Wicket DropDownChoice Integer - wicket-1.5

I have problem with Wicket DropDownChoice. The DropDownChoice does not show values for Integer.
wicket version: 1.5.7
DropDownChoice<Integer> rEvalFormVersion = new DropDownChoice<Integer>("evalForm.version", EVAL_FORM_VERSIONS);
where EVAL_FORM_VERSIONS is list of versions.
For example: In the list are two versions, DropDownChoice is populated by two choices but nothing is shown.
Btw: Another data types work good.
In the near future we will update Wicket to a new version. Is this problem in Wicket 6 or can I simply just wait for new version?

Looking at the wicket examples (and from experience) this should simply work. In the example they do define an IChoiceRenderer for the DropDownChoice.


Modifying graphical elements with PL/SQL - Oracle Apex

I am currently trying to migrate Forms' Applications developped ten years ago to Oracle Apex. For some context, the database in which Forms applications are currently running is the Oracle EE 6i, and will be soon upgraded to the 12.2g, hence the need for migration. The data stored within the tables is to big to migrate (like 4To) so we need an alternative to Forms, but we cannot change the DB, and cannot keep Forms (which is let's be honest, outdated a little). I am currently on Oracle XE for my tests and on Apex to start my migration (before upgrading).
The thing is, I have some issues with how Apex and Forms are working differently.
I am really blocking on the following issue since my migration:
In Forms, it was really easy to change the color of a button for exemple by calling a Forms method in a certain way depending on a condition (for exemple a SELECT return). Here, in Apex, I am trying to do the same.
I know that there are ten other ways of doing the same, with JS for exemple which I already succeedly do, but when I tried to create my second appplication I realised that compared to Forms, Apex cannot reference/generalise parts of the code(or applications) for different applications (and certainly not for different workspaces). So Javascript is a good solution but not as efficient as PL/SQL which is easier to generalise and will (in my opinion) use less exchange between the db and the client, since stored on the db.
That is why I decided to rely on PL/SQL Stored Procedure which will be specified in the database and called directly in each application where I need the process/computations.But I cannot find the same as in Forms, with my graphical methods helping me do what I need.
I am open to alternative of PL/SQL package/procedure/function if it can keep the same propreties (generalisation and minimum echange between client and db). These are important point since I have around 200 applications to migrate, starting with what we can call 'brick' which will compose the other simpler applications.
Btw: CSS is an option I studied, like HTML with PL/SQL dynamic content but I read that it was either not simple enough to integrate, or that it could be deprecated, so if it is the solution you are using, I could use a really detailled explaination or an exemple.
To give you an instance:
I click on a button triggering a PL/SQL stored procedure
Procedure checks some conditions in the db (like if a process is currently running)
PL/SQL update a table, change a variable in procedure and returns 'green'
The button becomes green, a message is displayed ('You have permission to do this!')
PS: if there are Apex Method modifying the graphical aspect, could I have a documentation ?
Thank you a lot for helping me resolve this issue, I have been stuck for days...
I tried Javascript bu the generalisation was too much a problem. I tried the HTML injecting but didn't work, I tried updating CSS but was not what I expected. I tried different PL/SQL method but couldn't find a way to connect PL/SQL with Apex/CSS/HTML...
It takes a bit of getting used to how APEX works, but everything can be done and once you get up to speed, you'll find there pretty simple ways to get things done. To achieve what you describe, this is what you'd do.
Create a dynamic action on click of button
Add the following actions to the dynamic actions
an action of type "execute pl/sql". This is your "Procedure checks ...". In this pl/sql code you can set page item values (make sure to reference those in "items to return" so the new values is set in the session. There is no reason to have 2 different pl/sql procedures, you can just put them in 1 block. This procedure would return the "green" - but more about this later.
an action to add a class to the button under certain conditions.
Note that the "green" is not something you should decide. In apex, there are a lot of layout modifier classes pre-defined. In your case, it makes sense to use the "success" modifier (which happens to be green).
To check how you want the button to look, there is a tool called the "button builder", you can use that to see what classes you should add/remove to change the look of the button.
Note that 20.2 is not a recent version. It was released in 2020. Since then 4 more releases have been made available: 21.1,21.2,22.1 and 22.2. It is advised to be on the latest version.
Here is a basic example. I have a page with a select list (P117_SELECTLIST), a hidden item to hold the button status (P117_BUTTON_STATE) and a button (MYBUTTON). The select list has 2 static values:
The dynamic action for serverside code is :
Note the items to submit and return values. P117_SELECTLIST is submitted so the pl/sql process picks that up from the client and P117_BUTTON_STATE is returned to the client so it is available for any future use.
Then I have 4 classes to set the button style. One to add success class, one to remove success class, one to add warning class, one to remove warning class. Below is the first one. The only think different in those 4 actions in the class name and the client condition. It can probably done with javascript directly as well with only 1 action.
I'd strongly suggest to update the db version to a version that supports the latest version of apex. It will save you a lot of development worries. Most people of forums only have the latest version available.

