Attempting to access View from blade template causes blank body in Laravel4 - laravel

I have a project which is using laravel4 and its blade view engine. Occasionally I have had the need to call controller methods via a view file to output dynamic data; incidentally this time its a call to a method that generates javascript code for the page. Regardless of whether this is the best way to go about things is a moot point atm as I am simply upgrading from L3 to L4.
My View is similar to:
{{-- Page title --}}
Page Title
{{-- Page content --}}
{{-- Scripts --}}
<?php echo CaseStudy::script(); ?>
I have set up CaseStudy to load via the laravel facades and the class at current is simply:
class CaseStudy
public function display()
* Returns the javascript needed to produce the case study
* interactivity
* #return \Illuminate\View\View|void
public function script()
$language = \Config::get('app.locale');
$scriptElementView = $language . '.frontend.elements.casestudy_script';
if ( ! \View::exists($scriptElementView))
$scriptElementView = "Training::" . $scriptElementView;
return \View::make($scriptElementView, array());
It would appear that echoing the response of CaseStudy::script is what is causing the blank body; however with no further error message I do not know what is going on. I assume that this is because my static CaseStudy's instance of View is conflicting with the instance being used by the blade engine. How would I go about having CaseStudy::script() returning a string form of the rendered view?
Thank you.

In your view
{{-- Scripts --}}
{{ CaseStudy::script() }}
In your library
class CaseStudy
public function script()
$string = "your script here";
return $string;
Note - CaseStudy should really be a "library" or "helper" or something. Not a controller - that does not really conform to MVC approach.


Use vue to access a Laravel model method in a v-for loop

I am learning how to use vue with laravel. I have basic loops working well to pull direct model relationships, but I can't figure out how to access model methods in a loop. Many of my Larvel models have basic information formulated with a method pulling data from related models. I've tried to research it and think the answer might be some combination of eager loading, preformating the answer as a json response or maybe something with axios, but the snipits I've found aren't clear on what goes where, or what needs to be in place for them to work correctly. I've tried both eager loading and using a json response and neither has worked. I can access methods in simple vue components that are just text, but not in a loop where the variable isn't part of the page.
Example: I want to use Vue to display a list of ingredients on a recipe's page. The ingredient "title" is a method pulling the information from a related model.
public function show(Recipe $recipe)
$ingredients = $recipe->ingredients;
$view = $this->view('');
//(variable in the view, variable defined in current function)
$view->with('recipe', $recipe);
$view->with('ingredients', $ingredients);
return $view;
public function ingredients()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Ingredient', 'recipe_id', 'recipe_id');
public function title()
$title = $this->item->title();
return $title;
public function vueTitle()
$title = Ingredient::title()->get();
return response()->json($title );
v-for="ingredient in {{ $ingredients }}"
v-bind:title= "ingredient.vueTitle"
I'd prefer to reuse the same methods, but created a new one to try converting to json first but that didn't work (or I'm doing it wrong). I tried eager loading, but it either did nothing, or generated an error (Call to a member function on null) if I tried to eager load the specific method. I've tried various combinations of binding and not binding the title component. I've also tried title= "{{ingredient->title()}}" but that syntax errors.
How can I get the result of the Laravel method in a Vue loop?
After more searching, I found this post which described how to add an accessor to a model. Doing so allowed me to access my custom method as if it were a standard direct relationship. It was a straightforward modification and will reduce complexity in a number of places. I made the following modifications:
Added the get..Attribute() function and appended the array
protected $table = 'ingredients';
protected $appends = array('title');
// Access methods as direct relationships
public function getTitleAttribute()
return $this->title();
Bound the title prop to the ingredient title as if it were a direct relationship.
v-for="ingredient in {{ $ingredients }}"
v-bind:title= "ingredient.title"
Another example, hope one may find it helpful:
* Accessor for Age.
protected $appends = ['age'];
public function getAgeAttribute()
return Carbon::parse($this->attributes['dob'])->age;
<span v-bind:age="user.age"> {{user.age}} </span>

