How to install Three.js - three.js

Hello everyone I am new to JavaScript and my job requires me to design in 3d using JavaScript. I went through the website but it says to include three.js. How can I include three.js in the HTML? Is there a standard src that I can include to make my programs execute or is there another way for it ? Any help or recommendations would be gladly accepted.

if I could offer a friendly suggestion. Three.js is fairly advanced for a first time Javascript programmer, you might want to try some basic tutorials on HTML5 with Javascript, move your way up to library includes and such, then try your hand at Three.js. Here's a couple basic tutorial's on ThreeJS
However, I digress, to include a library in Javascript you use:
<script src="relative_path/library_name.js"></script>
In your case, download the zip source, copy the build/three.min.js file to a folder relative to your html (like a "js" folder) and use:
<script src="js/three.min.js"></script>
Kind regards ~D

Or you can include the link directly from GitHub Project:
<script src=""></script>

Go to the download link at:
Unzip, and copy any files you want from the build subdirectory to js/ or similar in your project.

npm install three --save-dev

To install all the developer dependencies, try this command:
npm i --save-dev #types/three


Update the _style.scss file in 2sxc content

I'm creating a new content type for 2sxc content and I'm trying to include some styling.
am I correct in assuming I add any custom css to 'src > styles > _styles.css'
if so, how do I update the package?
sorry for the newbie question and TIA
Martyn C
So yes, it's all SASS based. You should simply run npm ci in the root to restore all npm packages which are used for sass. Webpack should then take care of the building and all that :)
I suggest you have a look an the package.json where everything should be explained.

CDN Converter - Scss to Css

i wonder if there is some CDN converter, which will convert my scss to css. I need to write some simple mockup project (SASS is required here) and don't want to prepare gulp or webpack for it. Also i have to avoide all websites like codepen etc.
Do you know something like this? Maybe there is something else, what will allow me using SASS files direct in my project.
What do you need is an Online Converter, if I correctly understood.
Take a look at sites like Sassmeister or online SCSS or SASS compilers.
If you don't want to depend in your connection, you can do this if you have ruby installed.
gem install sass
sass --update scss:css
Then your SCSS will be compiled CSS

How can I get webstorm to autocomplete directories for gulp.src()?

Sorry if this question is out of place since it's a tool question, but being a dev tool I hope this is the best place to ask it. (And google yielded no useful results)
Webstorm usually provides directory autocompletion for things like <link> and <script> HTML tags, as well as require() functions in javascript. (See image below)
However, when I try this using the gulp.src() function, I get nothing.
Any idea how I can fix this? I have the gulp-definitelyTyped JS library installed and the NodeJS Core modules enabled in the Settings -> Javascript and Libraries -> Node and NPM menu. I'm also running the latest webstorm version on OS X.

Elixir Phoenix inlining css for sending emails

I am sending emails using the mailgun library in Phoenix.
Turns out that when i look at the email in my gmail account, it has been stripped off of all the css classes and the link to external css files.
Mailgun suggests using a css inline library
Tried search a lot, but could not find a css inline library for Phoenix/Elixir like the premailer gem in Ruby.
Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?
I just released Smoothie, an Elixir library that does just this. We use this in our product at the startup I run, and decided to write our own library as we also couldn't find one in the elixir ecosystem yet. Check out the github page for installation instructions. Let me know if it works for you!
There is also a library now called premailex which was released October 2017. It handles CSS inlining
I have not been able to find anything myself but I believe you can find tools for that online and use them, it's not exactly the same but I guess it's better than to inline everything manually. For instance, you could use this one. I have not tested it though.
Also you can create a package yourself and share it with us :)

Meteor.js & SCSS/Compass

Anyone doing development with meteor and SCSS. How do you get started, there are no packages for meteorite that i could find that compile .scss files into a specific folder?
Have you tried just compiling the sass/scss into css locally during development? Meteor shouldn't complain if you have your config.rb inside of the client folder along with a sass folder and compiled css folder. It should just automatically read the css per norm. Running $ compass watch inside of this client folder where the config.rb resides is an easy way to automate this css compilation. Telescope is a great sample Meteor app that uses sass in this fashion.
Just to get this posted as an answer (was posted as comment); bookcasey posted this sample project as well: which provides some guidance on how to use sass/scss. Hope it helps.
