EC2 instance scheduler [closed] - amazon-ec2

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to ask, what automatic tools are there to
start Amazon EC2 instance at 08:00AM
and stop it on 16:00
(And where to run it from?)

The company I work for had customers regularly asking about this so we've written a freeware EC2 scheduling app available here:
It works on Windows and Mac, lets you create multiple daily/weekly/monthly schedules and lets you use matching filters to include large numbers of instances easily or includes ones that you add in the future.

I run my instances through a service called Scalarium - it has this time-based autoscaling. :)

Well to shut the servers down, you could just schedule a task on the server(s) itself to tell it to shutdown at 16:00.
However if you use the Amazon EC2 Command Line Tools you can run commands from your workstation to start and stop instances:
In order to set up the Command Line Tools on your workstation for Mac/Linux the following guides may be useful:
You could even configure these commands to run when you boot your workstation, or schedule them on your workstation.

Amazon doesn't offer any functionality to support this.
The preferred solution (at present) is to run a cron task from an existing server.

I'm not sure that there is, but I believe that a lot of people have interest in such a product. I've actually got a product that does the opposite of what you need -- it stops a machine after a predetermined amount of time ;-). My guess is that you're looking to save EC2 $$$ by running your instances only during daytime hours. If that's the case then I believe my existing product could easily be twisted to meet your needs.

You can do this by running a job on another instance that is running 24/7 or you can use a 3rd party service such as Ylastic or Rocket Peak.
If you want to set it up yourself, for example, in C# the code to stop a server is quite straightforward:
public void stopInstance(string instance_id, string AWSRegion)
RegionEndpoint myAWSRegion = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(AWSRegion);
AmazonEC2 ec2 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretKey, myAWSRegion);
ec2.StopInstances(new StopInstancesRequest().WithInstanceId(instance_id));


Clearing up misconceptions about amazon(EC2) and rackspace [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm friends with an owner of a small creative business (with multiple departments) and until now they have been using a dedicated server (via a 3rd party) for a lot of internal projects and they've been known to iframe a few small dev projects (like photo galleries, one page sites etc...) off and on for some of their clients (some with hi traffic sites).
They're looking to switch from the dedicated server to a cloud environment. The owner is enamored with amazon's cloud services, but still wanted some alternative options they also want the new environment to mirror the current one as much as possible (linux/centOS, PHP 5.3, mysql databases) but with the ability to scale when desired.
So the misconceptions I need cleared up and questions I have are:
1) I always assumed amazon's cloud service was more suitable for high end high traffic complex web application (Netflix, pinterest, instagram etc...) rather than the typical server use listed above. Is this correct?
2) Is it possible to mirror their current setup on amazon?
3) If number 1 is not true, but they instead chose rackspace, could they run heavy web apps like Netflix, pinterest, instagram on a rackspace cloud server if they ever decided to do something that advanced (is rackspace scaleable in the same way ec2 is)?
1) Amazon AWS is also suitable for this environment, or even smaller ones (they offer instances as small as "Micro", which are far less capable than what you are describing all the way up to GPU compute clusters).
2) Yes. That is a very common setup for an AWS-based solution. In fact, I recently migrated something similar from Rackspace to AWS.
3) #1 is true. However, you can certainly mix what runs on Rackspace and in the AWS cloud. Keep in mind latency and security issues if the two component solutions need to communicate with each other. Rackspace also has a cloud offering, but it is not as mature as Amazons.

Hostgator Dedicated Server to Amazon ec2 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently hosting at hostgator using their dedicated server paying $219 monthly. One of my friend recommend transferring to Amazon ec2.
My question is, can amazon do the same thing as hostgator like serving unlimited domain?
Additionally, I have around 650 GB monthly bandwidth and I am using mostly Drupal and WordPress on my different websites. What is the equivalent of dedicated server from hostgator if I plan to transfer?
BTW, he told me that the medium that is priced around $165 per month is the best choice. Is this a good idea of transferring from hostgator to Amazone ec2?
Thank you
The short answer is... it all depends.
You'd need to check out Amazon's pricing calculator to see what kind of money you'd be looking to spend using data from your current server.
I would encourage you first to create a micro instance (which is free for a year), try it all out, get familiar with at least S3, EC2, EBS, RDS, and CloudFront from Amazon AWS, and then use the calculator to see if it's going to save you money in the long run. Being able to adjust your server speed is REALLY nice for optimizing pricing though...
Note: AWS can be a little overwhelming when you first get on it. There are a lot of three letter adjective services, but if you give it some time, you'll start to really appreciate it.
EC2 is tough for people who used cPanel. Unless you have a dedicated tech guy managing the site, you do not want to choose Ec2.
Its worth spending money for cPanel,(host gator like) than reading 100s of help forum post to troubleshoot your server issue.
Ec2 is great if you are a great techie and have enough time..

