Service-now, where to begin? [closed] - servicenow

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working as a Desktop Support Specialists at Day & Zimmerman. Along desktop support I code in a free time.
I would like to become a certified Service-Now Admin.
What are good materials to start learning about Service-Now?
I understand why companies are using Service-Now, how it is used, but I would like to learn how to configure it, configure workflows for Service Catalog requests, create groups to filter tickets between different IT teams, and create UI policies and scripts.
I have a strong JavaScript knowledge.

Start reading from Service Now Wiki.Start from get "Get Started".What ever you learn you can practice on demo instances provided by Service Now "" . In the this link add "001" to "023" after "demo"
It's simple o understand and start from the above.
2.Once you are familiar with the basics then you can go ahead with has a lot of useful code snippets.

You might already be in the best place to get started - ask some questions here on StackOverflow as there is a growing community of customers, partners and employees happy to help.
The ServiceNow Wiki is the traditional place to start. On the ServiceNow Community there are Learning Center resources.
On Google+ there is another growing community of friendly people to help you get up to speed.[0]. The #ServiceNow Twitter hashtag is very active too.
Lastly - find out how to connect with your local ServiceNow User Group (SNUG)[1]. You can meet other users in your area.
Good luck!

I took two classes that are offered by Service-Now, one is the admin class which is the recommended place to start and then a scripting class. Both were great classes...
More info:

A good place where to check for what others have done to achieve the certification is the following LinkedIn group:
Also, ServiceNowGuru has a very good list of skills you should master (pursuing a certification or not):


An email service that offers imap access as well as sending? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been hunting for some time now for a service that both allows sending of messages and receiving of messages in a conveniently wrapped solution such as MailGun, Postmark, SendGrid and others. So far I have not been any "developer friendly" solution that facilitates both an smtp service + an imap service for receipt and account management for large quantities (ie, Google Apps is not acceptable).
Am I overlooking a robust already existent solution or do I need to roll my own?
MailGun, Postmark, SendGrid You do not need them. can speak directly with a server.
I post part one and part two for example what i use.
Have fun!

How to write User Stories for technical implementation details? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to work in a more organised way and started adopting user stories.
I think I have misunderstanding of how should I use user stories for technical stuff.
Let's say I'm coding an app that gives me the ranking of my site for a certain Keyword in Google.
The user story goes like that:
As an Internet Marketer
I want to find out where my website ranks for a keyword
So I'll know whether my SEO efforts work
Now this is pretty straight forward and user centric... However, what happens if I need to introduce Proxies into the loop.
On one hand, Proxies are technical implementation detail on the other hand, proxies is part of the Internet Marketer's domain.
How should I craft such story?
As an Internet Marketer
I want to use Proxies when searching in Google
So we'll be able to check a lot of keywords without Google blocking us
The above scenario doesn't sound right for me... Maybe I can rewrite it to be something like:
As an Internet Marketer
I want to be able to check a lot of Keywords at a time
So it'll save me time
This sounds more right, however what acceptance criteria can I give it? try scraping google 100 times in a min? Isn't it waste of time?
Here's another scenario. How should I craft a user story when the feature I want to implement is that a proxy can be used once in 30 seconds? I don't have any idea of how to approach this problem from a user centric perspective...
Another thing I thought of doing is to present another Role. Instead of being centered around Internet Marketer, I can say we have a role called Google Scraper. I can say that Internet Marketer is in relation with Google Scraper.
Now I can write a user story like:
As Google Scraper
I want to change proxies every Search
So Google won't ban me
What would you say about approaching technical implementation details like above? It can also help breaking the system down into modules...
You don't write technical stories. User stories should meet the INVEST criteria.
Proxies do sound like an implementation detail and should be avoided. You should not be mentioning proxy servers in your story. Even if they are part of the domain, there are potentially other ways to achieve the same effect.
Instead of writing "I want to use a Proxy, so that I don't get blocked", you should write, "I want to disguise my identity, so that I don't get blocked". If I was your customer, I wouldn't know why you wanted a proxy? Is it a forward, open or reverse proxy? There are loads of uses for a proxy server. You should pick the feature that you want to exploit.
However, you shouldn't get too hung up on perfect stories. The agile manifesto says, "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools".
When writing a user story, you should also consider the 3 C's: Card, Conversation, Confirmation. Do both the customer and you understand the meaning of the story?
Does the card meet INVEST criteria? If you answered yes to both those questions then the story is fine.
User Stories should not include technical details. During Sprint Planing technical details should be added as Delivery Team tasks nested below the User Story. These tasks should be created through discussion by the delivery team. You should not attempt to document every implementation detail under the sun as you will reach a point of diminishing return. Aim for 60-75 percent coverage on implementation details (tasks) for each user story as the details may change as coding begins. Any additional details developer discover during coding can be shared and documented briefly during the daily stand-up. should The User Story can be simple and non-technical while the Delivery / Development Team will flesh out story details as nested Tasks.
These Task should be visible to Developers through their Integrated Development Environment (IDE). As Developers complete tasks they can associate their checked in code with the task in your work item tracking tool (Jira, Team Foundation Server, On-Time)

