How to add dll file for windows phone app certification - windows-phone-7

I use slartoolkit.dll file for windows augmented reality. It working well in my mobile(Nokia Lumia 510) and emulator. then i will send that xap file only to windows phone Store Certification center but test Result is Fail. I don't know what mistake i did.
please any one give me a suggestion

Without knowing the exact error the certification gave you it's hard to say why it failed. I have 25+ apps published and its RARE that I get an app to pass cert on the first time. There is always something small that you miss. A back button crash, forgetting to shut off sound, color settings wrong. There's endless possibilities.
That said, you need to check that the dll is certified for the windows phone. I know that I recently tried to implement a Physics Helper dll just to find out that unsigned dlls are no longer authorized on the windows phone. I believe that it died out with the release of 7.5 but I could be wrong.
Hopefully this gives you some insight and answers your question. Your best bet though is to post the certification failure PDF they sent you. Look in the email it should be attached.
Until there here is some reading material. Microsoft Certification Requirements
Also try using the built in certification tests within Visual Studio Market Test Kit


Windows Code Signing Certificate Trust period

I have what appears to be a valid signed Electron Windows application. I am using Electron Builder to sign the app for Windows with the same Apple .p12 certificate that we use to sign the app for macOS. The Electron Builder website mentions the following:
Code Signing Certificate shows a warning during installation that goes
away once enough users installed your application and you’ve built up
How long does it take for this trust to build up?
Here is a screenshot showing the certificate details in Windows:
Windows SmartScreen lists the publisher for the app as "Unknown publisher". Is there something I am missing here?
Even though this sounds irresponsible, answer is you never know when your application will earn enough reputation to pass smartscreen filtering. it's not static / fixed time period.
Unfortunately, Microsoft does not publish guidelines on what constitutes enough downloads to eliminate SmartScreen warnings. Microsoft has also indicated in the past that signing code is a “best practice” that you “can follow to help establish and maintain reputation for your applications.”
Unless you use EV cert, the only way to accelerate this is to publish your application and meaningful numbers of user download & installs without malicious behavior.

Need new way to put apps in j2me phone

This morning I discovered that the one way known to work to get an app into my java phone,, has stopped working. I need an alternative.
The phone I'm developing for is an LG Rumor Reflex, model LN272. It does not have WiFi, and attempts to point browsers at have always failed. So the only way to install an app is through the internet.
I do not have a website of my own. claims to do what I need, including generate a .jad file automatically. However, half the time it refuses to upload the file, claiming that I didn't enter the correct code when in fact I did; and the rest of the time, attempting to download the .jad file fails.
Google searches have turned up the now defunct rumkin, mobilefish, and results that have nothing to do with what I need.
Can anyone point me to either a phone upload site that still/actually works, or some means of installing through the usb cable that works. Also has anyone had any success doing this through dropbox or similar storage sites?

Show only CN as Publisher Name for signed *.msi in Windows 10 SmartScreen Dialog

We are using SignTool.exe with a ComodoSSL certificate to sign our *.msi-packages on Windows. While Windows 7 only displays the company name (say "My Company Inc.") when executing an MSI which has a "mark of the web", Windows 10 SmartScreen shows "DE, 12345, My State, My City, Our Street 123, My Company Inc., My Company Inc.", which is not really readable.
Our certificate contains this information:
In Windows in certificate details, the field "applicant" [note: this is my own translation from german, maybe the field name is slightly different] shows the following: CN=My Company Inc., O=My Company Inc., ...)
It worked with the same certificate on Windows 10 before setting up the new build environment. I've already tried the Windows 7 SDK and the Windows 10 SDK, same result.
Does anyone know, if I can force Win10 SmartScreen to display only the certificates Common Name?
I'm having the exact same issue with my Comodo certificate. In my case it's an Adobe AIR app which I'm building in Flash Builder and then signing with signtool. (Flash Builder seemingly only uses the certificate to sign the internal AIR package, not the installer EXE.)
It worked perfectly about two weeks ago, but it seems the problem began after a recent Windows update, so I assume somehow it's related to that. I've had a support ticket in with Comodo for the past few days, but they're not responding in spite of my repeated requests via their chat support. I think they're stumped as well.
UPDATE: It definitely seems that a Windows update is the source of the issue. Over the weekend one of our test computers auto-updated. Last week this computer was showing only our company name as the publisher on SmartScreen. After the update, it shows the same long jumbled-up address string.
Four updates were installed: KB3176935, KB3176936, KB3176937, and KB3194496. I tried uninstalling them one by one to see if it would fix the issue. Nothing changed with *35, *37, or *96. KB3176936 is a service stack update and cannot be uninstalled, so I have to assume it is the culprit. However, since I can't uninstall, check, reinstall, and check again, there is no way to verify that.
Comodo Support was no help at all. I sent them a screenshot of the issue, and their reply was: "We don't see anything wrong. Maybe you should send us another screenshot?" :/
At any rate, yes, I would be very interested in hearing anything you get back from Microsoft Support. I might try putting in a ticket with them myself as well.

