twitter4j api to post image to twitter, - image

I use twitter4j api to post image to twitter, initially my project worked without any exception but after further development it became unresponsive. Below is the error log form eclipse logcat. Could not validate certificate:
current time: Fri May 10 12:37:38 IST 2013, expiration time: Fri May 10 05:29:59 IST 2013
TwitterException{exceptionCode=[f69e96cd-138ff489 f69e96cd-138ff438 f69e96cd-138ff438 f69e96cd-138ff438 f69e96cd-138ff438], statusCode=-1, retryAfter=0, rateLimitStatus=null, version=2.1.6}
This happened since last night and I cant figure out whether this is due to twitter server error or not.

Somehow it seems the Certs are linked to your current date/time and any modification made there will cause this exception. Even I'm hunting for a perfect answer/resolution to this issue.


Google Classroom Share button not working suddenly

We integrated the Google Classroom Share button per these docs - - back in Apr. Today we noticed it was not working, and saw these errors in the JavaScript console. Googling for "homeroom_share_widget" turns up very little, though there is a page with a copy of another StackOverflow post where someone reported this on Aug 4th 2020 and it "resolved itself."
Refused to apply style from
because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported
stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
Google identified the problem on their side and fixed it. See for details.

Any query returns TypeError: Failed to fetch in

If i create a new pad, the example Hello world from the repository will also give an error " TypeError: Failed to fetch". Also with other queries
As mentioned here:
We will be sunsetting Launchpad on December 15, 2018 now that our hosting platform, Auth0 Extend, is discontinuing their service. We decided to not invest time into moving to another service because more full-featured Apollo Server playgrounds currently exist. Please migrate all examples to either CodeSandbox or Glitch before December 15, 2018 so you don’t lose your work.

XRMServiceToolkit is not working as Expected after upgrading MS Dynamics CRM 2015 to 2016

I have upgraded MS CRM 2015 to 2016 and it is working fine. We are using XRMServiceToolkit(2.2) javascript library to fetch data from server.
The main problem is we are getting logical name in name attribute and logical name is blank, whereas earlier we use to get value of the field in name attribute and field name in logical name. Please refer the screenshot for better understanding.
Below is the screenshot from MS CRM 2016 :
Below is the screenshot from MS CRM 2015 :
I have searched online but couldn't find anything related to this. I tried making change in the library but it lands up into other errors. If I check the XML response from the server in 2015 :
<b:value i:type="a:EntityReference">
in 2016 :
<b:value i:type="a:EntityReference">
<a:KeyAttributes xmlns:c="" />
<a:RowVersion i:nil="true" />
I think this could be a reason for this problem but I don't know how to resolve it.
I hope you've solved this issue.
I will post the answer for everyone else who might be experiencing this issue.
As stated in the project description page, since Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 1, you should use the 2.2.1 version of the library.
This is the link to the download page: XrmServiceToolkit v2.2.1.
Also keep in mind this issue. I don't know if the publisher has already solved it.
Last but not least, you should keep in mind that from Dynamics CRM 2016, the OData endpoint has been deprecated (it still works but will stop working in future releases) and the supported way to query OData endpoint is through the Web API.
You can find a starting point to query CRM data here.

Play Framework Date Parse Error

So i am having this issue with the play framework session dropping Play Session Dropping during payment tracking
I recently checked my logs and notices this stack trace coming up frequently
[debug] application - An invalidate date was received: Sat, 03 Oct 2015 23:08:37 UTC
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "Sat, 03 Oct 2015 23:08:37 UTC" is malformed at " UTC"
at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseDateTime( ~[joda-time.joda-time-2.3.jar:2.3]
at controllers.AssetInfo$.parseDate(Assets.scala:106) ~[]
at controllers.AssetsBuilder$$anonfun$controllers$AssetsBuilder$$maybeNotModified$3.apply(Assets.scala:326) []
at controllers.AssetsBuilder$$anonfun$controllers$AssetsBuilder$$maybeNotModified$3.apply(Assets.scala:325) []
at scala.Option.flatMap(Option.scala:170) [org.scala-lang.scala-library-2.11.1.jar:na]
I looked at this post on github ( which is similar and says fixed but not sure if my version has the fix. I am using version 2.3.8.
Could this be causing my request to not have my session since it can not even parse the request?
Also do I need to update my version to fix this issue ?

oauthd not asking me to set a user/pass on first use

I'm trying to figure out the oauthd system ( , so I can do social media authentication on my own server, rather than using theirs (which seems to go offline a fair bit for me)
Anyway, I've installed it, run init to create the instance, and then start, as per the below output:
oauthd start
Initializing plugins engine
Loading admin-auth
Loading slashme
Loading request
Loading front
oauthd start server
oauthd listening at http://:::6284 for
Server is ready (load time: 1.85s) Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:20:24 GMT
Now, as per the document - I should go to:
...and its MEANT to ask you to setup a user/password, which will be the admin logins. Unfortunately, it doesn't do this. I just get sent to: ... where it asks me to login with an email/password, both of which I don't have yet:
Can anyone explain what step I'm missing? I've love to get this going - as I'm not a fan of having to use 3rd party systems (i.e, as you are at their mercy when it goes offline.
Logging in for the first time actually creates your admin user with the entered credentials. So for example if you enter '' as the e-mail and 'letmepassplease' as the password, you'll be able to log in with these credentials in the future.
I can see why it's not clear, and we will probably improve this later. In the meantime you can create an issue about this on the Github repo.
Hope this helps :)
