sql express 2012 on vs 2010 with ssdt not working - visual-studio

I have visual studio 2010 installed and working on my computer.
recently I have updated sql express 2008 to sql 2012. after visual studio prompted
"this server version is not supported. only servers up to Microsoft SQL
server 2008 are suported"
I have installed sql server data tools (from here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/jj650014) to solve this problem, however unfortunately it keeps showing the message.
What am I doing wrong? How do I solve this?

Your best bet will be to install the latest version of SSDT from Microsoft. VS DB Projects stopped support with SQL 2008. SSDT for SQL 2010 stopped support w/ SQL 2012, I think. You don't need a license for the VS shell, though you might need to sign up w/ the MS developer program.
Go here for the SSDT blog: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ssdt/ You should see the most recent post or two pointing to the current release. This should support 2012+ without any issues. It will install the VS IDE if you don't have it installed.
FYI, the version you pointed to should work with SQL 2012, but you'd be better off using the latest version that is currently under active development. Ideally, the dacpac should be able to be used regardless of which version of SSDT you're using.
It might be worth checking to see what you're turning in. If you can turn in a script, it won't matter what version of SSDT you use. If you need to turn in the dacpac, you might have to double-check your install for SQL Express and SSDT to be sure they are the proper versions.


SSDT disappeared! in VS 2013

I have started to prefer SSDT to SQL Management studio. But suddenly when I needed it I could not find SQL Server Object Explorer in view menu.
Not sure who took it away, I recently pushed update-2 for visual studio.
I could not locate stand-alone version of SSDT for VS-2013
Can any one please save me from re-installing Visual Studio :-(
According to this blog post on MSDN SSDT is now an integrated part of VS:
Visual Studio 2013 - VS 2013 now has SQL Server tooling built in and
shipped as part of the core product. Database Projects, SQL tools
(such as schema compare & data compare), and the online experiences
through SSOX are all included with the RTM version. We have full
project and SSOX support in VS Express for Web and Express for Windows
Desktop, so we have discontinued our stand-alone integrated shell
When I looked at the Extensions and Updatesin VS2013 I had an update available for SQL Server Data Tools and when I clicked it I got a downloadable installer (SSDTsetup.exe) which might be what you are looking for.
The link that gave the download was this: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=393521&clcid=0x409

Why is current Oracle ODAC connectability not visible in VS 2013?

I'm trying to setup my first Oracle database connection in Visual Studio 2013 and the only option available for the Data Source is a selection "Oracle Database". But that selection says it's deprecated (and it doesn't even allow me to choose the schema as I could do in VS2012, regardless, so it's unusable).
I already have an ODAC installed that works great for VS 2012 ( Is there any way to get VS 2013 to recognize that I already have that installed (tried putting in a reference to the Oracle Data Client and that didn't work). Choosing "Other" doesn't provide me any other choices.
Am I forced to install ODAC 12c just so that VS 2013 sees it? Why wouldn't it see ODAC 11? I'd rather not do the 12c install due to other projects that rely on the older one (and, yes, we could go down a VM path, but that's not an immediate option).
You have to rerun the ODAC installer, you will be asked to reinstall .NET +.ASP components (I just excluded the examples package.)
My situation was a bit different: I Installed at first VS 2013 with ODAC and then VS 2012. The result was that VS 2012 didn't see the ODAC part: like you said the Data source with the "Oracle Database" choice. Rerunning the installer fixed this issue.
I think it's the same situation as mine. ODAC shouldn't be dependent on Visual Studio version but on the .NET framework in use.

what version(s) of SQL Server work with Visual Studio 2013?

What version(s) of SQL Server Express are compatible with Visual Studio 2013 Professional edition? I have a machine with SQL Server Express 2008 R2 already installed - will VS2013 Professional work fine with that?
If the version of SQL server is newer than the version of Visual Studio then you will get the message "This Version Not Supported" when you attempt to create a data connection
Yes. You can use newer version. But incase you already created a database in older version, you may need to migrate to new version.
SQL Server is the tool to manage database,Visual Studio 2013 is the tool to write code .net,visual...,the code connect to database by connectionString, so I think The Visual Studio 2013 work find in any SQL Server version

Moving from SQL Server 2008 Express to SQL Server 2012

I have SQL Server 2008 Express on my pc, and I want to install SQL Server 2012 instead. Do I have to uninstall SQL Server 2008 Express first? Do I have to backup my databases first?
Same question about VS 2010. I have VS 2010 Professional and I want to install VS 2012 Professional. Do I have to uninstall VS 2010 first?
Thank you.
Here is my own suggestion :-
For sql server make backup of database and for Visual studio make backup of settings. Settings can be accessed through My document/Visual studio 2012/Settings Same way you got settings for sql server management studio.
Having backup of setting make it easier to move to new version. Now uninstall both and restart your computer.
After restart install both thing. It will be worked.
if you want both version you can have it. Both software provide side by side installation. Remember that you maybe got some panic experience to have two database server on same computer.
You can 2008,2010 both version without any conflict.

installing visual studio 2005 after 2008 already installed

I have a machine with VS 2008/Sql 2008 already installed. I now need to install an instance of vs 2005/Sql 2005 for two reasons.
The main reason is for reporting Services 2005. All of the report servers are sql 2005.
Now to create a SSRS compatible with 2005 do I just need to install Sql Server 2005 and work with it in VS 2008 or do I also need to install VS 2005.
The second reason is the off-site team that I am consulting with do not want the project upgraded yet.
So without rebuilding the whole box is there a safe way to install VS 2005 on a box that already contains 2008?
Same question for Sql Server 2005?
I have 2005 (VS/SQL), 2008 (VS/SQL) and 2010 (VS only) installed side by side and it works fine. However, it can become confusing exactly which version of SQL is which (if anyone has a good tip for that let me know). I didn't have any particular issues, just installed out of the box and it worked.
Having said that, the Virtual PC route that AaronLS recommends is worth considering.
I personally would use VirtualPC and install the SQL server in a virtual machine. You can use the Microsoft Loopback Connector to connect your local host machine to the guest machine.
VS and SQL Server 2008/2005 work fine side by side, and I believe you don't need anything special to make it work. You'll have to use an instance name that isn't taken for SQL Server, but that's about it.
Installing VS 2005 first and then installing Sql 2005 with the command switch SKUUPGRADE=1 seems to have done it.
