Websocket communicate after the network goes down - websocket

A WebSocket connection have been established between the client and server endpoint.
Now I have the network connection go down (for example the ADSL dies), after 10 min I recover the network, I find that the client and server are still able to communicate with each
other. Why?
The client was developed with Java-WebSocket framework, and the client did with ws4py.

1 - If they did not try to exchange any data and only the connection (not the endpoints) between them is down, this is normal behaviour.
2 - If the websocket connection ended, Browser may have re-established it without you knowing about it. I just checked that this is not normal behaviour. But maybe there is some parameter somewhere :-)


How long can a RSocket connection last?

I understand that RSocket connection is bidirectional.
How long can a client be connected to a server via RSocket before the connection is terminated?
And if the connection actually does terminate, how does it get reconnected if the server wants to send something to the client?
Minutes, Days or Weeks?
It's dependent on your use. Server to Server with lifetime of those servers. Or Mobile connecting to a backend with sticky routing and resumption.
However while the connection is bi-directional, the client must always initiate the (re-)connection.

WebSocket over Yamux over WebSocket not working

I was experimenting hashicorp/yamux over gorilla/websocket, and got stuck.
I started with vanilla WebSocket using the echo example from Gorilla WebSocket project. It was very a straight forward client-server setup. Then image that the server is now behind a firewall, thus the client cannot make a direct connection to it. So I introduced a hub and an agent. The hub is supposed to be publicly visible and connectable for the client. The agent would run alongside the server, who would first make a WebSocket connection to the hub and then multiplex the connection using Yamux so that the hub can then initiate requests to the server. In this way, I effectively "exposed" the server beyond the firewall.
For normal HTTP endpoints, things are good. The client can make requests to the hub, who would proxy these requests to the agent using the WebSocket connection initiated by the hub, and then the hub would further proxy these requests to the server.
However, this trick failed to work with WebSocket endpoints. For the echo example, the client can access the HTML on / through the hub-agent-server chain, but would fail on the /echo path, which is a WebSocket endpoint.
My question is, is this WebSocker over Yamux over WebSocket fundamentally impossible, or do I just need some extra lines to get things work? Here's the code I've been experimenting with. Really appreciate your helps!

Websockets and uwsgi - detect broken connections client side?

I'm using uwsgi's websockets support and so far it's looking great, the server detects when the client disconnects and the client as well when the server goes down. But i'm concerned this will not work in every case/browser.
In other frameworks, namely sockjs, the connection is monitored by sending regular messages that work as heartbeats/pings. But uwsgi sends PING/PONG frames (ie. not regular messages/control frames) according to the websockets spec and so from the client side i have no way to know when the last ping was received from the server. So my question is this:
If the connection is dropped or blocked by some proxy will browsers reliably (ie. Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera) detect no PING was received from the server and signal the connection as down or should i implement some additional ping/pong system so that the connection is detected as closed from the client side?
You are totally right. There is no way from client side to track or send ping/pongs. So if the connection drops, the server is able of detecting this condition through the ping/pong, but the client is let hung... until it tries to send something and the underlying TCP mechanism detect that the other side is not ACKnowledging its packets.
Therefore, if the client application expects to be "listening" most of the time, it may be convenient to implement a keep alive system that works "both ways" as Stephen Clearly explains in the link you posted. But, this keep alive system would be part of your application layer, rather than part of the transport layer as ping/pongs.
For example you can have a message "{token:'whatever'}" that the server and client just echoes with a 5 seconds delay. The client should have a timer with a 10 seconds timeout that stops every time that messages is received and starts every time the message is echoed, if the timer triggers, the connection can be consider dropped.
Although browsers that implement the same RFC as uWSGI should detect reliably when the server closes the connection cleanly they won't detect when the connection is interrupted midway (half open connections)t. So from what i understand we should employ an extra mechanism like application level pings.

Websockets Disconnected when intermittant network drop or Network swtiched

We are using tomcat websocket implementation in our web application. Messages are pushed from server to client through websockets. Web socket messages are not pushed when intermittant connection drop or network is switch over but still web application is connected.
Let say for example i am connected to LAN and logged in app, now i connecting through wifi after wifi successfully connected i am disconnecting LAN with in fraction of second network is switched from LAN to wifi But after this messages are not pushed from server to client through websockets.
After network switch if i check the state of the websocket(readyState) which says 1 which means websocket connection is open but actually its not.
Can anyone faced this issue earlier and provide your suggestions.
You must create a connection drop detection mechanism. The WebSocket protocol has ping/pong frames, but I don't know if Tomcat has that functionality. In some Webscoket frameworks you can define a timeout interval, and the server will ping the client regularly, if the client miss some pongs is disconnected.
If that functionality is not provided by Tomcat, you can still create your own. Just define a special type of message and repeat it to the server from the client. If you do not get any of those messages for a while, disconnect.

WebSocket connection with OpenShift DIY cartridge is dropped every 2 min

My application consists of two pieces: WebSocket server - which is hosted on OpenShift DIY cartridge; WebSocket client - which connects to my server from home PC. WebSocket server is written using embedded Jetty and its library for WebSockets. Client side is written using JAVA and Tyrus library. It works pretty well except for one glitch that I cannot explain.
When running WebSocket server on OpenShift DIY cartridge, WebSocket connection gets dropped every 2 min. Connection drops happen quite precisely so obviously it is not related to potential network outages. Besides I have tested exactly the same application on Heroku and there were no connection drop. Moreover onClose(...) method receives NORMAL_CLOSURE close code.
I am almost sure that OpenShift Apache layer closes idle WebSocket connections every 2 min. even though WebSocket client sends Ping messages and receives Pong messages from the server. Has anyone experienced this type of WebSocket connection drops? Are there are parameters I can use to prevent connection drops?
Thank you in advance.
Update: I added a dedicated thread on the server side to send Pong messages to the client (Jetty does not support Pong handlers yet so I cannot use Ping messages) and drops disappeared. It seems like OpenShift Apache layer started treating connection as "alive" and does not close it. Then I noticed one more strange behavior: someone ping my server side application via HTTPS every hour. HTTP headers look like this:
Accept: /
User-Agent: Ruby
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Forwarded-Host: ....rhcloud.com
Connection: keep-alive
X-Request-Start: t=1409771442217677
Host: wsproxy-gimes4dieni.rhcloud.com
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-SSL-Client-Cert: (null)
X-Forwarded-Server: localhost
I do not use Ruby, I am using only HTTP and IP address is different from my regular requests. Does anybody has a clue whether this is some sort of OpenShift "service" of this is coming from the Internet?
SSH into your project, open ~/haproxy/conf/haproxy.cfg with a text editor such as vi and edit timeout queue,timeout client, and timeout server to whatever you want. I set mine to 5m, which is 5 minutes. After you have made the changes, exit and run
~/haproxy/bin/control restart
Now your websocket timeout should be set.
