Generate an xcodeproj - xcode

I know this might sound a bit strange but I'd need to generate a xcodeproj automatically.
Basically scanning the filesystem and adding certain files to the project and to a specific target.
The main reason behind this, is that I work in an zero IDE environment. Thus, we have our own build system and source files are added and removed all the time.
I could use "create folder references for any added folders". However, xcode won't ever parse source files if they aren't part of any target. So, no symbols, no code completion...
To me, my only option would be to "auto-update" my xcodeproj with a script...
Thanks in advance for your inputs!

Cmake is one option (see this related question) and there's also Scons which I think can generate Xcode projects. There's also Qt's qmake which can generate the project files, but this is probably overkill unless you're using full Qt.

You can either user AppleScript (or anything OSA-compatible) to automate the process of creating the project in Xcode itself, or you could look at CMake, which is able to generate Xcode project files.


xcode 5 - compiling source without including the files

I am creating a library for Mac using XCode5 which is using some code (c++) that is being developed and maintained by other developer and is at a different path than my library project.
e.g. my project is at /svntrunk/../../mylibraryproject/
The code I want to compile(use) in my library is at
/svntrunk/../../../utils/networkutils/src/source files here
I have tried following approaches
Refer the source files into my project but don't copy them into my project, that way when the other developer updates his code that is automatically reflected since I am pointing to his location. But in this case the linker fails to find the symbols from networkutils code.
Here while adding the file to the project I don't select 'Copy items ..' option
Second approach I took is to select 'Copy items..' option while adding the source files from networkutils to my project. This way the files is copied to my project and the compiler is able to find the symbols. But now if the other developer updates networkutils code I have to manually copy the updated code files which doesn't seem to be right thing to do.
It seems that to move forward I will have to go with option 2. Please let me know if there is a better way to approach this problem.
If he's developing using Xcode as well and has a project, you could link to the project, build that as a lib and include it in the build dependencies in your project.
I do this for Cocos2d.
Failing that, I would pursue option 1 and try to figure out why it's not finding the symbols. Are you sure you have the correct headers included? One reason the compiler fails to find symbols is that you're using functions whose headers are not included.
Extra info here:

Is there a way to list all files and their targets in Xcode?

I am part of a project with multiple developers. The project contains multiple targets. VERY often, files are committed to the Xcode project repository with some targets not-included (careless programmers). So whenever i do a 'svn up', and run the app, my program crashes. I then have to look through all those files and see which one was committed with the missing target, then add the target, and recommit the file to the repository (for that careless programmer)
Is there some way through a script to either automatically add all .m to a particular target?
list all the files that are missing for a particular target?
I have looked at Add files to an XCode project from a script for reference already.
My answer on this other thread shows you how to see all files that are not part of a target:
I did as Paul suggested and wrote a python script that inspects the .pbxproj and lists all the files and the targets they are included in.
You could easily modify that script so that it highlights the files that are not included in specific targets.
This question has been asked before, but neither did that question got an answer.
As far as I know, XCode does not have any build in support for comparing targets. However, the project is nothing more than an set of XML files... very detailed XML files though.. but still XML.
What you could do (this is not something I recommend though) is read through the XML files of the project and try to understand how they are build.
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but it might be a workaround.
I read though project.pbxproj of a test project with two targets, and it seems as if the project is build up into references. Which is smart since one wouldn't have a huge file if you have many targets. However, it does mean that its really hard to read.