Which is the best way to implement datatable in angular 6

I need to implement Datatable in Angular 6 project. I need to know which is the best way to implement it with full features. As it is confusing as we have multiple options.
I have came across multiple npms. In which i will select this 3 npms as my last options.
1. angular-datatables, 2. angular-6-datatable, 3. datatables.
angular-datatables :- Well documented and many code samples is available, seems like i should go with this. But it is dependent to jquery and would it affect my angular project that is my major concern for this npm.
angular-6-datatable :- Not dependent on jquery, code samples are avialable but not that much.
datatables :- Looks like same as angular-datatables npm
Some one please suggest me the best way to go and why should i select that.
Thanks & Regards
use angular material table it will support all operations like sorting, filter, lazy loading etc..
for more info read
refer live example

Spring MVC: how to get case-insensitive ordering from Pageable

I am trying to support case-insensitive ordering in my Spring MVC app when users click on the column headings on my web page. When the page is rendered a Thymeleaf extension creates an anchor and the href is the current URL with some parameters supported by Pageable: i.e. page, size and sort.
The sort=propertyName,ASC format works fine, but I can't find out how to say that the sort should be case-insensitive from the URL. I can do it in code easily enough but the standard Pageable support doesn't seem to support it.
After some debugging it appears that the standard framework org.springframework.data.web.SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver just doesn't have any support for org.springframework.data.domain.Sort.Order.ignoreCase.
I'm somewhat bemused about this, and am wondering if there's a good reason why?
I can look into creating my own SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver class, and make it parse ASCI|DESCI (to mean case-insensitive), and ASCS|DESCS (to mean case-sensitive) and produce the appropriate Sort object, but this strikes me as quite a bit of work and a serious "code smell".
I can't be the first person to stumble across this. Does anyone have any advice?
I think the only option is to implement your custom SortHandlerMethodArgumentResolver. The documentation has brief guideline for this http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/data-commons/docs/1.6.1.RELEASE/reference/html/repositories.html
To customize this behavior extend either SpringDataWebConfiguration or
the HATEOAS-enabled equivalent and override the pageableResolver() or
sortResolver() methods and import your customized configuration file
instead of using the #Enable-annotation.
For the format I would make it a comma-separated string of 3 elements: field name, direction, ignoreCase flag. Something like this:
The last element is optional so it's possible to have:
which would mean that ignoreCase is false.
Also it should be possible to specify only field name like:
which would mean the default direction of ASC and ignoreCase is false.
The only issue is if you want to pass ignoreCase flag you must pass the direction which should not be a big problem I think.
Hope this helps!
Btw here is a JIRA item for this improvement https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATACMNS-658 (Extend SortHandlerMethodArgument resolver to be able to detect the request for ignore-case)
If somebody is using Spring Data Commons 2.3 RC1 or later and looking for query params, use following. (Ignore case in sorting is available out of the box in Spring Data Commons 2.3 RC1 and later)

Vaadin custom table header

I want to build custom filtering header for Vaadin tables.
Can you please give some examples or solution to this problem.
I want to add a combo box or check box that will refine the search in the table like Excel columns.
We faced the problem of adding custom filters for Vaadin Table in our project as well.
As a solution we added a dynamic filter form above the table. It has become flexible and agile enough to apply filters.
We created Vaadin Addon in order to share our solution - Lexaden Grid.
You can find more information by the following link:
At the moment it is quite hard to add a custom component to do filtering with to the header of a table. It would require you to make your own version of Table by inheritance/copy&paste (not sure what is enough), and that is something most people wan't to avoid at the moment if anyway possible. The current implementation of the Table component is one of the most complicated components of Vaadin. It is doable if you insist putting components in header, but prepare for some serious thinking to get things to work.
I'd suggest making the filtering of data in containers with components just next/above your table. Hiding the table header is sometimes acceptable if there's no crucial information shown there. If you want something precisely on the header, it would require some empty headers and CSS positioning components on correct place.
You can always group table and other filtering components to one CustomComponent for easier abstraction.
Book of Vaadin is a very good reference for vaadin implementation. The link consist of an example code like:
// Define the properties
table.addContainerProperty("lastname", String.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("born", Integer.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("died", Integer.class, null);
// Set nicer header names
table.setColumnHeader("lastname", "Name");
table.setColumnHeader("born", "Born");
table.setColumnHeader("died", "Died");
Is this what you ask for? If it isn't, can you please specify your question a bit more clearly?
edit: Vaadin Sampler also contains handful code samples.

Silverlight 3 Validation using Prism

I'm developing a SL3 application with Prism. I need to have support for validation (both field level (on the setter of the bound property) and before save (form level)), including a validation summary, shown when the save button is pressed.
But the samples I can find googling are either SL3 with a lot of code in code behind (very uncool and un-Prismy), or WPF related.
Does anyone know a reference application with some actual validation I can look into?
There aren't any from Microsoft at present, but I'll pass this one onto the PRISM team tomorrow to see if we can get a basic Form Validation example inside the next rev of PRISM.
That being said, you can put a validator per Form that essentially validates each field (semantic and/or syntax validation) and should all pass, will return a true/false state.
A way I typically do this is I attach a "CanSave" method to my Commands ie:
SaveOrderCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.Save, this.CanSave);
private bool CanSave(object arg)
return this.errors.Count == 0 && this.Quantity > 0;
Then in the this.CanSave, i then put either the basic validation inside this codebase, or I call a bunch of other validators depending on the context - some would be shared across all modules (ie IsEmailValid would be one Validator i place in my Infrastructure Module as a singleton and pass in my string, it would then true/false as a result). Once they all pass, ensure CanSave returns true. If they fail, the CanSave will return False.
Now if they fail and you want to trigger a friendly reminder to the user that its failed theres a number of techniques you can use here. I've typically flagged the said control at validation as being "failed".. (i wrote my own mind you, so up to you which toolkits you could use here - http://www.codeplex.com/SilverlightValidator is a not bad one).
Now, I typically like to do more with Forms that have validation on them by not only highlighting the said control (red box, icon etc) but also explain to the user in more detail whats required of them - thus custom approach is a solution I've opted for.
At the end of the day, you're going to have to do some of the heavy lifting to validate your particular form - but look into ways to re-use validators where they make sense (email, SSN etc are easy ones to re-use).
Scott Barnes - Rich Platforms Product Manager - Microsoft.