Hostgator Dedicated Server to Amazon ec2 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently hosting at hostgator using their dedicated server paying $219 monthly. One of my friend recommend transferring to Amazon ec2.
My question is, can amazon do the same thing as hostgator like serving unlimited domain?
Additionally, I have around 650 GB monthly bandwidth and I am using mostly Drupal and WordPress on my different websites. What is the equivalent of dedicated server from hostgator if I plan to transfer?
BTW, he told me that the medium that is priced around $165 per month is the best choice. Is this a good idea of transferring from hostgator to Amazone ec2?
Thank you
The short answer is... it all depends.
You'd need to check out Amazon's pricing calculator to see what kind of money you'd be looking to spend using data from your current server.
I would encourage you first to create a micro instance (which is free for a year), try it all out, get familiar with at least S3, EC2, EBS, RDS, and CloudFront from Amazon AWS, and then use the calculator to see if it's going to save you money in the long run. Being able to adjust your server speed is REALLY nice for optimizing pricing though...
Note: AWS can be a little overwhelming when you first get on it. There are a lot of three letter adjective services, but if you give it some time, you'll start to really appreciate it.
EC2 is tough for people who used cPanel. Unless you have a dedicated tech guy managing the site, you do not want to choose Ec2.
Its worth spending money for cPanel,(host gator like) than reading 100s of help forum post to troubleshoot your server issue.
Ec2 is great if you are a great techie and have enough time..

EC2 instance scheduler [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to ask, what automatic tools are there to
start Amazon EC2 instance at 08:00AM
and stop it on 16:00
(And where to run it from?)
The company I work for had customers regularly asking about this so we've written a freeware EC2 scheduling app available here:
It works on Windows and Mac, lets you create multiple daily/weekly/monthly schedules and lets you use matching filters to include large numbers of instances easily or includes ones that you add in the future.
I run my instances through a service called Scalarium - it has this time-based autoscaling. :)
Well to shut the servers down, you could just schedule a task on the server(s) itself to tell it to shutdown at 16:00.
However if you use the Amazon EC2 Command Line Tools you can run commands from your workstation to start and stop instances:
In order to set up the Command Line Tools on your workstation for Mac/Linux the following guides may be useful:
You could even configure these commands to run when you boot your workstation, or schedule them on your workstation.
Amazon doesn't offer any functionality to support this.
The preferred solution (at present) is to run a cron task from an existing server.
I'm not sure that there is, but I believe that a lot of people have interest in such a product. I've actually got a product that does the opposite of what you need -- it stops a machine after a predetermined amount of time ;-). My guess is that you're looking to save EC2 $$$ by running your instances only during daytime hours. If that's the case then I believe my existing product could easily be twisted to meet your needs.
You can do this by running a job on another instance that is running 24/7 or you can use a 3rd party service such as Ylastic or Rocket Peak.
If you want to set it up yourself, for example, in C# the code to stop a server is quite straightforward:
public void stopInstance(string instance_id, string AWSRegion)
RegionEndpoint myAWSRegion = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(AWSRegion);
AmazonEC2 ec2 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretKey, myAWSRegion);
ec2.StopInstances(new StopInstancesRequest().WithInstanceId(instance_id));

where do domain names come from? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Hi I want to develop my own hosting site but i do not know how should i get hosting names ??
How these hosting companies get these domain names ????
Here's the ICANN Accreditation Overview.
Some notes I got from another website (disclaimer: may be out of date)
You need a $500,000 liability policy
(around $5k USD per annum)
$70,000 liquid funds
$2,500 application fee
$4,000 annual accreditation fee
An alternative and cheaper route is finding a reseller, but you will have to pass some serious volume to make any meaningful amount of money.
Find a better niche.
Domain names must be purchased from a domain name registrar. Hosting companies are often resellers for registrars.
Many hosting companies and registrars offer easy-to-use reseller or affiliate programs - they will typically include lots of information on their website. This is by far the best way to get into selling hosting and domain names, as they will take care of the technical side of things. If you have a unique way of selling hosting, this can be quite profitable, but beware of trying to sell online, as this market is extremely crowded and competative already.
Not sure I understand what you're asking, but if you mean to say that you want to start a business hosting other folks's web sites, then you let your customers worry about getting their own domain names. It is nevertheless possible for you to become a domain-name registrar and add that to your business model.
Although I have to say that this is not a typical Stackoverflow question (supposed to be programming questions here). I think this question fits better on ServerFault, and would probably get better answers. You should make the question clearer, though.