Xcode file system

I am using Xcode as part of my build for OS X, but since it is not the only IDE used, files may be added from the file system directly.
As far as I can tell, there are two ways of adding folders:
Folder reference picks up all the changes on the file system but does not register any of the files as sources.
Recursive copy allows for the files to be built but I need to constantly maintain the file structure
I am wondering if there was a way to setup Xcode to build all of the files that are a part of the folder reference or failing that, if there is a quick script to automagically fix file system discrepancies.
I came up with proof-of-concept solution that works, but will require some work to use in production. Basically, I set up a new "External Target", which compiles all source files in a given directory into a static library. Then the static library is linked into the Main Application.
In detail:
Create a directory (lets call it 'Code') inside your project directory and put some source code in it.
Create a Makefile in the Code directory to compile the source into a static library. Mine looks like this.*****
Create an External Target (lets call it 'ExternalCode') and point it to the Code directory where your source and Makefile reside.
Build the ExternalCode and create a reference to the compiled static library (ExternalCode.a) in the Products area of your project. Get Info on the reference and change the Path Type to "Relative to Built Product".
Make sure ExternalCode.a is in the "Link With Binary Libraries" section of your main target.
Add the ExternalCode target as a dependency of your main target
Add the Code directory to your "User Header Search Paths" of your main target.
Now when you drop some source files into 'Code', Xcode should recompile everything. I created a demo project as a proof of concept. To see it work in, copy B.h/m from the 'tmp' directory into the 'Codes' directory.
*Caveats: The Makefile I provided is oversimplified. If you want to use it in a real project, you'll need to spend some time getting all the build flags correct. You'll have to decide whether it's worth it to manually manage the build process instead of letting Xcode handle most of the details for you. And watch out for paths with whitespace in them; Make does not handle them very well.
Xcode's AppleScript dictionary has the nouns and verbs required to do these tasks. Assuming your other IDE's build scripts know what files are added/deleted, you could write very simple AppleScripts to act as the glue. For example a script could take a parameter specifying a file to add to the current open project in Xcode. Another script could take a parameter to remove a file from the current project. Then your other IDE could just call these scripts like any other command line tool in your build script.
I'm not aware of any built-in functionality to accomplish this. If you need it to be automatic, your best option may be to write a Folder Action AppleScript and attach it to your project folder.
In all likelihood it would be a rather difficult (and probably fairly brittle) solution, though.
It's not pretty, and I think it only solves half your problem but... If you recursively copy, then quit xcode. Then you delete the folders, and replace them with simlinks to the original folders, you at least have files that are seen as code, and they are in the same files as the other IDE is looking at... You still will need to manually add and remove files.
I sort of doubt that there's a better way to do this without some form of scripting (like folder actions) because xcode allows you to have multiple targets in one project, so it's not going to know that you want to automatically include all of the files in any particular target. So, you're going to have to manually add each file to the current target each time anyway...
One way to import another file from add/existing file:
and set your customization for new file that added .
see this

Xcode dependencies across different build directories?

I am trying to set up Xcode for a project which contains multiple executables and static libraries. I have created multiple targets and set up the linking and dependencies, and initially everything works great. The catch...
This is an existing project which already has Visual Studio and Makefile builds. Those builds put the libraries in a lib/Debug directory and the executables in bin/Debug. So in Xcode I changed the Build Products Path to "lib" and "bin" respectively (so we can use one set of documentation for all of the platforms). This puts the compiled targets in the right place, but completely breaks both the linking (Library not found) and the dependencies.
I can fix the linking by adding $(SRCROOT)/lib/Debug to the Library Search Paths for each executable (but it feels like Xcode should be able to figure this out on its own, which makes me think I'm doing something wrong).
But — I can't figure out how to get the dependencies working again. If I change a library source file, the library will rebuild but not the dependent executables. If I force a build of the executable Xcode returns success without doing anything; it thinks the target is up to date. If I clean the target and then rebuild it works.
So, any ideas here? Is Xcode being fundamentally stupid in this regard, or is it me (I'm leaning toward the latter)?
Update: I've posted a sample project to demonstrate the issue at Build it once, then modify MyStaticLib.c and build it again. The executable will not relink (and it should). Many thanks for any help on this one.
starkos, thanks for publishing your conclusion. It validated my experience as well. This situation really screwed me, so it was nice to know I wasn't just missing something.
I did however discover a workaround that avoids creating multiple projects or keeping the library and its dependent in the same directory. It is a hack, but it does work here.
I know it's a bit late but better than never.
For the dependency library, add a "Copy Files Build Phase", with Absolute Path as the destination, and the path text field should be the directory where the DEPENDENT target lives. Then click on Products, find the dependency library (will end with .a), and drag it into the "Copy Files Build Phase." If you now build, this will put the library into its own directory like before and THEN also copy it into the dependent's target directory.
For the dependent, you can now remove the dependency's output directory from the Library Search Paths. This will cause it to find the library copy. If you do this, the dependent will indeed be relinked each time the dependency .a is relinked.
The negatives are, of course, the extra time for the copy, and the necessity to specify (in the Copy phase) the target directory for each dependent of your library. Beats the hell out of the alternatives though....
Xcode doesn't automatically set up dependencies based on use of build products; you have to set up explicit target dependencies yourself.
Project > Edit Target Settings, General tab, + button, add any targets that are prerequisites to building the selected target. That should get you going again.
I've researched this some more and the answer is no, Xcode 3.x doesn't track dependencies between targets that live in different directories. You can work around it by giving each library its own project, and adding each of those to a master project. Or you can keep all of your targets in one directory. Pick your poison.
Here is my solution for this weird behavior in xcode 4.3.1. You have to add build pre-action in scheme:
and choose which build settings to use for this script. Each time before build, target executable will be removed and rebuild completely. It helped for me, and i hope it helps you.
NOTE: Have tried to put this script in project build phase, and result was negative - debugger could not connect process to start debugging.
Good luck!
OK, it would help to have the text of the Linking... build line that's failing. But a couple of things:
1) You shouldn't be linking to anything in $(SRCROOT). That's your project sources. The two places to find things to link are $(SYMROOT) (the Build Products directory) or $(DSTROOT) (the Installed Products directory).
One thing you could do is to have a common Build Directory, then use 'xcodebuild install' action to install the products in the Installation Directory. The other is to use a Copy Files build phase to copy them after building, so you can link against them in $(SYMROOT) but still have them where your Windows compatriots expect them.
THere is probably a way to set up the per-target build products directories correctly, but I'd really have to see the project itself to figure it out.

