golang: can i share C.int between packages - go

in the main package i have:
var foo C.int
foo = 3
t := fastergo.Ctuner_new()
fastergo.Ctuner_register_parameter(t, &foo, 0, 100, 1)
in the fastergo package i have:
func Ctuner_register_parameter(tuner unsafe.Pointer, parameter *C.int, from C.int, to C.int, step C.int) C.int {
if i try to run it, i get:
demo.go:14[/tmp/go-build742221968/command-line-arguments/_obj/demo.cgo1.go:21]: cannot use &foo (type *_Ctype_int) as type *fastergo._Ctype_int in function argument
i am not really sure what go is trying to tell me here, but somehow i think it wants to tell me, that all C.int are not equal? why is this the case? how can i solve this / work around?

Since _Ctype_int doesn't begin with a Unicode upper case letter, the type is local to the package. Use Go types, except in the C wrapper package where you convert them to C types. The wrapper package should hide all the implementation details.
You don't provide sufficient information for us to create sample code which compiles and runs. Here's a rough outline of what I expected to see:
package main
import "tuner"
func main() {
var foo int
foo = 3
t := tuner.New()
t.RegisterParameter(&foo, 0, 100, 1)
package tuner
import (
#include "ctuner.h"
import "C"
type Tuner struct {
ctuner uintptr
func New() *Tuner {
var t Tuner
t.ctuner = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(C.ctuner_new()))
return &t
func (t *Tuner) RegisterParameter(parameter *int, from, to, step int) error {
var rv C.int
rv = C.ctuner_register_parameter(
if rv != 0 {
// handle error
return nil

As explained by peterSO, you can't pass C.int between packages. However, you can pass pointers between packages by converting the pointer type. To do this, you would define a named type in the target package, import that type into the calling package and covert via unsafe.Pointer. There isn't any point in doing this with a single int.
However, it is helpful if you keep code to convert complex types in a package; for example an array of strings (or any sort of nested array).
The example below is for exporting a go function to be called in C, but this works in reverse, ie. if you want to call a C functions which a returns nested array.
package convert
import "C"
type PP_char **C.char
func From_c_to_go(arr_str PP_char, length int) []string {
// Some operation on the Ctype
var slice []string
for _, s := range unsafe.Slice(arr_str, length) {
if s == nil {
x := C.GoString(s)
slice = append(slice, x)
return slice
package main
import "C"
import "convert"
//export myFunc
func myFunc(arr_str **C.char, length int){
retyped_arr_str := convert.PP_char(unsafe.Pointer(arr_str))
slice := convert.From_c_to_go(retyped_arr_str, length)
// Do something with slice
You could instead decide to pass instance of unsafe.Pointer as an argument to the go function in the target package and perform the type conversion in that function.


