Creating an enterprise maven application using spring-boot - spring

We have a specific requirement that only Enterprise Archive (EAR) should be deployed on our application server (Web Logic).
Can spring-boot be used for such type of Enterprise applications?
As spring-boot provide an inbuilt Jetty/Tomcat server, can I use the jar/war to be deployed on Web Logic application server?
Also we have some external dependencies (not from maven central)
which have to be included in the pom. Does that impact spring-boot

Of course it can - as Spring itself. You can read about it here
Yes, here is the instruction how to do it:
It depends what are those dependencies. There could be some conflicts, but any conflict can be resolved somehow :)


Deploy multiple Spring Boot modules with Maven

I have created two separate maven modules (let's call them MODULE1 and MODULE2) which are submodules of a third integration module (SUPERMODULE).
MODULE1 and MODULE2 are both Spring Boot Web Applications. What I'm trying to achieve is to start (not build) both projects / web apps by means of SUPERMODULE.
As I see it, there are two options:
Deploy them both to the same tomcat server (probably the better & more interesting solution)
Deploy them to different tomcat servers with different ports
I found no viable example to achieve either one of these options (... by means of a single maven integration project). Hence, I would be glad if someone could point me into the right direction - or are both possibilities bad practice?
You said :
Deploy them both to the same tomcat server
(1) Build automation software
Any Build Automation tool (Jenkins, bamboo...) would allow you to create a job that deploys both your wars to tomcat (the same server or different server, you can setup your job as you wish).
Do you use an automation software ? I believe that would be the best the solution / best practices.
(2) Build an EAR - Deploy to Tomee
You said:
What I'm trying to achieve is to start (not build) both projects / web
apps by means of SUPERMODULE.
What you are really describing is an EAR!
I'll describe the idea, however, it seems Spring boot does not play well with EAR: Spring Boot EAR Packaging and
Since your 2 submodules are spring boot app, you could:
build the submodules as WAR
have your Supermodule build an EAR
include both WARs in the EAR (maven dependencies)
this however implies that you use (for instance) Tomee instead of tomcat (is that an option for you?).
as mentioned above, after some research it seems a spring-boot war does not work when packaged inside an EAR. The SpringServletContainerInitializer isn't called. So this would not be an option at the moment.

Spring MVC project as jar

I am new to Spring MVC and I have now come accross tutorials that explain how to deploy your web project as a .jar. My IDE is the Spring Tool Suite. I have always used .war + Apache Tomcat.
Can someone elaborate a bit from the practical point of view why to use .jar instead of .war? Any problems to be aware of?
edit: other answers are welcome too
Spring Boot uses fat JAR packaging where is embeds Servlet container with all dependencies into this single JAR.
If you are using Maven, it uses spring-boot-maven-plugin to package the project.
Practical usage of this approach is simple. Ability to easily run Srvlet based Spring application from command line with externalized properties. Such configuration enables powerfully orchestration possibilities which are often used in modern enterprises in so called Microservices or SOA architecture.
There is group of people out there (including myself) which believe that deploying various WAR files of unrelated applications into single Servlet runtime is not very good idea.
So fat JARs are handy for separate Servlet runtime per application deployment.
About having .jar and Tomcat + .war on the same machine, it is possible and I use this. This may be not cool but I had a .war application running in a tomcat server before the rise up of spring boot. Now my new apps are spring boot apps, and we are migrating our architecture to SOA concept, but we can't change the tire with the moving car. The main application, the WAR is running in a tomcat server and the others (.jar) are self contained ( embedded tomcat ), each one running in a different port. It was the most viable solution available for us by the moment.

Least intrusive way to add Spring task scheduling to a non-Spring web project?

How should I add Spring task scheduling to a non-Spring war project? Currently, the web project only has a maven dependency to org.mitre.dsmiley.httpproxy:smiley-http-proxy-servlet. It's just a simple proxy servlet now. SpringBoot is probably not a good fit for this problem as I want to keep the war artifact the deployment model. I do not want to run it embedded in a stand-alone container. I'm looking for the least intrusive approach. Any suggestions?
If you are planning to deploy the app to a server that supports Servlet 3.0, then it is actually quite easy to use Spring Boot in a traditional, war deployment model.
What you need to do is:
Extend SpringBootServletInitializer, which in turn implements WebApplicationInitializer and can configure the servlet context.
Specify the war packaging in your pom.xml (which you probably already have)
Set the provided scope for the spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependency, so that an embedded server is not created when your application runs.
See the reference guide for more details.

Use the WSO2 application server for deploy application with hibernate spring framework

I want to develop spring (3.1.2) and hibernate (3.6.4) application and deploy it in WSO2 application (5.2.1) server.
I tried it as service such as the spring service and the AAR service,but unfortunately all of them couldn't persist an object in data base.I encountered with differents bugs such as "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" and..., I found out the problem, caused by jar files in my project and inconsistency with WSO2 lib. After I add my lib in WSO2 lib folders the problems are persisted. Do you have any hint?
You should probably want to deploy your application as a webapp. By deploying it as a webapp, you can avoid the incompatibility of libs between wso2 and your application. You can see some spring related samples in AS_HOME/samples/Jaxws-Jaxrs.
By default, webapps do not see the org.springframework.* packages that are available in wso2 repository/components/plugins folder. This is configurable. You might probably want to read this all in one docuementation on wso2 webapp classloading.

Is Spring tightly coupled with maven

Is Spring tightly coupled with Maven ? Most of the examples in the internet shows Spring and Maven to configure spring dependent jars, this post explains so many cons of Maven. All commercial projects are should to be using only this combination ?
Please explain
Both of them serve different purposes, Spring examples use Maven because maven is highly adopted as a build, dependency management framework. That has nothing to do with Spring coupling with Maven. Spring is a framework to build enterprise applications and Maven is a build and deploy tool.
You can use Gradle, ivy or even manually download the libraries instead of relying on Maven as the dependency management framework.
No. You can use whatever you want to build your Spring-based app. BTW, all the Spring tutorials show examples using Gradle (that Spring also uses internally).
What is true, though, is that Spring jars are available from the Maven central repository and the Spring repository, and that their dependencies is thus described in a Maven pom.xml file. But nothing prevents you from downloading the required jars manually and add them in the classpath.
