Jekyll on Windows Liquid Exception: Failed to get header - ruby

I'm trying to use Jekyll on my windows 7 (64bit) PC.
I have installed Ruby, Ruby Devkit, Python 2.7, Jekyll and Pygments but getting this error
E:\jekyll\my-site>jekyll serve
Configuration file: E:/jekyll/my-site/_config.yml
Source: E:/jekyll/my-site
Destination: E:/jekyll/my-site/_site
Generating... Liquid Exception: Failed to get header. in 2013-07-19-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
error: Failed to get header.. Use --trace to view backtrace

I also got this error, and a couple of other similar errors too, and finally got to a solution: you need to have a couple of compatible versions of the required Ruby, Python and Pygments.
Install Ruby 1.9.3-p448 version (download here);
Install Python 2.7.5 version (download here);
Install Pygments 0.5.0
gem uninstall pygments.rb
gem install pygments.rb --version "=0.5.0"
I hope it helps.
Edited: Don't forget to add the correct PATHs to your system variables. In my case, it was:
In order to improve this content, there is a simple tutorial (written in Portuguese, but I guess you can understand the steps, always considering the versions of software/plugins listed above) - view tutorial.

Another possible cause for this error message on Windows is that the path to the Pygments scripts contains spaces. Took me a while to figure this one out...

For my situation, install pygments 0.5.0 or 0.5.4 both have problem. I fixed by re-install python 2.7.6. Please refer to following answer:

I had two versions of python installed on my system.(Windows 8.1)
Python22 and Python27.
I removed Python22, added Python27 to System variables and issue got fixed.


Github pages installation: Jekyll -v output `require': cannot load such file -- google/protobuf_c (LoadError)

I'm trying to follow this guide on setting up a GitHub page website. I installed Homebrew, chruby, and Jekyll following this tutorial.
When I run ruby -v I get ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-darwin18]. When I run chruby -V I get chruby: 0.3.9. After installing Jekyll with gem install jekyll I get Successfully installed jekyll-4.3.1 Parsing documentation for jekyll-4.3.1 Done installing documentation for Jekyll after 0 seconds 1 gem installed.
But when I run jekyll -v (or any Jekyll command) I get a very long message with the following error:
<internal:/Users/my_username/.rubies/ruby-3.1.2/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require': dlopen(/Users/my_username/.gem/ruby/3.1.2/gems/google-protobuf-3.21.12-x86_64-darwin/lib/google/3.1/protobuf_c.bundle, 9): no suitable image found. Did find: (LoadError)
/Users/my_username/.gem/ruby/3.1.2/gems/google-protobuf-3.21.12-x86_64-darwin/lib/google/3.1/protobuf_c.bundle: cannot load 'protobuf_c.bundle' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
/Users/my_username/.gem/ruby/3.1.2/gems/google-protobuf-3.21.12-x86_64-darwin/lib/google/3.1/protobuf_c.bundle: cannot load 'protobuf_c.bundle' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown) - /Users/my_username/.gem/ruby/3.1.2/gems/google-protobuf-3.21.12-x86_64-darwin/lib/google/3.1/protobuf_c.bundle
I spent hours looking at what this error means and found very specific (to some version of Ruby or other libraries) questions like Ruby 2.7.2 google/protobuf_c problem (M1), Ruby: Gem version 3.11.2 doesn't load on Ruby 2.7, and many others.
It's the first time I even hear about Ruby or Jekyll or anything else here and I can't figure out how to properly install these to just make a website on GitHub. I also tried to install Ruby using rvm instead of chruby but that gave the same error. I also tried to install different versions of Ruby, like 3.1.3 and 3.2.0.
When gems have native extensions that need to be compiled it's possible for the gem author to build the extensions in advance and include them in the package so that the gem can install faster than if it were being compiled from scratch. Unfortunately Google has broken this implementation repeatedly.
This has been a problem for about two years with google-protobuf. Google has periodically fixed it and broken it again. They also periodically claim to understand the problem without understanding it and claim to have fixed it without fixing it. And their GitHub issues frequently pass the buck when they're the only ones that can fix it.
Anytime you're dealing with google-protobuf on macOS it's best to ensure that you are compiling it from scratch. This can be done with the --platform argument:
gem install --platform ruby google-protobuf
The platform ruby means don't use any pre-compiled binaries and force compilation from source.
The platform x86_64-darwin means use the pre-compiled binaries for macOS with Intel processors. That's the version that the gem installer identified for your system and used automatically but the error no suitable image found is a macOS error that means this library was not compiled in a way that I can understand.