golang: implicit vs explicit func definition

Consider this package:
package A
var X="change me"
var Y=func(i int) int { return i*i) }
func Z(i int) int { return -i) }
The two explicit variables (X,Y) can be changed in another package, say main...
package main
import "A"
func main () {
A.Y=func (i int) int { return i*i*i }
//... but A.Z apparently can't be changed.
//A.Z=func (int i) int { return i*i*i } //main.go:8: cannot assign to A.Z
Obviously there's a difference between defining a func variable (like Y) and an explicit func (like Z). I have googled this but not found much in the way of enlightenment. It almost seems as if var SomeFunc=func (...) defines indeed a variable, but func SomeFunc(...) defines a constant.
PS: A small goodie I found while researching this which I have not seen mentioned in the Go books I've read so far. A dot before a package import imports names without them having to be qualified:
package main
import . "A"
func main () {
Y=func (i int) int { return i*i*i }
func SomeFunc(), in essence creates a strong/constant/immutable binding of the identifier SomeFunc to the function you define. When you create a variable like so:
var (
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i * 2
You create a global variable of the type func(int) int. You can reassign this variable later on. This is something you can't really do with a func SomeFunc identifier. Simply put, this is because func SomeFunc() binds the function Directly to the identifier. The var SomeFunc approach creates a variable (type func(int) int in this case), and that variable is initialised using the function you're assigning. As is the case with variables: reassignment is possible.
What you can do with functions, is shadow them using a scoped variable. This will probably get flagged by most linters, but it's a technique/trick that sometimes can be useful in testing
As for the dot-imports: Please don't do that unless there's a very, very, very good reason for it. A good reason would be you writing a package that adds to an existing one, so you no longer import an existing one, but import your own. Think of it as extending a package. 99% of the time. Don't, whatever you do, use it to quench errors when you import encoding/json to add json serialization annotations to a struct. In those cases, use an underscore:
package foo
import (
type Bar struct {
Foobar string `json:"foobar"`
func New() *Bar {
&Bar{"Default foobar"}
Don't know about golang 1.8, but packages like that could result in compiler errors (package encoding/json imported but not used). To silence that error, you simply changed the import to:
_ "encoding/json"
The dot-packages, underscores, and package aliases all follow the same rule: use them as little as possible.
Code used in examples:
package main
import (
var (
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i * 2
func main() {
fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 4
fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 8
fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 2
// global function
func reassign() {
// assign new function to the global var. Function types MUST match
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i * 4
// assign function to local reassign variable
func shadowReassign() {
reassign := func() {
// same as global reassign
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i
There's a difference between declaring a variable initialized with a function value:
var Y=func(i int) int { return i*i) }
and declaring a function:
func Z(i int) int { return -i) }
The specification says this about declarations:
A declaration binds a non-blank identifier to a constant, type, variable, function, label, or package.
The specification also says:
A function declaration binds an identifier, the function name, to a function.
The declaration of Y binds a variable to the name. This variable is initialized with a function value. The declaration of Z binds a function to the name.
If an explicit period (.) appears instead of a name, all the package's exported identifiers declared in that package's package block will be declared in the importing source file's file block and must be accessed without a qualifier.

How to write a pop() function

a := []int{1,2,3}
x, a := a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
How to create a pop() function that will do the same for any type of an array?
Here is what I came up with so far:
func pop(a []*interface{}) interface{}{
x := a[len(a)-1]
a = a[:len(a)-1]
return x
func main(){
a := []int{1,2,3}
x = pop(a)
fmt.Println(a,x) // -> [1,2] 3
But I get cannot use a (type []int) as type []interface {}or other error messages if I try to tweak the code by trial and error.
package main
import (
func pop(a interface{}) interface{} {
v := reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()
x := v.Index(v.Len() - 1)
v.SetLen(v.Len() - 1)
return x
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
x := pop(&a)
fmt.Println(a, x) // -> [1,2] 3
Though this can be implemented, I still think that x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1] should be better than a pop function.
The go type system doesn't allow you to cast from []type1 -> []type2. Even if it did interfaces are a struct containing a type id and pointer to the object, where normally you would just have the object. Because of this you need to take a interface{} and use reflect to do the slicing.
func pop(slice interface{}) (interface{}, interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
return v.Slice(0,v.Len()-1).Interface(), v.Index(v.Len()-1).Interface()
Go Playground
Note that this loses compile time type safety, because it must use an interface. Additionally, due to using interfaces the poped value may be allocated, creating extra GC pressure.
Common Go style typically recommends not writing a function like this, and just inlining the small amount of code manually.
After all that really good anwers using reflection I also want to add one answer which offers a more idiomatic Go solution. Like Rob Pike said in his great talk about Go Proverbs
interface{} says nothing
Reflection is never clear
So there should be also one answer showing the idiomatic Go way. This solution does not work for slices of standard types. But there the answer of cshu shows the best solution: x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
For own defined types we have to define a Poper interface and the Pop function takes that as input and returns an empty interface.
type Poper interface {
Pop() interface{}
type MyType struct {
a []int
func (mt *MyType) Pop() interface{} {
x := mt.a[len(mt.a)-1]
mt.a = mt.a[:len(mt.a)-1]
return x
func Pop(p Poper) interface{} {
return p.Pop()
func main() {
a := &MyType{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
fmt.Println(Pop(a), a)
At all it is not a good idea to return an empty interface, because all following code has to support the interface{}.
The following code example does not work:
func main() {
a := &MyType{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
fmt.Println(Pop(a), a)
var b int
b = Pop(a)
The error says everything about that problem: cannot use Pop(a) (type interface {}) as type int in assignment: need type assertion
So the Pop() function does work by returning interface{} but the rest of the code using the result of that function needs to make a type assertion. So if you can avoid it you should search for another solution using types.

