Xcode: no such file or directory error - xcode

So I'm trying to adapt a file maker plugin to work on a Mac with xcode. There is code already written and compiled for the plugin but we need to update because a lot of internal changes have been made. I open the project in xcode and hit build and I'm given something like 135 errors saying that these files don't exist (e.g. "error: FMWrapper/FMXExtern.h: No such file or directory"). The issue is I'm looking at these files right now, they certainly exist, it's just that they aren't getting read. I've moved them through the project to nearly every file and I still get the same error. The lines that are causing the errors are as such:
#include "FMWrapper/FMXExtern.h"
And so on...
Any suggestions?

The compiler won't scan your whole hard disk for included files recursively (unless you ask it to -- but don't! :). You need to help it out. Otherwise, your builds would take ages.
One way is to specify the path to these sources using the Xcode build setting HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS or USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS.
So you tell Xcode to add the directory that contains FMWrapper/ to the search paths.
Xcode Build Setting Reference


Changing Archive Type from *Generic Xcode Archive* to *Mac App Archive*

I've got a small command line app written in Swift, that I'd now like to archive. Like a number of others before me however, I've come up against the problem of how to change the Archive Type from Generic Xcode Archive to Mac App Archive.
The majority of previous answers addressing this problem suggest setting the Skips Install flag to No for the target. I've done this, but it made no difference. I've also tried setting the same flag to No for the project, but the result remains the same. Some of these answers also make a number of other suggestions, which I've also followed where appropriate, but still the Archive Type refuses to yield.
The entire project consists of a single 10-line file, and I've now run out of ideas about what else to fiddle about with.
The type is determined by the content of the archive. If you have a single .app in your /Products/Applications folder (inside the archive) this will qualify as a Application-Archive. If you have more files in that folder or if its not an .app, you've got a different type (like Generic Xcode Archive)

Force Xcode to update project files

OK, here's my issue :
I'm using Xcode 4.6 under Lion
In my current project I've added several "real" folders (either with sources or with resources) which Xcode represents as "Groups"
However, whenever I add another file in one of my already-imported folders, the file doesn't show up (but instead I have to manually drag each new file to its appropriate location).
Well, given that my project is comprised of hundreds of different files, and that files are being added constantly, this seems like an overkill.
I realize this may have to do with Xcode's Group-centric approach, but it still bothers me.
So, is there any workaround? Any ideas?
As for many IDE, it won't scan changes of new files in included folder, to prevent accidental add of extra codes that will break the compile process. If you really want to do so, write a script to add all files in the folder and run it at pre-compile stage, i.e. in Xcode, "External Target"
See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/976459/188331

Code::Blocks cannot find function declarations or definitions

Codeblocks cannot find definitions or declarations of some functions in my project.
Question: Is there a way to force a re-scan of the source tree?
I believe that all of the relevant files are included into the project.
(Just checked: it cannot find by name a struct declared in an opened file.)
First, let me give a couple of ways to help C::B find your declarations/definitions.
Although somewhat obvious, you should make sure the function is in a file that is either:
1) part of the project itself (i.e. it should be shown in the projects->workspace window). If you intended it to be part of the project but it isn't there, then go to project->add files and add the file.
2) If you don't want/need the file to be part of the project but you still want to access the declarations/definitions, you need to let the project manager know where to find the file. You can do this in project->build options and set the search directories. Be careful when setting the search directories...you can set it for the whole project or build target (debug or executable).
Note: one common problem occurs when you have multiple projects open in C::B. Even though all your projects are "open", there is only one that is "activated". So, just because you have a file open, it doesn't mean the file is part of the activated project. You can do search-->open files" which will find code in a file if it's open but not in the current active project.
The only way to "re-scan", is to rebuild your project after making changes in the source code or project settings. You may have to restart C::B. If you still can't find the declaration/definition after doing the above, I would suggest you make a sample program and see if it will find the declaration/definition. If it does, then you can check the settings between your project and the sample project. In the worst case, you can copy your code from your project to the sample project. If that doesn't work, you can reinstall C::B and try again. Not fun but sometimes it works.
You can try, rebuilding the project, but make sure at least one other file includes the header for the structure or make sure the header and source file are included in the project.

Xcode 4 gcc failure on Archive build: skips precompile step?

I have been able to Archive on Xcode 4 successfully, but all of a sudden (??), I can't. The build fails with an invalid .pch file. The error is pasted in below (got from a reattempt with -Winvalid-pch, but what seems to be happening from the build log is that the precompiled header is not actually getting precompiled-- it's an iOS app, and goes straight from a CopyPNG step to a .m compile.
Could I have flipped something by accident? Nothing seems odd in my diff of the .pbxproj file.
cc1obj: warning: /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-afikuaovoaeqhreaaaakpafseuuv/Build/PrecompiledHeaders/Foo_Prefix-guqixmujoiaaaacwjctfkrztxmbz/Foo_Prefix.pch.gch: created by a different GCC executable
cc1obj: error: /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-afikuaovoaeqhreaaaakpafseuuv/Build/PrecompiledHeaders/Foo_Prefix-guqixmujoiaaaacwjctfkrztxmbz/Foo_Prefix.pch: No such file or directory
cc1obj: error: one or more PCH files were found, but they were invalid
The "Precompile Prefix Header" build setting is "Yes" for all configurations. Product->Clean doesn't help. Deleting the cached pch stuff under derived data doesn't fix it. Really seems like the whole "precompile" step is missing.
Another factoid: Enabling the setting "Increase Sharing of Precompiled Headers" DOES let it succeed. But I can find almost no reference to what this flag really does, and I have never used it before. And perhaps reasonably, the precompile step still doesn't show up when this happens.
Have you cleaned and then rebuilt? Product Menu ==> Clean. Cleaning usually solves such problems, effectively instructing Xcode to compile everything, regardless of whether it thinks the previous build of that file is still valid.
If that fails, try wiping out the Derived Data folder for the project, at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/YourProjectNamexxx where xxx is a uuid-style string.
The approved answer is correct, just a note that it works only in some cases.
I just converted a project into workspace and changed Derived Data Location from default to Workspace-relative. Precompiled headers stopped working immediately and cleaning the old location didn't seem to make any difference. Well of cource, since it was the OLD location!
Workspace relative location seems to located inside folder, where the workspace file (myProject.xcworkspace) was saved. There's now new subfolder DerivedData, which contains folder named by workspace, which contains the familiar stuff.
Index folder contains the PrecompiledHeaders, which contains (finally) the several subfolders. Deleting all of those and recompiling forced precompiling happen.

Generate an xcodeproj

I know this might sound a bit strange but I'd need to generate a xcodeproj automatically.
Basically scanning the filesystem and adding certain files to the project and to a specific target.
The main reason behind this, is that I work in an zero IDE environment. Thus, we have our own build system and source files are added and removed all the time.
I could use "create folder references for any added folders". However, xcode won't ever parse source files if they aren't part of any target. So, no symbols, no code completion...
To me, my only option would be to "auto-update" my xcodeproj with a script...
Thanks in advance for your inputs!
Cmake is one option (see this related question) and there's also Scons which I think can generate Xcode projects. There's also Qt's qmake which can generate the project files, but this is probably overkill unless you're using full Qt.
You can either user AppleScript (or anything OSA-compatible) to automate the process of creating the project in Xcode itself, or you could look at CMake, which is able to generate Xcode project files.
