Performance difference between submitted and live app package - performance

I wonder whether there is a performance difference between the .xap package i submitted to the windows phone store and the one served to the end users finally. I am asking because in the book "Windows Phone 8 Development Internals" there is something like
"In Windows Phone 8, this process changes, such that all apps are
precompiled as part of the Windows Phone Store submission process.
This means that when a user downloads an app from the Windows Phone
Store, the app package already contains code that is compiled for ARM.
Because no “JITing” is required when the app is starting up or
running, users should experience faster app load times and improved
runtime performance"

To test the app on the same conditions as the store (and using the same kind of pre-JITing), you just have to follow those steps:
In a nutshell: either start the app without the debugger attached, or uncheck the "Suppress JIT optimization on module load" in the project properties.
Note that it will work only on a device, not in the emulator (which isn't a reliable way to measure performance anyway).
Source: (section "More Details")


Control installation depending on platform in MSIX package

I have added desktop extension to my UWP app that gives some extra functionality if it runs on Windows 10 desktop platforms. But for other platforms it won't be used. Hence I want to make sure that the desktop extension isn't installed on other platforms thereby saving users some disk space. I have looked into app extension but it won't be viable for my use cases since the UWP app and desktop component communicate via named pipes and memory mapped files. Is there any other way I can control the installation of desktop component depending upon the platform it is being installed??
Update 1
From researching further I have found that this should be possible with optional packages/related sets, to be accurate related sets for my scenario. The examples provided in docs only show scenarios for packaging uwp apps as related sets and no example for packaging win32 apps as related sets was given. Is there any way to package a win32 application as related sets??

Can I disable Win10 S mode support to pass the Windows Store review?

As title, I have an electron-based app with some native npm dep. And one of then (sharp) didn't pass the Windows Store review because of crash on Win10 S mode. I can't find an option to disable Win10 S mode support in dev console, and I asked MS review team twice, no any response. I can't drop the dep because it's core function. If the app just show a 'not support' page when Win10 S mode, can it pass the review? Or there are some way to disable Win10 S mode support?
No, if you plan to publish your application to the Microsoft Store, make sure that your application operates correctly on devices that run Windows 10 S. This is a Store requirement.
You could see this requirement in the official document:Distribute your application by publishing it to the Microsoft Store

Can I distribute\install a copy of the UWP project to a different Windows 10 desktop system?

VS 2015, Xamarin Forms, PCL.
I can attach my Android phone by cable, and install to it. I can run "Local Machine" on my windows 10 development machine and test there. I want to give a copy of the UWP project to someone else to test with (on Windows 10 desktop). This is a new application, not in any stores, to do this? Can it be done without using store distribution, and if so, can someone tell me how to do this, or point me to a link that documents this?
You could create package (like for publishing to store) and then with PowerShell install it on another PC. Packaging UWP apps
You can limit the distribution of an app to only a certain group of testers, without first publishing a submission that's broadly available, you can use the same app submission process as any app you submit. To allow only certain people to get the app free of charge, and prevent other customers from seeing its listing or downloading it - read more about Beta testing and targeted distribution

Desktop App Converter/Submit to Windows Store

I have an older application that I've converted using Microsoft's "Desktop App Converter" to create a UWP application. The application appears to convert fine, and I can install and run it on my local machine. Unfortunately, when I try to submit the application to the Windows App Store, I get the following errors:
Package acceptance validation error: We don't allow the capability you've specified: runFullTrust.
Package acceptance validation error: You don't have permissions to specify the following namespaces in the appx manifest file of the package DownloadManager.appx:
Are there any ideas what is causing this and what the fix is?
I'm running Windows 10 Enterprise Preview Version 1511, Build 14352.1002
According to this article from the official blog, you cannot submit your Centennial apps to the Store just yet. You have to follow the process they mention in their article:
Windows 10 Anniversary Update SDK Now Available! Windows Store Open for Submissions
"Windows Store Open for Submissions; Including Process for Submitting Desktop Bridge Apps:
In addition, we will begin the process of accepting apps using the Desktop Bridge. While we build the pipeline into the Windows Store to publish these apps, our team will work directly with developers to get their converted apps and games into the Windows Store. Contact our team here if you are interested in submitting an app using the Desktop Bridge to the Windows Store."
You can find in this article Preparing your desktop app for conversion to UWP features that should be removed from codebase.
As I see there is one Your app always runs with elevated security privileges.
Check this one ar may be your app contains some another feature from list

Windows Phone Store ® Certification Test Results Fail

My Windows App reject by the Following reason:
Depending on the underlying cause of the issue encountered, the following resources may provide useful guidance to resolve:
• "Product ID": Avoid hard-coded logic based on the original Product ID. If your application design requires using logic based on a Product
ID, use the Windows Phone Store assigned non-volatile Product ID instead
Data for Windows Phone | Installation folder": Don’t write to the InstalledLocation folder in your production application release
submitted for certification (
Capability Detection": Double check that the capabilities required by your application are declared correctly. You can do this by running
the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool, as described at How to: Use the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool
Note: But My app working in my windows phone(Nokia Lumia 510) and Emulator.
I have totally confused what mistake i done in My Application.
Please give a suggestion. I am wating for all reply
Try testing on Windows Phone 8. There's been a few API changes in Windows Phone 8, which may result in failure on some functions, which works well in Windows Phone 7.
Most likely the issue is #3 - you're using a capability (data, location, etc) and not declaring it. Your app will still work in the emulator in this case, but will fail certification. Use the tool they mentioned to test this -
