I'd appreciate it if an example code could be given using the Z(Y) user variables, as I can't seem to figure out the syntax.
Set the Y variable to the index you want Z to return. For example, if you wanted to access the value at index 8 you would set Y to 8 before accessing Z.
Would cause your next access of Z to come from the value at index 8.
I am new to SAS and have been using R most of the time. I am stuck with a simple and frustrating issue. All I want to do is to create a simple 3 X 3 matrix in SAS. But it throws an error. I need some help in understanding what's going on. The SAS documentation is not very helpful.
data matrixTest;
input Y $ X;
4 0
3 1
1 1
/*Convert X to a categorical variable*/
data matrixTest;
set matrixTest;
if X = 0 then X = "0";
else X = "1";
/*Get design matrix from the regression model*/
proc transreg data=matrixTest design;
model class(X/ zero=last);
output out=input_mcmc(drop=_: Int:);
mX = {5 4 3, 4 0 4, 7 10 3};
And I get the following error when creating the matrix mX:
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
Your error is that SAS is not a matrix language. SAS is more like a database language; the unit of operation is the dataset, analogous to a SQL table or a dataframe in R or Python.
SAS does have a matrix language built into the system, SAS/IML (interactive matrix language), but it's not part of base SAS and isn't really what you use in the context you're showing. The way you enter data as part of your program is how you did it in the first data step, with datalines.
Side note: You're also showing some R tendencies in the second data step; you cannot convert a variable's type that way. SAS has only 'numeric' and 'character', so you don't have 'categorical' data type anyway; just leave it as is.
Do not use the same data set name in the SET and DATA statements. This makes it hard to debug because you've destroyed your initial data set.
You cannot change types on the fly in SAS. If a variables i character it stays character.
If a variable is numeric, you assign values without quotes, quotes are used for character variables.
Your attempt to create a categorical variable doesn't make sense given the fact that it's already 0/1. Make sure your test data is reflective of your actual situation.
I'm not familiar with PROC TRANSREG so I cannot comment on that portion but those are the issues you're facing now.
As someone else mentioned, SAS is not a matrix language, it processes data line by line instead which means it can handle really, really large data sets because it doesn't have to load it into memory.
Your data set, matrixTest is essentially a data set and ready to go. You don't need to convert it to a matrix or 'initialize' it.
If you want a data set with those values then create that as a data set:
data mx;
input var1-var3;
5 4 3
4 0 4
7 10 3
I have 8 images in a directory.
the path is /blabla.com/img.
I need to access this path and choose 3 out of 8 randomly and display those.
If 3 pics are the same, it should echo "yeeey".
Otherwise, "neeey" and record these responses in a text file.
I am not going to do your homework for you!
However I can give you some insight:
store your 8 file names in an array
call $RANDOM % 8 3 times and store the value in 3 index variables
use the 3 index variables to extract your 3 files
use sha256sum, sha512sum or md5sum to compute the signature of your images and store the result in 3 variables
compare the values of the 3 variables if they are the same echo "yeeey" else echo "neeey"
if on top of that you want to display the picture as written in your post you could call eog or other similar tool with the finename as parameter and of course in background, with a & at the end of the command call.
Good luck with your assignment and let me know if you need help!
let's array an array of distinct elements (for example 8):
(1) use RANDOM special variable modulo the number of elements to get a random number between 0 and number-1 inclusive
the first random element is
remove the element from array and reassign the array to reindex without gap (declare -p array to see)
unset array[number]
restart from (1)
How can I have different parameters value defined in .ini file for each repeat in omnet using cmdenv? I have repeat value as 4 and trying to have different value of accidentStart and accidentDuration.
You can't. And shouldn't. The whole point of repetition is that all parameters have the same value, just the RNGs are seeded differently. So you get a different sample of the same distribution for every result value.
What you're looking for are iteration variables.
Something like this:
**.accidentStart = ${100, 200, 350}s
This will generate 3 runs without repetition, and 12 runs with repeat=4.
and if you add
**.accidentDuration = ${duration=300, 450, 600..1800 step 600}s
this will multiply the number of runs by another factor of 5.
By default, iteration variables produce a Cartesian product of their respective assigned sets of values. But there are ways to change this, consult the manual for how.
I am trying to assign multiple codes to existing variables. I am using the syntax below, but it will only assign the first code entered for that hosp.id.number.
Syntax example:
Do if (hosp.id.number=9037) or (hosp.id.number=1058) or (hosp.id.number=11256).
Compute role_EM_communication=10.
Else if (hosp.id.number=9037.
Compute role_EM_communication=11.
End if.
hosp.id.number needs to be coded 10 and 11, but it will only code it at 10. Anyway to rephrase so that SPSS will accept 2 or more codes for a variable such as hosp.id.number?
Your role_EM_communication variable is a single variable, but from what you are saying, I think you need it to be a set (for the same record, it could take on more than just one code). So you need to create n variables named role_EM_communication_1 to role_EM_communication_n, where n is the maximum number of codes you estimate will be possible for one record.
For your example, it would translate like this:
create the 2 variables:
vector role_EM_communication_ (2, f2.0).
do the first recode:
if any(hosp.id.number,9037,1058,11256) role_EM_communication_1=10.
very important - execute the recode
check if the first variable has data, and populate the second variable if true:
if miss(role_EM_communication_1) and any(hosp.id.number,9037) role_EM_communication_1=11.
if ~miss(role_EM_communication_1) and any(hosp.id.number,9037) role_EM_communication_2=11.
I want to generate a fixed random variable ~N(0,10) for every observation for future computation.
gen X=rnormal (0,10)
list X
How can I see what value of X is being generated?
You were probably using an empty dataset when you issued these commands. In that case you would first need to tell Stata how many observations your dataset contains. For that you need to use the set obs command, so something like:
. set seed 12345
. set obs 10
obs was 0, now 10
. gen x = rnormal(0,10)
. list, clean
1. -9.580833
2. -2.907274
3. 8.45202
4. 8.617108
5. -12.19151
6. 9.457337
7. 1.722469
8. -13.29949
9. -11.5291
10. 25.1646
Think of what would happen when you did not use set obs. In that case Stata would see gen x = rnormal(0,10) and think "ok, I need to create random draws from a normal distribution, but how many?". If you had a dataset open, then it would answer "as many as there are observations in the dataset". If you had no dataset open, then the answer would still be "as many as there are observations in the dataset", but that happens to be 0.
If you just want one number you are best of using scalars and not variables. In Stata a scalar refers to a single number and a variable refers to a single column in your dataset. For scalars it is best to use temporary names, as they share the same namespace as variables but variables take precedence when it comes to abreviations, which can lead to unexpected behaviour. So you could do something like:
. tempname a
. scalar `a' = rnormal(0,10)
. di `a'