Is there a testing conditions checklist for windows phone apps?

I've built a Windows Phone application and was successfully able to get it into the store. I made a few improvements and created a Windows Phone 8 version and submitted the update. However, it keeps failing the certification process (3 times now). I found one issue with the Windows Phone 7.x version and was able to fix that, but now I'm just getting an error that my application fails to run with a silent failure.
I've tried everything I can think of in emulators and devices, but I can't seem to get the failure to happen. It would really be nice if Microsoft would give you more information. Since they don't, I was wondering if anyone had a good list of all the different condition, devices, and steps you go through to test your application before submitting it.
So what are the recommended testing scenarios to test an app in before submitting it to the store?
(What would be really nice would be to see what steps Microsoft uses when they test an app)
BTW - I should mention that I've used the certification tool and the simulation dashboard in my own testing.
Most of the tests used for WP7/WP8 certification are public and can be seen as part of the Windows Phone certification guidelines: App submission requirements for Windows Phone, Technical certification requirements for Windows Phone and Additional requirements for specific app types for Windows Phone. Have a look at the column titled "Test Steps".
Couple of thoughts regarding you specific issue:
Can you share you specific failure report NSTL test results pdf file?
A good way to make sure your second submission goes through is to simply fix the failure from the first submission, and under the "tester notes" say that it's the exact same XAP with one small fix and how it was fixed.
If you can't repro an issue encountered by the testers, you can always resubmit and under the "tester notes" saying just that and ask for more details if it fails again.
The test team may be using 256MB devices (Lumia 610) for WP7 testing and 512MB devices (Lumia 620) for WP8 testing. Have you tested your app in the emulator under those configurations?
We got this problem recently on our two apps on which the another one was an app we did only some text changes. The previous version passed and launced well and the new version did not.
Our reason was very similar as what Bryant tells.
What we did was that after our changes we run the 'Preemptive Solutions Dotfuscator For Marketplace Apps' and upload the dotfuscated xap-file. On our cases the Dotfuscator had changed the size of our own DLL-file (we have our own custom controls for buttons to have two title-lines on the button). At the moment I don't know reason to this but I feel that somehow the Dotfuscator does not found our own DLL properly while dotfuscating (this our DLL is on the References of our project)).
So one reason can be that something goes wrong while dotfuscating. For this reason one should test the dotfuscated xap-file by installing it onto the phone using 'Application Deployment Tool'.
The files and especially the DLL-files inside a yourapp.xap-file can be seen by renaming the file to and then extracting it.

Get rid of "Publisher Unverified" warnings in Windows for executables

I have made an application for Windows & everytime I run the application by opening the executable file I get the "Publisher Unverified" warning in Windows. It is fine if I was the only audience for this app but thats not the case. Is there any way to program my app such that this message does not show up for the users.
The only way to do this is to obtain and use a code signing certificate from a trusted source. Microsoft calls this Authenticode.
Unfortunately for the little guy, these cost. Verisign sells theirs for about four hundie a year.
Here are some starting points you should read about Authenticode:
Some certificate dealers:
For a cheaper code signing certificate, you can use Comodo. There is a reseller called KSoftware which sells their certificates for $99/yr:
I used them a few years ago and had no problems.
You can then use SignTool from the .net SDK to sign your EXE files. There is a tutorial here:
I think there is a way to resolve this. We need to add digital signature to the executables. The way to add digital signatures is very nicely outlined at,
Basically we will use OpenSSL to create our own digital signatures and then use the SignTool application by Microsoft to add it to our executable.
