How to grab content from section within blade template - laravel

I have written a training application with each page/slide of the training workbook as a seperate blade template file named as "page1.blade.php", "page2.blade.php" and so on. Each of these files has content of the kind:
{{-- Page title --}}
Page Title
{{-- Page content --}}
<div class="pageContentContainer">
<h2>Page Title</h2>
This works really well when being viewed page by page within the browser. However I also wish to automatically compile all pages into a PDF document. This is being done via dompdf which works amazingly well when I pass each pages html to it manually. However I wish to condense the #section('pageContent') section of each page into one large section which extends a different layout for passing to dompdf.
Given the above context my question is this:
Is there a method in Laravel's blade parser which would allow me to pass it a blade file and just get the rendered html from a particular section? The below pseudo-code demonstrates what I would like to be able to do.
$pages = array(...); // content of the directory
foreach ($pages as $page)
$renderedPage = Blade::render($page);
$title = $renderedPage->title;
$pageContent = $renderedPage->pageContent;

Instead of doing the normal return of view
return View::make('page');
You can instead store the view in a string
$view = View::make('page');
So then you can do your code something like this (not tested - but you get the idea):
$pages = array(...); // content of the directory
foreach ($pages as $page)
$renderedPage[] = view::make($page);


Collect multiple files into single PDF

I use in my project barryvdh laravel-dompdf package.
Users might generate a PDF with some personal information, till here everything is ok:
$pdf = PDF::loadView('personalInfo', $userData);
$pdfFileName = "personal-info-{$userData['username']}.pdf";
return $pdf->download($pdfFileName);
Admin should be able to download information of users, and in case of selecting several users, instead of generating several files I would like to collect all users PDFs into a single file.
How can I do it?
You can create like this below
For example you have personalInfo blade template which is now for particular user .So loop that view and store it in array like below
foreach($userDataList as $key=>$userData){
$pages[]=(string)view('personalInfo', $userData);
$pdf = App::make('dompdf.wrapper');
$pdf->loadView('index', ['pages' => $pages]);
return $pdf->stream();
then you can create seperate blade template to show these views.Here i will name it as index.blade.php
<style type="text/css" media="print">
page-break-after: always;
page-break-inside: avoid;
#foreach($pages as $page)
<div class="page">
{!! html_entity_decode($page) !!}
loop all user detail inside personalInfo blade template and at the end of each loop add below page break style
<p style="page-break-before: always;"></p>
Example inside personalinfo blade
#foreach($pages as $page)
personal information content
<p style="page-break-before: always;"></p>
Also i personally prefer laravel snappy for multiple page because it render faster than laravel dompdf.Only thing is to server configuration bit head ache if you are using windows

laravel 5.2 carousel only in index page doesn't wok

I use laravel 5.2 and tried to display a carousel only in index page but doesn't work.
I chose that the codes are not "spreaded" on the index page, they are stored in: public/carousel/carousel.php, too(not ...blade.php).
Route::get('/', 'HomeController#index')
$cats = Category::all();
$carousel = public_path('carousel/carousel.php');
//$carousel = storage_path('public/carousel/carousel.php');
return view('', compact('cats', 'carousel'));
{{-- #include('carousel/carousel');--}}
{{ $carousel }}
Finally it displays only: C:\wamp\www\app_name\public\carousel/carousel.php.
Can you help me or point to another better way?
In your controller, you are passing to the view a variable called $carousel, which is the path to your file, as you defined here:
$carousel = public_path('carousel/carousel.php');
This is the reason why it only displays the string. You need to get the actual content of the file:
$carousel = file_get_content(public_path('carousel/carousel.php'));
A better and more laravel-ish way to do it would be to rename the file to carousel.blade.php, store it into the resources/views folder and simply include it from your main blade file (without the need of doing anything in the controller):
If you need to display the carousel on certain pages only, you can simply pass a variable $carousel = true on the pages that needs to display it:
$carousel = true;
return view('',compact('carousel'));
And in your blade view, include the carousel file only when this variables is present and is true:
#includeWhen(isset($carousel) && $carousel, 'carousel')

How to remove link when used to create PDF in laravel dompdf?

I just make a simple html page and write content to it. I created a link when I click on that link the content of the page will converted into PDF file, I have implemented this using laravel dompdf -> . Now, My problem is that all things doing good, but the PDF that is generated after click will shows that link in the PDF file. How to remove that button from PDF file.
My code :
My controller : ItemController.php
class ItemController extends Controller
public function pdfview(Request $request)
$pdf = \PDF::loadView('pdfview');
return $pdf->download('pdfview.pdf');
//return $pdf->stream();
return view('pdfview');
My route: web.php
My view : pdfview.blade.php
<div class="container">
<div class="rows"><br/>
Click to PDF
<h2 align="Center"> What is PDF ? </h2><br/><br/>
<h4> Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present and exchange documents reliably, independent of software, hardware, or operating system.</h4>
Help me, If you understand my problem. Thanks
Pass a variable to the view, i.e:
$pdf = \PDF::loadView('pdfview', array('pdf' => true));
return view('pdfview', array('pdf' => false));
and check the variable in the template:
#if(! $pdf )
Click to PDF

Attempting to access View from blade template causes blank body in Laravel4

I have a project which is using laravel4 and its blade view engine. Occasionally I have had the need to call controller methods via a view file to output dynamic data; incidentally this time its a call to a method that generates javascript code for the page. Regardless of whether this is the best way to go about things is a moot point atm as I am simply upgrading from L3 to L4.
My View is similar to:
{{-- Page title --}}
Page Title
{{-- Page content --}}
{{-- Scripts --}}
<?php echo CaseStudy::script(); ?>
I have set up CaseStudy to load via the laravel facades and the class at current is simply:
class CaseStudy
public function display()
* Returns the javascript needed to produce the case study
* interactivity
* #return \Illuminate\View\View|void
public function script()
$language = \Config::get('app.locale');
$scriptElementView = $language . '.frontend.elements.casestudy_script';
if ( ! \View::exists($scriptElementView))
$scriptElementView = "Training::" . $scriptElementView;
return \View::make($scriptElementView, array());
It would appear that echoing the response of CaseStudy::script is what is causing the blank body; however with no further error message I do not know what is going on. I assume that this is because my static CaseStudy's instance of View is conflicting with the instance being used by the blade engine. How would I go about having CaseStudy::script() returning a string form of the rendered view?
Thank you.
In your view
{{-- Scripts --}}
{{ CaseStudy::script() }}
In your library
class CaseStudy
public function script()
$string = "your script here";
return $string;
Note - CaseStudy should really be a "library" or "helper" or something. Not a controller - that does not really conform to MVC approach.

Load a view inside another view

I've been using django for some time and I decided to start a new project but this time in Codeigniter, I used to extend the template file in my views and put content inside the {% block content %} block but it seens to be different in CodeIgniter.
In CodeIgniter I have something like:
But is there a way to have an unique file with header, content and footer like this?
<div id="header">Welcome</div>
<div id="content">
<div id="footer"> 2013 - Tectcom Telecom</div>
And put a view file with a form inside the content div?
Update your html (layout) file like this:
<div id="content"><?php $this->load->view($content) ?></div>
In your controller, call the view like this:
$view_data = array();
$view_data['content'] = 'form_add_customer';
$this->load->view('path/to/layout', $view_data);
I've used the "Most Simple Template Library for CodeIgniter" in the past with success for smaller projects. I believe it'll provide with the functionality that you require allowing you to have placeholders in a 'template' which you can update in your controller logic.
