How to find Magento theme name? - magento

How to know Magento theme name

You can find by navigating to browser inspector (F12). There you search (CTRL+F to search) for something related to magento's paths for example (catalog, skin, forntend etc.) then try finding where most on the skin css and js files are coming from for example: skin/frontend/COMPANY_NAME/THEME_NAME/. In most cases if the theme is not custom made, you will find it under the company name and the theme name. If you can't find it, you can continue search some comments in the skin files in the theme js, css and etc.

If you have access to the site go to
System > Configuration > General > Design > Packages
System > Configuration > General > Design > Themes
Or as already answered:


Hugo: adding more pages to single-page themes

Hugo is a general purpose website framework and a static site generator. However, most of the themes are single page themes.
Is it possible to add more pages to these single-page themes in Hugo?
I am specifically interested in the Dimension theme.
Thank you very much for your help.
This depends on how the theme is constructed. In Dimension's case, the answer is no - you can add new markdown files to your content folder, but they will only be rendered on the index page, not as their own individual pages. If you want to generate multiple pages, you will have to either edit the theme or choose a new theme that supports multiple pages.
To edit the theme, see the docs on customising a theme and creating a theme. You will also need to know Hugo templates, so the go template primer is an essential read. Editing themes can be a little tricky, but if you have worked with other templating languages then it is not too much different.
In your case, you will want to edit layouts/_default/single.html to create a single-page view for all of your markdown files. You will also need to edit layouts/index.html to link to them from the index page, otherwise no-one will find them.
Hugo is not just a general purpose website framework/generator. I have been using it for article publishing, news website and to generate a blog! Most of the themes are single pages because people created themes in the way they love. Although still in development, you can check my website Desktop Luxury that is fully static and built with hugo. It's super fast, supports AMP and users just love it. They can't tell the difference between Wordpress sites and in terms of look. Note: The difference is clearly visible in terms of load time, speed and customization ability!
Although it varies by theme, you can easily create a .md (file that contains content - similar to .html*) file out of your blog folder. For example, you want to create an About page. In the root folder that contains your hugo files, create a directory root/content/blog. Add permalinks to your config file that tells the theme to categorize files present in /root/content/blog folder as the blog files. Create the pages such as an & in root/content folder. They won't show in the blog list, however, they'll be rendered and accessed by or
*I said .md file similar to .html file as the OP seems new to webdevelopment.
Final homepage after adding few posts
I just downloaded the theme mentioned in the question, added few .md files by opening CMD in the root directory of Hugo website folder and running command ~~ $ hugo new ~~
Created various pages and added content in them just like we write articles. I achieved the result you wanted with no issue at all. It was super easy!

Why is OpenCart 2.3 custom theme not showing?

I've read through some guides and watched a YouTube video on how to create a custom theme for OpenCart. After trying various things it still doesn't seem to be working right.
If I go to 'Extensions > Themes > Edit Store' I can switch the theme directory but this doesn't seem right. The question bubble there says changing the theme directory here is only for legacy support of older themes. Current themes should be available through 'System > Settings > Edit Store > General Tab (Select Theme Dropdown).
Why doesn't this seem to work? The new version is supposed to fall back on the default theme if something isn't available but it can't if I change the theme directory. I've even tried simply copying the whole default folder and renaming it.
Opencart 2.3.0 :
Go to Extestions >> Extestions >> Choose the extension type >> Select Themes >> Edit Your themes >> change default theme. See screenshots:
1 :
2 :
In file <Your project name>/catalog/controller/event/theme.php
replace row 16 from:
$theme = $this->config->get('config_theme');
$theme = $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_directory');
I know it's bit late to answer but it can be helpful to others.
In OpenCart creating a custom theme is little complex , finally i found this doc here which helped me a lot
To start with copy the default folder found in
to a new folder in the same directory. Name it “mytheme“.
Then copy the theme_default.php file in
and place it in same directory. Name it “mytheme.php“.
Rename the class to (line 2):
+ Replace all “theme_default” text to “mytheme“. Yes there are a lot (197).
Copy the theme_default.tpl in
and place it in the same directory. Name it “mytheme.tpl“.
Replace all “theme_default” text to “mytheme“. (48)
Copy theme_default.php in
and place it in the same directory. Name it “mytheme.php“.
Set the new theme’s title in heading_title (line 3) to “My Theme”.
Finally for the thumnail image to show correctly in store settings rename default.png to mytheme.png in
Now go into your Administration > Extensions > Extensions and select Themes in “Choose the extension type”. You should be seeing your new theme. Install it with the green (+) button and edit it to enable it. Also ensure you set the correct theme directory whilst editing the theme!
Then in System > Settings edit your store to use your new theme.
That should do it. You can now go ahead and start chopping and changing the default theme

Can't change the word on a button on Magento

I have installed a cookie bar extension via Magento Connect and it works just fine. I want now to change the text inside the that says "Close".
I have written it in the translation files, cleaned my cache and nothing happened.
I have also read this and tried to find the button on the extension's files, but I can't find it.
Anyone has more ideas of how to solve this issue or point me to a solution? Thanks in advance!
I am using this extension
Image of the issue:
To create translate you need to follow below steps :
Place your language package in /app/locale directory.
Now got to Admin c-panel > System > Configuration > General > Locale Options > Locale select you language pack from the Dropdown list.
you can also translate the words through Inline. Go to System > configuration > Developers > Translate Inline. After enabling this you can translate directly through UI

Magento home page loading without css
Suddenly stopped working once installed new theme, just brings up page with no csss or formatting.
Have you changed the settings of your theme from admin? System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design
Also from what I see you have some misspelled links:
This is a local link, probably should look like
and should point to your theme's folder, not base/default.
Try using Magento methods to get your URLs right: Mage::getUrl(), Mage::getBaseUrl() or look into Mage_Core_Helper_Url for more methods.

My theme is falling back to default theme in my package

I have installed a magento website and configured one store.In configuration design i added the package and theme i have created for it in website level, store level as well as default store level
folder structure is like
I have added catalog.xml to packagename/mytheme/layout folder to remove some of my right side elements like compare products.since it was not working i tried it with local.xml also
but it falls back to packagename/default/layout/catalog.xml
Can anybody give some idea what am i doing wrong
I remain
Check System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design > Themes > Layout, it should be "default"
and check System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design > Package > Current Package Name it should be "packagename".
If these settings are correct, delete the cache as .suggested by Cags and everything should work fine
I find that normally, if you changed something in xml and it's not working, it's because of cache. My preferred option for purging the cache is with rm -rf var/cache/mage--*.