How to Monitoring performance Amazon ec2 instance? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to monitor my large instance on amazon. CPU, disk etc.
For a better monitoring system that is free, you should check out RevealCloud (
Better than CloudWatch:
real-time (updates in seconds, not 1 or 5 minutes)
shows more detail
easy install
single dashboard view
works on mobile devices
Amazon provides CloudWatch for this out of the box when you launch an EC2 instance. Just specify that you would like the instance monitored when starting it.
There is a freely available tool called the EC2 Health Monitor.
From its official description:
ManageEngine supports the "Free EC2 Health Monitor Tool", allows you to monitor performance metrics like CPU Utilization, Network In, Network Out, Disk Read and Disk Write of AMI instances continuously. This tool presents the resource usage in an elegant graph and reports. It also shows the number of instances present and the number of instances that are in running state or stopped state in a tree view.
ManageEngine EC2 Health Monitor Tool monitors the metrics of the AMI instances. You can monitor any number of instances using this tool. The best part is that this tool is made available to you absolutely FREE of cost.
To know more about tool please visit:
To download the ManageEngine Free EC2 Health Monitor Tool please visit:
You could try Xervmon. They provide integrated cloud management with in depth monitoring on a single pane of glass.

how to reserve a running amazon ec2 instance? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we have a large ec2 instance running in asia pacific region.we want to reserve that particular instance.In aws management console we see an option to purchase a reserved instance but there seems to be no option to change this instance into a reserved one.Are we missing out on something
Reserved instances are a billing feature, not a technical feature.
You can purchase a reserved instance and the discounted hourly rate will apply to already-running instances, without needing to do anything to them.
Just make sure the reserved instances you purchase are:
- in the same availability zone as your already-running instances
- of the same instance type (m1.small, c1.medium, etc) as your already-running instances.
As soon as the reservation cost clears your credit card you will see the discounted hourly rate take effect for your already-running instances.
Amazon's docs could be a lot clearer on this.
The AWS's official docs state that the availability zone must be the same. The region is, for example, us-east-1. The AZ is us-east-1a. So, according to AWS, it has to be specific to the last letter.
However, some clever folks found a potential work-around that uses EC2 Consolidated Billing and combines the (odd?) feature that one's us-east-1a might be another us-east-1c (I guess the idea there is to enforce some homogeneity around the AZs).

Hosting, deploying and running web applications in the cloud [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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So far I've read some blog articles about cloud computing and services for hosting applications in the grid.
If I'd wanted to have a web application running in the cloud for as little cost as possible, what would be the best solution?
Let's assume the following configuration:
J2EE web application
Any free database (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
Any web container to deploy the web application to
What application stack would you suggest to be the best combination of services to
web applications?
As an additional requirement, the services chosen shouldn't require a lot about server management like firewall settings etc.
This space is changing very quickly right now so I think you will find a lot of different good answers. If I where to do something on the cheap right now I would probably pick the following stack:
Web server: apache
App server: tomcat - use the clustering support if you need to grow or split at the apache level or even introduce a load balancer box at the very front
DB server: MySql - mainly because it is easy to cluster
Platform: scalr - The cloud setup is simple and cheap. It uses Amazon's cloud on the backend and that gets you a lot of extras like putting servers in different datacenters for redundancy.
Now you can add in or remove parts of this. You may not need a web tier out there and can just expose tomcat directly. You may need EJBs and in that case you can just fire up more nodes for that and create another tier. You may want to add a tier for load balancing in front of apache. You may want to use the Amazon cloudfront service to push static files to their edge network.
I have investigated Amazon's ec2 solution recently. It is quite good and there are many pre-built boxes that you can use if you find one that suits your need. I think there will still be some server management cannot get away from that. But the pre built boxes will make it easier.
The cost is reasonable as you only pay for what you use.
[EDIT] The pre-built boxes are called Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
I think you can get no where closer to Jelastic. It has all the stuffs that #carson mentioned. Specially I will mention their unique web console and they do not have any dependency for any API or console to be installed. I use their platform for many of the clients for my startup. Also additionally you get a nginx support for load balancing and configuring it right away from the console.