generic function to get size of any structure in Go

I am writing a generic function to get the size of any type of structure, similar to sizeof function in C.
I am trying to do this using interfaces and reflection but I'm not able to get the correct result. Code is below:
package main
import (
func main() {
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
info := myType{1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
func getSize(T interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(T)
const size = unsafe.Sizeof(v)
This code returns wrong result as 12. I am very new to Go, kindly help me on this.
You're getting the size of the reflect.Value struct, not of the object contained in the interface T. Fortunately, reflect.Type has a Size() method:
size := reflect.TypeOf(T).Size()
This gives me 40, which makes sense because of padding.
Go 1.18
With Go 1.18 you can use a generic function with unsafe.Sizeof:
func getSize[T any]() uintptr {
var v T
return unsafe.Sizeof(v)
Note that this will be more performant than using reflect, but it will introduce unsafe in your code base — some static analysis tools may give warnings about that.
However if your goal is to improve code reuse or get sizes at run time (read on for the solution to that), this won't help much because you still need to call the function with proper instantiation:
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
func main() {
You might get the most out of this when used as part of some other generic code, e.g. a generic type or function where you pass a type param into getSize. Although if you have the argument v this is equivalent to calling unsafe.Sizeof(v) directly. Using a function could be still useful to hide usage of unsafe. A trivial example:
func printSize[T any](v T) {
// (doing something with v)
// instantiate with T and call
s := getSize[T]()
// s := unsafe.Sizeof(v)
Otherwise you can pass an actual argument to getSize. Then type inference will make it unnecessary to specify the type param. This code perhaps is more flexible and allows you to pass arbitrary arguments at runtime, while keeping the benefits of avoiding reflection:
func getSize[T any](v T) uintptr {
return unsafe.Sizeof(v)
func main() {
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
info := myType{1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
// inferred type params
fmt.Println(getSize(info)) // 40
fmt.Println(getSize(5.0)) // 8
fmt.Println(getSize([]string{})) // 24
fmt.Println(getSize(struct {
id uint64
s *string
}{})) // 16
Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/kfhqYHUwB2S

What's the difference between new(Struct) and &Struct{} in Go?

They seem to be the same:
package main
import "fmt"
type S struct {
i int
func main() {
var s1 *S = new(S)
var s2 *S = &S{}
fmt.Println(s2) // Prints the same thing.
Hm. I just realized that there's no obvious way to initialize S.i using new. Is there a way to do that? new(S{i:1}) does not seem to work :/
From Effective Go:
As a limiting case, if a composite literal contains no fields at all, it creates a zero value for the type. The expressions new(File) and &File{} are equivalent.
Not only do they give the same resulting value, but if we allocate something both ways and look at their values...
// Adapted from http://tour.golang.org/#30
package main
import "fmt"
type Vertex struct {
X, Y int
func main() {
v := &Vertex{}
v2 := new(Vertex)
fmt.Printf("%p %p", v, v2)
...we'll see that they are in fact allocated in consecutive memory slots. Typical output: 0x10328100 0x10328108. I'm not sure if this is an implementation detail or part of the specification, but it does demonstrate that they're both being allocated from the same pool.
Play around with the code here.
As for initializing with new, according to the language spec: The built-in function new takes a type T and returns a value of type *T. The memory [pointed to] is initialized as described in the section on initial values. Because functions in go can't be overloaded, and this isn't a variadic function, there's no way to pass in any initialization data. Instead, go will initialize it with whatever version of 0 makes sense for the type and any member fields, as appropriate.
Case 1: package main
import (
type Drink struct {
Name string
Flavour string
func main() {
a := new(Drink)
a.Name = "Maaza"
a.Flavour = "Mango"
b := a
b.Name = "Frooti"
}//This will output Frooti for a.Name, even though the addresses for a and b are different.
Case 2:
package main
import (
type Drink struct {
Name string
Flavour string
func main() {
a := Drink{
Name: "Maaza",
Flavour: "Mango",
b := a
b.Name = "Froti"
}//This will output Maaza for a.Name. To get Frooti in this case assign b:=&a.

