Windows Phone Store ® Certification Test Results Fail - windows-phone-7

My Windows App reject by the Following reason:
Depending on the underlying cause of the issue encountered, the following resources may provide useful guidance to resolve:
• "Product ID": Avoid hard-coded logic based on the original Product ID. If your application design requires using logic based on a Product
ID, use the Windows Phone Store assigned non-volatile Product ID instead
Data for Windows Phone | Installation folder": Don’t write to the InstalledLocation folder in your production application release
submitted for certification (
Capability Detection": Double check that the capabilities required by your application are declared correctly. You can do this by running
the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool, as described at How to: Use the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool
Note: But My app working in my windows phone(Nokia Lumia 510) and Emulator.
I have totally confused what mistake i done in My Application.
Please give a suggestion. I am wating for all reply

Try testing on Windows Phone 8. There's been a few API changes in Windows Phone 8, which may result in failure on some functions, which works well in Windows Phone 7.

Most likely the issue is #3 - you're using a capability (data, location, etc) and not declaring it. Your app will still work in the emulator in this case, but will fail certification. Use the tool they mentioned to test this -


Accessing the desktop API from a Universal Windows App to use a scanner

I want to be able to scan a document with my universal windows app.The problem is that The Windows.Devices.Scanners APIs are part of the desktop device family.
Is there any way to check if the app is running on a desktop, and use these API's in that case?
Any other solutions or ideas would be welcome

Parse SDK Windows 8.1 : Device not getting registered on portal

I followed the documentation( by Parse for sending Push to Windows 8.1 device. But, I am not able to get through the first step ie. "Installation". As per the documentation I followed , the channel should get registered instantly. I have enabled "Toast capable" within the Package.appxmanifest file in my Windows 8.1 Universal App(C#).
I have also authenticated the App by adding the Package Security Identifier and the Client Secret to the Windows Push Credentials settings. But still no success. Can anyone tell me if I am missing anything or if Parse SDK is supported for Universal Windows 8.1 C# App.
I previously had Parse working for WP8 as per instructions here. So this is to say it is definitely doable, follow those steps there to see if you missed any steps.
We are using Cordova, but I had to end up doing this part natively. It was working in December 2015 but mysteriously this year we had issues with Parse on all 3 device platforms (iOS, Android, WP8). I'm still spending time trying to figure out why WP8 just doesn't work now, can't even get the device to register to a channel anymore...

Performance difference between submitted and live app package

I wonder whether there is a performance difference between the .xap package i submitted to the windows phone store and the one served to the end users finally. I am asking because in the book "Windows Phone 8 Development Internals" there is something like
"In Windows Phone 8, this process changes, such that all apps are
precompiled as part of the Windows Phone Store submission process.
This means that when a user downloads an app from the Windows Phone
Store, the app package already contains code that is compiled for ARM.
Because no “JITing” is required when the app is starting up or
running, users should experience faster app load times and improved
runtime performance"
To test the app on the same conditions as the store (and using the same kind of pre-JITing), you just have to follow those steps:
In a nutshell: either start the app without the debugger attached, or uncheck the "Suppress JIT optimization on module load" in the project properties.
Note that it will work only on a device, not in the emulator (which isn't a reliable way to measure performance anyway).
Source: (section "More Details")

Caller Display Possible in Windows Phone 7?

I want to make a contact manager as I think the Windows 7 Phone is lacking a bit. I got to thinking though about a potential problem.
Right now if someone calls me and I have them in my contacts list their name will show up and I will know who they are.
I am wondering if I will be able to hook up the caller id to check out my contact list as well to see if the phone number exists in the phone.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
This is not possible neither in Windows Phone 7.x nor in Windows Phone 8. You cannot write service apps i.e. the applications that stay in the background and watch for some system events, nor replace built in applications or responses.
Sadly, this is a great limitation currently and I hope it will be overturned in the next version of OS.

get a list of all installed application on windows 7 phone

is it possible to get a list of all installed application on windows 7 phone?
Till now I didn't find any API that I can use.
I know this is possible on android , and it seams weird that you cant do it on windows windows 7 phone.
This is not possible.
There is a personal data information issue with this information being available. i.e. You could infer/gather information about people based on the apps they have installed. Users may not want you to know what apps they have installed for personal or other reasons.
If you want to track whether a users has installed any of your other apps (maybe so you don't cross promote apps they've already installed) you will have to do this by having each app report it's usage (installation) to a central server along with the device/user id (ANID) and then determine whcih apps have been installed.
