Magento home page loading without css - magento
Suddenly stopped working once installed new theme, just brings up page with no csss or formatting.

Have you changed the settings of your theme from admin? System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design
Also from what I see you have some misspelled links:
This is a local link, probably should look like
and should point to your theme's folder, not base/default.
Try using Magento methods to get your URLs right: Mage::getUrl(), Mage::getBaseUrl() or look into Mage_Core_Helper_Url for more methods.


How to find Magento theme name?

How to know Magento theme name
You can find by navigating to browser inspector (F12). There you search (CTRL+F to search) for something related to magento's paths for example (catalog, skin, forntend etc.) then try finding where most on the skin css and js files are coming from for example: skin/frontend/COMPANY_NAME/THEME_NAME/. In most cases if the theme is not custom made, you will find it under the company name and the theme name. If you can't find it, you can continue search some comments in the skin files in the theme js, css and etc.
If you have access to the site go to
System > Configuration > General > Design > Packages
System > Configuration > General > Design > Themes
Or as already answered:

How to add Magento extension in other theme except default

I want to add extension - All Category Product Carousel in my Magento Website and it has RWD theme.The components of the extension are by default installing in:
I have moved the components in my theme folder i.e. RWD, and components are now in the following folders:
But after this also the extension is not working. I am new to Magento so does not know much things about it. Does anything else be done?
The products are there but css and js is not getting applied on them. The data is showing like: Please View Here
You can paste your extension key here. Now you can check if you have copied all the files to RWD.
The extension tell to insert below block in cms page. Include it in your cms->home page.
{{block type="pcarousel/pcarousel" pcarousel_id="carousel id" template="pcarousel/pcarousel.phtml"}}
After that navigate to system->permission->blocks->Add new block and add the type pcarousel/pcarousel there and allow it.
The css and js files were not loading in the main page, have added them externally. Now working

joomla prepends to 'path'

my wife have a joomla 2.5 site
She claims that she has done nothing except, installing and and subsequently uninstalling Koowa plugi, Ninja plugin and Ninjaboard component.
Anyway after that the joomla 'path' have changed such that between the domain name and the path rendered by HTML, the joomla server now seems to insert "/index.php" or "/index.php/menu-item-name"
for example clicking a link like the following:
<a href="images/some_folder/xxx.JPG">
points to something like: http://www.domain.contry/index.php/fun/images/some_folder/xxx.JPG
how to we change the 'global path settings' such that
<a href="images/some_folder/xxx.JPG">
points to
NB: my joomla and php skills are very basic :)
I think the problem something like this:
all the image paths used to be 'absolute' and are now relative, so if I am in 'index.php/some-menu' and click 'images/xxx.jpg' then it resolves to 'index.php/some-menu/images/xxx.jpg', she has all her images in the image folder, is there some way make all image paths 'absolute' instead of relative in joomla?
because changing 'images/xxx.jpg' to '/images/xxx.jpg' with firebug fixes the problem...
if it is not possible in joomla... how bad do you think it is to:
download the sql database
and run a regex akin to
Look in your global configuration under the Site tab for your SEO settings. Make sure you have URL rewriting enabled, and follow the directions in the tooltip to rename htaccess.txt (Linux servers) or web.config.txt (Windows servers) if necessary.
If you get a server error on the site at this point, try uncommenting RewriteBase / in .htaccess.

Fishpig's Magento WP Integration -- WP not using Magento Theme/Package

I've successfully installed Fishpig's Magento WordPress Integration extension. I followed the instructions where you install via Magento Connect and had no problems. This is by the way all on the development server which does not have Caching or Compiling enabled.
The Magento cart is installed in the webroot directory and WordPress is in subdirectory "wp" as stated in Fishpig's instructions. The Full Integration blog path is /blog.
When I visit the blog's page it is not using the Magento theme. I even set it to use the same layout (same as CMS's homepage) We have a custom Magento theme. Maybe there is something we are doing incorrectly Magento theme wise for Fishpig's extension not to work. Screenshots to come eventually but the host (DataGram) is down due to the flooding Downtown. Should be back hopefully today.
To clarify... WordPress is using its own database. In the Shop's admin panel->WordPress tab I setup Full Integration and set the path to "wp" and the blog path is blog.
So, now if I visit for example... you are in the shop and if you visit you are in the fully integrated blog.
Bottom line is it seems to be configured fine in the admin panel. I am not requesting the blog page from the wp directory (I.E: but from the fully integrated page (
Our problem could be similar to what this person is experiencing:
Magento - FishPig Integration - Not getting correct template for /blog
Have a great weekend all!
Best Regards,
Huzzah looks like I got things working :-)
The culprit was that this file:
^^ was pointing to the wrong template filename. Corrected and was good to go. Modified line was number 66.
Funny thing is that on the top of that XML file it states:
Option 1 - local.xml (recommended)
Create a file named local.xml in your custom theme's layout folder. You can then make changes to the layout there by
using the relevant layout handle. This allows you to leave this file intact and recieve new features
when upgrading the extension.
Option 2 - copy this file
Copy this file and it's contents to a new file in your custom theme's layout folder named wordpress.xml.
Each time you upgrade, you will need to check with your copy of the file and
the copy in app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/wordpress.xml for changes and merge any you find"
Now, as stated in my Original Posting I installed FishPig extension using their instructions:
^^ Therefore I don't know why it is setup using Option 2. That wordpress.xml is in our theme's layout directory.
I feel I should also state the other changes I did even though it doesn't seem like it contributed to making it work. Just doing for completeness:
-- Renamed the subdirectory /wp to /wordpress and changed all references to to within the DataBase using
-- Removed .htaccess from /wordpress folder
So bottom line is looks like it is working normally. We are now set for working on redesign for site.
Have a look at this.
I also used Fishpig and it is working.
What do you mean by visiting the blog page? Do you request the blog page from the wordpress directory?
If so, it doesn't change its design.
You have to request the blog within your shop.

Magento: theme fallback hierarchy question

Can someone verify what I think is what's happening with Magento's fallback theme hierarchy.
The final fall-back point is the /base/default/ theme.
Within your interface/package (they are the same things right?), your default theme is selected at, from the Magento admin page, System->Configuration->General->Design->Themes->"B" ("B" is an example name of the theme).
On top of your default package theme, you can select an active theme from System->Design->"A".
So with this setup, Magento will look into "A" first, then in "B", then finally resort to base/default if neither A or B has files it needs.
Correct or no? TIA!
The fall-back hierarchy in Magento CE v1.4+ and EE v1.8+ is as follows.
Look for requested file in:
skin/frontend/custom_ package/custom_theme
If not found, look for requested file in:
If not found, look for requested file in:
If not found, a rendering error will occur.
Source: Magento's Theme Hierarchy - Changes in CEv1.4 and EEv1.8
I will do my best to clarify some points for you.
If you are not using a child theme, magneto will use /base/, however if you have a child theme active, magneto will use your custom theme files.
For example, If your new theme file has a header.phtml file but not footer.phtml, Magento will automatically fall back to the base. this is why its never smart to edit core files