Using function names as parameters

In Go, you can pass functions as parameters like callFunction(fn func). For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func example() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func) {
func main() {
But is it possible to call a function when it's a member of a struct? The following code would fail, but gives you an example of what I'm talking about:
package main
import "fmt"
type Example struct {
x int
y int
var example Example
func (e Example) StructFunction() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func) {
func main() {
(I know what I'm trying to do in that example is a little odd. The exact problem I have doesn't scale down to a simple example very well, but that's the essence of my problem. However I'm also intrigued about this from an academic perspective)
Methods (which are not "members of a struct" but methods of any named type, not only structs) are first class values. Go 1.0.3 didn't yet implemented method values but the tip version (as in the comming Go 1.1) has support method values. Quoting the full section here:
Method values
If the expression x has static type T and M is in the method set of type T, x.M is called a method value. The method value x.M is a function value that is callable with the same arguments as a method call of x.M. The expression x is evaluated and saved during the evaluation of the method value; the saved copy is then used as the receiver in any calls, which may be executed later.
The type T may be an interface or non-interface type.
As in the discussion of method expressions above, consider a struct type T with two methods, Mv, whose receiver is of type T, and Mp, whose receiver is of type *T.
type T struct {
a int
func (tv T) Mv(a int) int { return 0 } // value receiver
func (tp *T) Mp(f float32) float32 { return 1 } // pointer receiver
var t T
var pt *T
func makeT() T
The expression
yields a function value of type
func(int) int
These two invocations are equivalent:
f := t.Mv; f(7)
Similarly, the expression
yields a function value of type
func(float32) float32
As with selectors, a reference to a non-interface method with a value receiver using a pointer will automatically dereference that pointer: pt.Mv is equivalent to (*pt).Mv.
As with method calls, a reference to a non-interface method with a pointer receiver using an addressable value will automatically take the address of that value: t.Mv is equivalent to (&t).Mv.
f := t.Mv; f(7) // like t.Mv(7)
f := pt.Mp; f(7) // like pt.Mp(7)
f := pt.Mv; f(7) // like (*pt).Mv(7)
f := t.Mp; f(7) // like (&t).Mp(7)
f := makeT().Mp // invalid: result of makeT() is not addressable
Although the examples above use non-interface types, it is also legal to create a method value from a value of interface type.
var i interface { M(int) } = myVal
f := i.M; f(7) // like i.M(7)
Go 1.0 does not support the use of bound methods as function values. It will be supported in Go 1.1, but until then you can get similar behaviour through a closure. For example:
func main() {
callFunction(func() { example.StructFunction() })
It isn't quite as convenient, since you end up duplicating the function prototype but should do the trick.
I fixed your compile errors.
package main
import "fmt"
type Example struct {
x, y float64
var example Example
func (e Example) StructFunction() {
fmt.Println("hello from example")
func callFunction(fn func()) {
func main() {
hello from example
To add to #zzzz great answer (and the one given at https://golang.org/ref/spec#Method_values) here is an example that creates a method value from a value of an interface type.
package main
import "fmt"
type T struct{}
func (T) M(i int) { fmt.Println(i) }
func main() {
myVal := T{}
var i interface{ M(int) } = myVal
f := i.M
f(7) // like i.M(7)
