on :
How can I sort this if the cells doesn't perfectly match the list members ?
And, if possible, how to do that using a macro and not manually ?
It's not very difficult. I will try to explain how this is done.
First of all, we need to figure out a way to transfer the range of cells to be sorted to the macro. There are different ways - write the address directly in the macro code, pass it as a parameter to the UDF, get it from the current selection. We use the third method - it is not the easiest to code, but it will work with any data sets.
The main difficulty when using the current selection is that the selection can be one single cell (nothing to sort), a range of cells (and may be several columns - how to sort this?) or several ranges of cells (this is if you hold down the CTRL key and select several unconnected ranges).
A good macro should handle each of these situations. But now we are not writing a good macro, we are getting acquainted with the principle of solving such problems (Since StackOfflow is a resource for programmers, the answers here help you write code yourself, and not get ready-made programs for free). Therefore, we will ignore a single cell and
multiple ranges - we will just stop execution of macro. Moreover, if there is more than one column in the selected range, then we will not do anything either.
Also, in case a full column is selected, we restrict the range to be sorted to the used area. This will sort the real data, but not the million empty cells.
The code that does all this looks like this:
Sub SortByTitles()
Dim oCurrentSelection As Variant
Dim oSortRange As Variant
Dim oSheet As Variant
Dim oCursor As Variant
Dim oDataArray As Variant
Dim sList As String
oCurrentSelection = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
Rem Is it one singl cell?
If oCurrentSelection.supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCell") Then Exit Sub
Rem Is it several ranges of cells?
If oCurrentSelection.supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges") Then Exit Sub
Rem Is this one range of cells? (It can be a graphic item or a control.
Rem Or it may not even be a Calc spreadsheet at all)
If Not oCurrentSelection.supportsService("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRange") Then Exit Sub
Rem Is there only one column selected?
If oCurrentSelection.getColumns().getCount() <> 1 Then Exit Sub
Rem Is the current selection outside of the used area?
oSheet = oCurrentSelection.getSpreadsheet()
oCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
oSortRange = oCursor.queryIntersection(oCurrentSelection.getRangeAddress())
If oSortRange.getCount() <> 1 Then Exit Sub
Rem Redim oSortRange as single range (not any ranges)
oSortRange = oSortRange.getByIndex(0)
Rem Get data from oSortRange
oDataArray = oSortRange.getDataArray()
Rem Paste sorted data to the same place:
oSortRange.setDataArray(getSorted(oDataArray, Split(sList,",")))
End Sub
The getSorted() function, which is mentioned in the last line of the procedure, must take two arrays as parameters — the values ​​of the cells to be sorted and the sort list — and return one array of sorted values.
One aspect of working with data from ranges of cells should be mentioned here. If in Excel after receiving data from the range we get a two-dimensional array, then in OpenOffice/LibreOffice we get a one-dimensional "array of arrays", each element of which is a one-dimensional array of cell values ​​of one row. Writing to a range is done from exactly the same structure, from an "array of arrays". The first parameter of the getSorted() function is oDataArray - just such an array of arrays, this will need to be taken into account when processing data.