Xcode 3.1.1 and static libraries

I'm an experienced VS.NET user and trying to get up and running on Xcode 3.1.1.
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
I'd like a static library ("Lib") to have its own xcodeproj file. I'd an executable application ("App") that makes use of Lib to reference Lib's xcodeproj file so that changes to Lib cause App to relink. Ideally, I'd like to be able to edit Lib's source files inside App's Xcode workspace so I don't have to task around all the time to make changes.
I figured out from the online help that I can simply drag the static lib xcodeproj in to my app's project and it gets the reference. I see that once my static lib xcodeproj is in my app's project, I can simply drag it to the App's target and it understands that App depends on Lib. This seems like the right path, but things aren't quite working the way I'd like yet.
Here are my questions:
It seems that simply having App depend on Lib doesn't cause App to link with Lib. It seems that I have to explicitly drag libLib.a from the Lib folder into App's "Link Binary With Libraries" build stage. In VS.NET, simply specifying the project as a solution dependency adds it to the link line. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
When I have App open in Xcode and I drag Lib.xcodeproj into it, I don't get any of Lib's source files there. I only get libLib.a under the "Lib.xcodeproj" folder. In VS.NET, I can edit Lib's source files right there and rebuild it, etc... but with this approach in Xcode, changes to Lib.cpp don't cause Lib to rebuild when I rebuild App. Ideally, I'd get all of Lib's source files and targets to show up when I drag Lib.xcodeproj into App. Is there any way of doing this?
Thanks in advance for any responses!
You're correct that making target A depend upon target B (whether within the same project or across projects) does not cause target A to link against target B. You need to specify them distinctly; this is because they're separate concepts, and you might have dependencies between targets that you don't want to link to each other — for example, a command-line tool that gets built by target C and is used as part of the build process for target A.
Also, you're correct that referencing project B from within project A will not let you see project B's source code in project A's window. That's because Xcode does not have the same "workspace" model that Visual Studio and Eclipse do; you above alluded to the existence of "a workspace containing project A" but Xcode doesn't really have any such thing, just a window representing project A.
Open the App project. Right-click on the App target and choose "Get Info." Then go to the "General Tab" and find "Direct Dependencies." Click the ( + ) (plus sign) button to add a direct dependency. The Lib.xcodeproj should appear among a list of possibilities for you. Choose the Lib target from that list.
That should accomplish that the Lib project must build (or rebuild) when you build the App target.
(Editing my own post now. I realize I said nothing about point number 2 in the question. I am actually still thinking about number 2. I am not sure if that is possible or not.)
I'm also novice to Xcode 3.1, just played with mentioned by you issues and found that there is no problem regarding to your second question. Whatever application you use to edit the dependence library source code, your main project will rebuild the dependence target. I checked it by:
edited the source file, of the library your app depend on, by notepad application.
Selected dependence library project reference, mouse right-click, and select 'Open With Finder', then selected wanted source file and edited it.
Everything working well.
I am also a fairly new user of Xcode. Most of what I know I learned from an Xcode book by James Bucanek (ISBN 047175479x). It is an older book that was written for/with Xcode 2.2, but I find that pretty much all of it still applies for me today, and I currently use Xcode 3.1
You can probably find a cheap used copy if you are interested.
