Moving from SQL Server 2008 Express to SQL Server 2012 - visual-studio-2010

I have SQL Server 2008 Express on my pc, and I want to install SQL Server 2012 instead. Do I have to uninstall SQL Server 2008 Express first? Do I have to backup my databases first?
Same question about VS 2010. I have VS 2010 Professional and I want to install VS 2012 Professional. Do I have to uninstall VS 2010 first?
Thank you.

Here is my own suggestion :-
For sql server make backup of database and for Visual studio make backup of settings. Settings can be accessed through My document/Visual studio 2012/Settings Same way you got settings for sql server management studio.
Having backup of setting make it easier to move to new version. Now uninstall both and restart your computer.
After restart install both thing. It will be worked.
if you want both version you can have it. Both software provide side by side installation. Remember that you maybe got some panic experience to have two database server on same computer.
You can 2008,2010 both version without any conflict.


sql express 2012 on vs 2010 with ssdt not working

I have visual studio 2010 installed and working on my computer.
recently I have updated sql express 2008 to sql 2012. after visual studio prompted
"this server version is not supported. only servers up to Microsoft SQL
server 2008 are suported"
I have installed sql server data tools (from here to solve this problem, however unfortunately it keeps showing the message.
What am I doing wrong? How do I solve this?
Your best bet will be to install the latest version of SSDT from Microsoft. VS DB Projects stopped support with SQL 2008. SSDT for SQL 2010 stopped support w/ SQL 2012, I think. You don't need a license for the VS shell, though you might need to sign up w/ the MS developer program.
Go here for the SSDT blog: You should see the most recent post or two pointing to the current release. This should support 2012+ without any issues. It will install the VS IDE if you don't have it installed.
FYI, the version you pointed to should work with SQL 2012, but you'd be better off using the latest version that is currently under active development. Ideally, the dacpac should be able to be used regardless of which version of SSDT you're using.
It might be worth checking to see what you're turning in. If you can turn in a script, it won't matter what version of SSDT you use. If you need to turn in the dacpac, you might have to double-check your install for SQL Express and SSDT to be sure they are the proper versions.

Should there be a version issue between SQL Server 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2010?

I installed Visual Studio 2010 on my home computer so I could do a little work from home. After having some issues with SQL Server Express, which got installed by VS2010, I got a copy of SQL Server 2008 R2 from my company. Let me openly admit I know jack about DBA in SQL Server.
At first it sort of worked, but seemed like I needed to rename the database name every time I opened it. Now VS2010 won't even open the connection at all. I keep getting an error stating one is version 661 and the other is 655 and they're not compatible. To make matters worse, I can't even attach the database in SQL Server 2008 R2 anymore.
Any ideas on how to rectify this? Please oversimplify and assume I'm an idiot, because in this case I am.
OK, well apparently VS2010 installs SQL Server 2008 Express on your computer, with which it will happily communicate. Since I then installed SQL Server 2008 R2 after that, 2008 R2 is considered an upgrade and SQL databases are not backwards compatible.
In order to fix this, I installed SQL Server Express 2008 R2 (specifically the SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe file as that one comes with additional tools) and after a reboot I was able to successfully add the database to my VS project.
NOTE: I did not remove SQL Server 2008 R2, I merely upgraded SQL Server 2008 **Express*.
As an aside, before doing this I could never have VS and SQL Server 2008 R2 open simultaneously. After this upgrade, I can have them both open at the same time which is how it should work.

what is the proper install order for visual studio 2012 and SQL Server Management Studio 2012 on win7?