What will getSorted() function do? It will build a "tree" sorted by Headers from the oDataArray values. In fact, this is not a tree - it is an ascending sorted array of all Headers and all values ​​with these Headers. The values ​​are also a sorted array. Then the function will select from the tree those Headings that are listed in the List and remove them from the tree. If, after all the actions, some elements still remain in the sorted tree, they will be displayed at the very end.
The function will accumulate the result in a separate array of the same size as the original one. In other words, the algorithm will use three times more memory than the original sorted range - source data, a tree and result array. The function will accumulate the result in a separate array of the same size as the original one. In other words, the algorithm will use three times more memory than the original sorted range - source data, a tree and result array.
You can try to save resources and write the results directly to the original array. But I strongly advise against doing this.
The fact is that an array cell may contain not a value, but a reference to a value, and in the case of inaccurate coding, you will not get a large sorted array, but a large array of the same value (the last cell).
I deliberately do not comment on all the following code - if you can read and understand this without comment, then you will understand how actions are programmed to process data from ranges:
Function getSorted(aData As Variant, aList As Variant) As Variant
Dim aRes As Variant
Dim i As Long, pos As Long, j As Long, k As Long, m As Long, uB As Long
Dim aTemp As Variant
aTemp = Array()
ReDim aRes(LBound(aData) To UBound(aData))
For i = LBound(aData) To UBound(aData)
pos = InStr(aData(i)(0), " ")
If pos > 0 Then
AddToArray(Left(aData(i)(0),pos-1), aData(i)(0), aTemp)
AddToArray(aData(i)(0), aData(i)(0), aTemp)
Next i
m = LBound(aData) - 1
For i = LBound(aList) To UBound(aList)
k = getIndex(aList(i), aTemp)
If k > -1 Then
uB = UBound(aTemp) - 1
For j = LBound(aTemp(k)(1)) To UBound(aTemp(k)(1))
m = m + 1
aRes(m) = Array(aTemp(k)(1)(j))
Next j
For j = k To uB
aTemp(j) = aTemp(j+1)
Next j
ReDim Preserve aTemp(uB)
Next i
For k = LBound(aTemp) To UBound(aTemp)
For j = LBound(aTemp(k)(1)) To UBound(aTemp(k)(1))
m = m + 1
aRes(m) = Array(aTemp(k)(1)(j))
Next j
Next k
getSorted = aRes
End Function
To build a sorted tree, two subroutines are used - AddToArray() and InsertToArray(). They are very similar - the first eight lines are a normal binary search, and the remaining 10-12 lines are actions when an element is not found at the end of the array, when it is found and when it is not found in the middle of the array:
Sub AddToArray(key As Variant, value As Variant, aData As Variant)
Dim l&, r&, m&, N&, i&
While (l<r)
If aData(m)(0)<key Then
If r=N Then
ReDim Preserve aData(0 To N)
aData(N) = Array(key, Array(value))
ElseIf aData(r)(0)=key Then
InsertToArray(value, aData(r)(1))
ReDim Preserve aData(0 To N)
For i = N-1 To r Step -1
Next i
aData(r) = Array(key, Array(value))
End Sub
Sub InsertToArray(key As Variant, aData As Variant)
Dim l&, r&, m&, N&, i&
While (l<r)
If aData(m)<key Then
If r=N Then
ReDim Preserve aData(0 To N)
aData(N) = key
ReDim Preserve aData(0 To N)
For i = N-1 To r Step -1
Next i
aData(r) = key
End Sub
The getIndex() function uses the same binary search. It will return the index of the element in the array if it can find it, or -1 otherwise:
Function getIndex(key As Variant, aData As Variant) As Long
Dim l&, r&, m&, N&
While (l<r)
If aData(m)(0)<key Then
If r=N Then
getIndex = -1
ElseIf aData(r)(0)=key Then
getIndex = r
getIndex = -1
End Function
And that's all that is needed to solve the task:
Demo file with code - SortByTitle.ods

