Magento on my MAMP server will sometimes not load anything - macos

I installed Magento a 4 days ago on my MacBook. Everything that day worked with no problems.
But today when I refresh a page sometimes not all the time the page returns blank.
It gets even weirder when I check the headers return by the server I get a Status Code 200.
Here are some screenshot of Google Chrome developer bar:
I feel that this problem is related to this one: It seems that not all of my HTML page loads in some browsers
I haven't found any solutions to that one either.
Also I am unable to access the admin section of the website (// I just get this error:
Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
I am using Magento
Allot of my server informations are found in the second image. If you need more information please do ask.
I found this in my Apache error logs, after I refresh one of the pages that did not want to load:
[Thu Jul 25 04:18:04 2013] [notice] child pid 46575 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu Jul 25 04:18:08 2013] [notice] child pid 46576 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

I just needed to change the caching in MAMP from XCache to APC or something else.


AJAX request terminated abnormally with select photo uploads in Drupal

I'm busy fixing an issue on a site a friend runs for her work. I have worked on this site before, and this is the only Drupal site I have ever worked on, so I am somewhat of a newbie to Drupal. The original dev decided they no longer wanted to maintain it quite some time ago and kind of disappeared shortly after.
The issue:- Most photos upload fine however some cause the following error:
An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally. Debugging information follows.
Path: /?q=file/ajax/field_accom_image/und/form--5hp1P7pzFdShaND24CsiI7QNe3f9bApEq9Gu78bRZg
StatusText: n/a
ResponseText: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Apache Server at REAL_URL_REDACTED Port 80
ReadyState: undefined
I have found "An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally" errors on StackOverflow and the Drupal site, however, none of them had a "ResponseText" of "Bad Request" and a "ReadyState" of "undefined" simultaneously.
This didn't stop me from trying troubleshooting from those answers, such as setting the $base_url variable in settings.php, checking and changing permissions on the server, disable the overlay feature for the admin settings, compressing the image to a smaller file size, dropping the image resolution, removing all possible metadata from the image, checking the upload max file size in the php config.
Drupal version is 7.59

Ajax not working with SSL on IE error code 12019

I am working on a web application built on Java, JSP, Ajax the servers are JBoss with front in Apche 2 server. The application is accessed over the internet. clients are using mostly IE 7, 8, 9 Browsers.
The application was working perfectly before.Recently we applied SSL certificates over the site, after this we started getting complaints from the user that pages where Ajax is applied are not submitting. Normally we call the ajax on submit button and block the page till response is received from the server. we applied loggers and found that the ajax request calls are failed with ajax jqXHR error status as 12019.
We observed that this error is observed by the users where IE (mostly version 8 and 9) is used. the pattern of error is also not same. some time the same user able to submit page who complaint earlier and some time not. i tried best to produce this scenario over my local and development environment but could not.
i google the problem and found something that 12019 error code is a bug of IE. but why it worked before applying the SSL,
and if SSL is not correct why the problem is only at the ajax page why not somewhere else. I cant say users to change the browser.
This driving me crazy for more then a week. Please help me if anyone else has observed and solve this before.
This is due to IE attempting to cache something it shouldnt.
There are 2 options
Add no cache headers
"If-Modified-Since", "Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
"Cache-Control", "no-cache"
Append a cache busting parameter
I realize this is an old question, but someone else might benefit from the answer.

twitter4j api to post image to twitter,

I use twitter4j api to post image to twitter, initially my project worked without any exception but after further development it became unresponsive. Below is the error log form eclipse logcat. Could not validate certificate:
current time: Fri May 10 12:37:38 IST 2013, expiration time: Fri May 10 05:29:59 IST 2013
TwitterException{exceptionCode=[f69e96cd-138ff489 f69e96cd-138ff438 f69e96cd-138ff438 f69e96cd-138ff438 f69e96cd-138ff438], statusCode=-1, retryAfter=0, rateLimitStatus=null, version=2.1.6}
This happened since last night and I cant figure out whether this is due to twitter server error or not.
Somehow it seems the Certs are linked to your current date/time and any modification made there will cause this exception. Even I'm hunting for a perfect answer/resolution to this issue.

Forbidden no access permission to `/' after app shutdown

Essentially, when you don't visit my Jekyll application on Heroku for an hour, you see this error message the first time the app fires back up:
no access permission to `/'
WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2011-07-09) at
Then, after a page reload, all is magically fine. I don't recall seeing this with my other Jekyll Heroku apps. The source is here: . Anybody see this and know what the problem is?
Do you only have one web worker? Heroku sites with only one process automatically go idle after an hour of inactivity. Then, when a visitor hits your site, the Jekyll server has to spin up again, but it hasn't actually generated the root index.html file yet, so you get a "forbidden error" (this is what Jekyll's built-in server returns when it hasn't completely generated the site yet).

Chrome doesn't cache images/js/css

When Chrome loads my website, it checks the server for updated versions of files before it shows them. (Images/Javascript/CSS) It gets a 304 from the server because I never edit external javascript, css or images.
What I want it to do, is display the images without even checking the server.
Here are the headers:
Date:Tue, 03 Aug 2010 21:39:32 GMT
Expires:Thu, 02 Sep 2010 21:39:32 GMT
How do I make it not check the server?
Make sure you have the disable cache checkbox unchecked/disabled in the Developer Tools.
What do your request headers look like?
Chrome will set max-age:0 on the request's Cache-Control header if you press Enter in the location bar. If you visit your page using a hyperlink, it should use the cache, as expected.
Wow! I was facing the same issue for quite some time.
I'll tell you why you were facing this issue. Your headers are just fine. You receive a 304 because of the way you are trying to refresh the page. There a mainly 3 ways -
Press enter in the address box. You will observe chrome reads the file from the cache first and does not go to the server at all.
Press f5, this would verify if the file has become stale (probably that is how you are refreshing)
Press Ctrl+f5, this is unconditional reload of all static resources.
So basically - you should press the return key in the address bar. Let me know if this works.
For me, it was self-signed certificate:
In the above link the Chromium Developer marked the bug: #WontFix because the rule is: "Any error with the certificate means the page will not be cached."
Therefore Chrome doesn't cache resources from servers with self-signed certificate.
If you want Chrome to cache your JS/CSS files - the server will need to set a "Cache-Control" header. It should look like:
Cache-Control:max-age=86400 (if you want to cache resources for a day).
I believe you are looking for
Cache-Control: immutable