I am preparing to do some web development against a SQL Server 2012 server on a fresh install of win 7 x64 development VM.
What should I install first, visual studio or SSMS?
This is my favorite order:
Windows update before installing anything.
SQL Server 2012
If you have SP1 integrated with you ISO file, skip to step 4.
If you have both SP1 and U5 integrated with your ISO file, skip to step 5
Unselect SQL Server Data Tools during installation (step 8 will install the VS 2012 templates instead of these old 2010 ones)
SQL Server 2012 SP1
SQL Server 2012 SP1 U5
Visual Studio 2012
If you have U3 integrated with you ISO file, skip to step 7.
Unselect SQL Server Data Tools during installation because we'll install the updated bits in step 7
Visual Studio 2012 U3
SQL Server Data Tools - BI (adds BI project templates to Visual Studio 2012)
SQL Server Data Tools (allows you to manage SQL Server 2012 from within visual Studio 2012)
Windows Update
SQL ToolBelt
Neither - you can install them in any order. While you do get the occasional question about it in various different forums, I have done this and never had an issue.
SQL does have a Visual Studio dependency (formerly) called BIDS, but Visual Studio can install over/around this no problem.
Note that this answer is correct when using the initial SQL 2012 release (as that was the latest edition when this question was asked). Subsequent releases may have changed things. I have made this answer CW to encourage others to edit it as necessary to include info about later versions.
I don't know if there is a different way for VMs but on Windows we used to install SQL Server first, as some of the configurations of Visual studio conflict with SQL Server configurations if it was installed before
No direct dependencies found between the two components, installing Visual Studio first then ensure that .NET Framework installed properly is my approach, then installing SQL Server, but in all cases the SQL Server installation installs the following software components - 2008:
NET Framework 3.5
SQL Server Native Client
SQL Server Setup support files
My approach:
Visual Studio 2008.
Visual Studio SP1.
SQL Server 2008.
Run Windows updates.
Useful question here

Visual studio wont open mdf file

The problem I have is that I'm unable to open my mdf file in Visual Studio 2010. I installed VS2010 along time ago, but just installed SQL server 2008 R2 few days ago.
I made the file in VS2010 and then attach it to SQL server in Management Studio to run a script I have to create all tables and such.
I then detach it in Management Studio and try to view it in VS2010 and get an error telling me that I cannot open database version 661. I can only go as high as 655.
I know this is because VS2010 is using SQL server 2008, but Management Studio is SQL Server 2008 R2.
How can I make VS2010 compatible with SQL Server 2008 R2?
You simply need to upgrade the local version 2008 Express to R2. You'd be able to open your file after that.
I had this problem too, but my problem was solved when I did this:
When you are opening SQL Server Managemnt Studio, in the connect to server window, type "\SQLEXPRESS" after the server name (your server name\SQLEXPRESS), then attach your database. When you detach it, it is compatible with VS2010. I hope this helps you.

installing visual studio 2005 after 2008 already installed

I have a machine with VS 2008/Sql 2008 already installed. I now need to install an instance of vs 2005/Sql 2005 for two reasons.
The main reason is for reporting Services 2005. All of the report servers are sql 2005.
Now to create a SSRS compatible with 2005 do I just need to install Sql Server 2005 and work with it in VS 2008 or do I also need to install VS 2005.
The second reason is the off-site team that I am consulting with do not want the project upgraded yet.
So without rebuilding the whole box is there a safe way to install VS 2005 on a box that already contains 2008?
Same question for Sql Server 2005?
I have 2005 (VS/SQL), 2008 (VS/SQL) and 2010 (VS only) installed side by side and it works fine. However, it can become confusing exactly which version of SQL is which (if anyone has a good tip for that let me know). I didn't have any particular issues, just installed out of the box and it worked.
Having said that, the Virtual PC route that AaronLS recommends is worth considering.
I personally would use VirtualPC and install the SQL server in a virtual machine. You can use the Microsoft Loopback Connector to connect your local host machine to the guest machine.
VS and SQL Server 2008/2005 work fine side by side, and I believe you don't need anything special to make it work. You'll have to use an instance name that isn't taken for SQL Server, but that's about it.
Installing VS 2005 first and then installing Sql 2005 with the command switch SKUUPGRADE=1 seems to have done it.