Iterate over all selected rows of SSDBGrid to fill an array

I need to iterate over all of the selected rows in an SSDBGrid. Then, I need to get the value in the current row and populate the relevant place in the array with this value.
I've been attempting to do this with the code below:
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim nomCode(Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks.Count) As String ' This is my array.
Do While Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks <> 0
nomCode(i) = Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks(0)
If Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks.Count > 0 Then
End If
i = i + 1
However, nomCode(i) is always being filled as nomCode(i) = "??"
Why is it inserting "??", and how can I fix this to insert the value of the current row?
You need to first of all re-think how you're declaring your array.
Dim nomCode() As String
ReDim nomCode(Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks.Count - 1) As String
This is because when declaring an array you need to pass in a constant as the length. ReDim doesn't, so this will go partly towards solving the issue.
Dim x As Integer
Dim bk As Variant
For x = 0 to Grd_Nominal.Rows.Count - 1
bm = Grd_Nominal.SelBookmarks(x)
nomCode(x) = Grd_Nominal.Columns("Your_Column").CellValue(bm)
This should sort the rest of the issue, I think.

In VBscript, how do you set an array element to be a dynamic array?

I want each element of an array to be a dynamic array that I can later individually resize with ReDim. I don't want to use ArrayList or use a 2d array. Is this possible, and how?
Redim MasterArray(10)
For x = 1 To 10
Redim SubArray(10)
MasterArray(x) = SubArray
MasterArray(1)(2) = 5
MasterArray(2)(2) = 6
MsgBox MasterArray(1)(2) ' shows 5
MsgBox MasterArray(2)(2) ' shows 6

Clean 2 Dimentional Array in VB.NET

I declared my multidimentional array like this:
Dim invoice_discountitems(100, 1) As String
I Fill my array with this:
'Fill Array with items discounts
For i As Int16 = 0 To data_set.Tables("discount_items").Rows.Count - 1
invoice_discountitems(i, 0) = data_set.Tables("discount_items").Rows(i).Item("item_code")
invoice_discountitems(i, 1) = data_set.Tables("discount_items").Rows(i).Item("discountitem_average")
Now how i can remove the filled items of this array?
Thanks in Advance
Because an array is statically sized, an empty array is the same as a freshly initialized array. So, if you want to clear the whole thing:
invoice_discountitems = New String(100, 1)
Or, if you wish to clear specific elements, use Array.Clear()
Array.Clear(invoice_discountitems, 1, 10)

Count what number that appears the most. In VBScript

I got this comma separated file with a bunch of numbers
The only thing that I need to be able to do is to find what number that appears the most time
then the result will be 817
I hope you understand what I am trying to do.
I would suggest using the FileSystemObjects, specifically the OpenTextFile method to read the file, then use split function to separate based on columns. Then iterate the array returned, and count the number of times each number occurs.
The following code will count your array for you. It uses the useful Dictionary object.
Set counts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = Lbound(arr) to Ubound(arr)
If Not counts.Exists(arr(i)) Then
counts.add arr(i), 1
currCount = counts.Item(arr(i))
counts.Item(arr(i)) = currCount + 1
End If
nums = counts.Keys()
currMax = 0
currNum = 0
For i = Lbound(nums) to Ubound(nums)
If counts.Item(nums(i)) > currMax Then
currMax = counts.Item(nums(i))
currNum = nums(i)
End If
num = currNum ' Most often found number
max = currMax ' Number of times it was found
i would go through the text and count the number of your nubmers.
after that i would redim an dynamic array.
- go throught the text from beginning to end, and store them in the array.
after that i would pick the first number, go through the array and count (for example in tmpcounter) the number of dublicates. [you could store the counted number from the textfile in tmphit]
the you pick the second number, count the number of dublicates ( tmpcounter2 /tmphit2)
compare the two counters,you "keep" the higher one and use the lowe one for the next number
...go on until the last field is validated.
at the end you know which number appearse most and how often.
i hope this help you.
this is how i would programm it, maybe there is a better way or an API.
at the end you know
Try this
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("C:\Test.txt",1)
Set dictNumbers = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim MostKey
intHighest = -1
do while NOT objFile.AtEndOfStream
LineArray = Split(objFile.ReadLine,";")
for i = 0 to UBound(LineArray)
if dictNumbers.Exists(LineArray(i)) Then
dictNumbers.Item(LineArray(i)) = dictNumbers.Item(LineArray(i)) + 1
dictNumbers.Add LineArray(i), 1
end if
if dictNumbers.Item(LineArray(i)) > intHighest Then
intHeighest = dictNumbers.Item(LineArray(i))
MostKey = LineArray(i)
end if
MsgBox MostKey
