Why WAS is looking for ejb jar xml for an EJB 3 application - ejb-3.0

When I try to deploy my EJb 3.0 EAR on WAS 6.1, iget :
The EAR file could be corrupt and/or incomplete. Make sure that the application is at a compatible Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Level for WebSphere Application Server.
AppDeploymentException: [META-INF/ejb-jar.xml] org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.DeploymentDescriptorLoadException: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
But this is an EJB 3.0 application, so why does it look for ejb-jar.xml?


How to override weblogic application libraries?

I am developing a plugin for an application that is deployed in Weblogic 10.3.6. I need to use jersey 2.25 api in the plugin. The application ships jersey 1.8 in its APP-INF/lib folder. So, when I deploy the plugin the classes are all mixed up and throws class cast exception. I cannot modify the application. I have deployed the jersey 2.25 jars in DOMAIN_HOME/lib folder. Is there a way to use the new libraries instead of the supplied one in the application? If it is not possible can you suggest me any workaround to do so?
Do you deploy a share-lib which is based on jersey related jars. Remove that share lib. And try again, you may be success. But 10.3.6 don't support jersey 2.25.

get sca module bindings in EAR before deploying

I want to see all the sca bindings (imports and exports or atleast imports) associated with an EAR before deploying the EAR to WebSphere Application Server.Is it possible to that.I can observe the bindings after deployment in WebSphere Application Server either from console or using wsadmin scripts.But is there a way to see them before deployment.

Creating an enterprise maven application using spring-boot

We have a specific requirement that only Enterprise Archive (EAR) should be deployed on our application server (Web Logic).
Can spring-boot be used for such type of Enterprise applications?
As spring-boot provide an inbuilt Jetty/Tomcat server, can I use the jar/war to be deployed on Web Logic application server?
Also we have some external dependencies (not from maven central)
which have to be included in the pom. Does that impact spring-boot
Of course it can - as Spring itself. You can read about it here http://www.virtual7.de/blog/2016/07/spring-boot-oracle-weblogic-server-12/
Yes, here is the instruction how to do it: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto-traditional-deployment.html
It depends what are those dependencies. There could be some conflicts, but any conflict can be resolved somehow :)

Upgrading jax-rs shared library on weblogic

Normally weblogic 12c doesnt support jax-rs 2.0 but by the help of jax-rs shared library which comes with weblogic itself it is possible to upgrade jax-rs version from 1.1 to 2.0. The problem is library implementation is jersey 2.5 which doesnt satisfy my needs. I found a link about upgrading jersey version on weblogic which looks a lil bit complex. Is it enough to replace jersey jars 2.5 with my jersey version 2.13? Do i need to do anything else?
I have created a simple maven project to produce the war file with the 2.19 jersey shared library for weblogic.
I have tested it with weblogic 12.1.3
You can clone from here weblogic-jax-rs
After cloning run mvn package to produce the war and then deploy it to the server.
Of course you must specify the new implementation version in your weblogic.xml which is now 2.19
If you are not familiar with maven you can download the war file from here
As of weblogic 12.2.1 - there is jersey 2.21.1 bundled with it so no additional installations are required.
weblogic comes with jersey 2.22.1

Deploy a spring boot war to websphere 7.5

I have a Spring boot war(ReESTful webservice with Spring) built using a gradle build. Initially I built an executable jar and then converted into war. But I am not able to deploy this on websphere 7.5 app server. It can be deployed on Websphere 8.0. I read that spring boot war built without having web.xml is only supported in WAS 8 or above. How can i convert this to a war file that can be deployed on WAS 7.5?
I read that I need to add a web.xml to the war, but what what should be the content of the web.xml so that it can load all the controllers?
Spring Boot doesn't support Servlet 2.5 officially, but it doesn't take a lot to make it work. You might find this useful: https://github.com/scratches/spring-boot-legacy.
You can get more information at the official documantation.