Shopify CLI not recognising correct ruby install

When logging into a store with Shopify CLI I am given the following error:
"Your environment Ruby version, 2.6.3, is outside of the range supported by the CLI, 2.6.6..<3.2.0, and might cause incompatibility issues."
I am getting a general 'unexpected' error on a range of commands and believe it's due to the issue above. Thing is, I have latest ruby installed via homebrew, so it seems Shopify CLI is seeing another install.
I have tried reinstalling shopify-cli through homebrew using
brew reinstall shopify-cli
But this doesn't help.
If I run
ruby -v
I get the version mentioned in the error which shopify cli is seeing: "ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [universal.arm64e-darwin21]"
Not sure if you fixed this, but I figured it out using this tool. Run brew config command, and look for the CLT: key: If it says >14.x, then you got an update from macOS v12.6 version. Please correct me if you think I might be wrong.
Just like a plus, update your Node package at least to v18.x. I hope that helps.

Can we install C gems in ruby 2.7.0

I just upgraded by ruby to 2.7.0.
And I tried to install the ibm_db gem in windows platform. Installation works fine. When I try to use the gem(like require 'ibm_db') I get the following error
LoadError (126: The specified module could not be found. - C:/Ruby27/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/ibm_db-5.1.0-x86-mingw32/lib/mswin32/rb2x/i386/
I have faced this type of error in ruby 2.6 also but when I have set RUBY_DLL_PATH to the ddl which the gem uses it is solved.
But in ruby 2.7 even after setting this variable I get the following error.
Can anyone please help in solving this? ( I have one more doubt:- c gems are supported in ruby 2.7)
It appears that the ibm_db gem currently does not support Ruby 2.7 yet. The newest Ruby version they support is Ruby 2.6.x.
There is a pull request at which might add support for Ruby 2.7 though.
The issue is because the binary was pointed to ruby 2.6 binary. So replace it with the latest ruby 2.7 binary and then everything works fine.

Getting Pygments dependency error when trying to compile Jekyll site

I'm beginning to set up a Jekyll site and I've installed everything and copied the contents of this theme into the site's directory. I've installed Pygments via the gem install pygments.rb command and it seemed to install fine. But I'm still getting the error from my screenshot below when trying jekyll serve . I found this post and tried the commands in the given answer, installing pygments worked fine, but when I tried gem 'pygments.rb' I got the error in the first line of the screenshot "Unknown command pygments.rb".
I'm running this command in the directory with my gemfile, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
I'm not really sure what else I can try. I've installed pygments but I still get the error that it is not installed. I am using rbenv to manage my Ruby versions, I have the global ruby version set to 2.0.0-p247. Any ideas how I can fix this?
Edit: So I followed the theme's install guide, but I'm getting the same error except for Kramdown:
Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Markdown encountered an error while converting '_posts/2016-01-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown':
Missing dependency: kramdown
Missing dependency: kramdown
If you read theme's install steps, your not supposed to battle with any pygments install.
Here are two working ways for a Jekyll install :

Rails server command generates error report

When I used rails server command, found following errors in terminal. It shows that "could not find a JavaScript runtime". I am newbie in ROR and don't know to configure different files. I Google and found solutions of this problem 1 2 3. Still I am not getting the things. Please suggest some solutions.
Ruby and Rail versions on my system
Ruby version:- ruby 1.8.7 , Rails version:- Rails 3.2.6
I suppose you lack executable on your system/
Haven't you try to run gem install execjs or bundle install(from your project directory) in console?
Also visit execjs homepage and try instaling any of JS runtimes supported.
I was able to reproduce your error (with ruby 1.9.2). Just add gem 'therubyracer' to your Gemfile and run bundle install. For some weird reason ROR is not working out of the box on Ubuntu. See this and search for runtime word for more info.
Please put your Gemfile here. This might help.
The error message also tells your to
See for a list of available runtimes.
You have to install one of the JavaScript runtimes listed there:
Microsoft Windows Script Host
For Rails 3.2.6 I suggest to use Ruby 1.9.3. for better performance.