Share data with all views, best practises

I use AppServiceProvider to get all categories on my page.
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register any application services.
* #return void
public function register() {}
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
view()->creator('', function($view) {
//Categories cache
$categories = Cache::rememberForever('categories', function () {
return Category::where("parent_id", "=", null)->with('subcategory.subcategory')->get();
view()->share('categories', $categories);
The data is accessible on the master view, but not in the view it includes.
So in my layouts/app.blade.php i have this: #yield('content')
sadly the variable $categories isn't present in that content which is included. How can i change it?
The error: Undefined variable: categories <- but only on pages that use that variable, it is accessible on app.blade.php where i display the categories, but not in the view it includes
I tried:
#yield('content', ['categories' => $categories])
but it gives error htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
If you use view()->creator(''), every variable you share within that callback, will be shared only with view and any views that includes.
If you use #extends, for example, a new view called example.blade.php extends the using #extends(''), the categoriesvariable will not be accessible inextends.blade.phpview, since you said to laravel to share that variable only withlayouts.appviaview()->creator()` method.
The #yield directive is used to display the content of a given section.
My inc.test view has this content:
view `test` included.
Post id: {{ $post->id }} test
My welcome.blade.php view, which includes inc.test and yields the post section, has this content:
This is the welcome view.
It has a `post` variable shared via AppServiceProvider.
Here i'm including 'inc.test' view and yielding the post section from that view:
Since i shared the post variable with the welcome view via service provider, it will be available for all view included by welcome.
view()->creator('welcome', function($view) {
view()->share('post', Post::first());
This is the result in my browser:

Undefined variable on Laravel

I´m a beginner starting with Laravel. I´m trying to show a question made on this website.
Here is the Controller page:
public function show($id)
//Use the model to get 1 record from the database
$question = $Question::findOrFail($id);
//show the view and pass the record to the view
return view('')->with('question', $question);
I have included at the top of the file:
use App\Question;
Here is my blade page:
<div class="container">
<h1> {{ $question->title }} </h1>
<p class="lead">
{{ $question->description }}
<hr />
In the model I have not defined anything since I don´t need to specify any special rule. And finally here is the Route:
Route::resource('questions', 'QuestionController');
I got the error "ErrorException Undefined Variable: Question" and supposedly the error is on:
$question = $Question::findOrFail($id);
I´m looking forward to your observations.
Kind Regards.
You just need to change the controller section
public function show($id)
//Use the model to get 1 record from the database
$question = Question::findOrFail($id); // here is the error
//show the view and pass the record to the view
return view('')->with('question', $question);
Explanation:- You are going to use a variable $Question that is not defined. This is the basic PHP error, not the laravel issue.
However, You are using the "App\Question" model class not a sperate variable.

How to grab content from section within blade template

I have written a training application with each page/slide of the training workbook as a seperate blade template file named as "page1.blade.php", "page2.blade.php" and so on. Each of these files has content of the kind:
{{-- Page title --}}
Page Title
{{-- Page content --}}
<div class="pageContentContainer">
<h2>Page Title</h2>
This works really well when being viewed page by page within the browser. However I also wish to automatically compile all pages into a PDF document. This is being done via dompdf which works amazingly well when I pass each pages html to it manually. However I wish to condense the #section('pageContent') section of each page into one large section which extends a different layout for passing to dompdf.
Given the above context my question is this:
Is there a method in Laravel's blade parser which would allow me to pass it a blade file and just get the rendered html from a particular section? The below pseudo-code demonstrates what I would like to be able to do.
$pages = array(...); // content of the directory
foreach ($pages as $page)
$renderedPage = Blade::render($page);
$title = $renderedPage->title;
$pageContent = $renderedPage->pageContent;
Instead of doing the normal return of view
return View::make('page');
You can instead store the view in a string
$view = View::make('page');
So then you can do your code something like this (not tested - but you get the idea):
$pages = array(...); // content of the directory
foreach ($pages as $page)
$renderedPage[] = view::make($page);

Laravel 4: if statement in blade layout works strange

Could someone explain me why I get blank screen with printed string "#extends('layouts.default')" if I request page normally (not ajax)?
I'm trying to solve problem with Ajax, I don't want to create 2 templates for each request type and also I do want to use blade templates, so using controller layouts doesn't work for me. How can I do it in blade template? I was looking at this Laravel: how to render only one section of a template?
By the way. If I request it with ajax it works like it should.
Yes #extends has to be on line 1.
And I found solution for PJAX. At the beginning I was not sure this could solve my problem but it did. Don't know why I was afraid to lose blade functionality if you actually can't lose it this way. If someone is using PJAX and needs to use one template with and without layout this could be your solution:
protected $layout = 'layouts.default';
public function index()
return $view = View::make('home.index')
->with('title', 'index');
$this->layout->title = 'index';
$this->layout->content = View::make('home.index');
Try moving #extends to line 1 and you will see the blade template will render properly.
As for solving the ajax problem, I think it's better if you move the logic back to your controller.
if ( Request::ajax() )
return Response::eloquent($books);
} else {
return View::make('book.index')->with('books', $books);
Take a look at this thread for more info:
You can still run your condition short handed in the fist line like so
