Stata rnormal() - random

I want to generate a fixed random variable ~N(0,10) for every observation for future computation.
gen X=rnormal (0,10)
list X
How can I see what value of X is being generated?

You were probably using an empty dataset when you issued these commands. In that case you would first need to tell Stata how many observations your dataset contains. For that you need to use the set obs command, so something like:
. set seed 12345
. set obs 10
obs was 0, now 10
. gen x = rnormal(0,10)
. list, clean
1. -9.580833
2. -2.907274
3. 8.45202
4. 8.617108
5. -12.19151
6. 9.457337
7. 1.722469
8. -13.29949
9. -11.5291
10. 25.1646
Think of what would happen when you did not use set obs. In that case Stata would see gen x = rnormal(0,10) and think "ok, I need to create random draws from a normal distribution, but how many?". If you had a dataset open, then it would answer "as many as there are observations in the dataset". If you had no dataset open, then the answer would still be "as many as there are observations in the dataset", but that happens to be 0.
If you just want one number you are best of using scalars and not variables. In Stata a scalar refers to a single number and a variable refers to a single column in your dataset. For scalars it is best to use temporary names, as they share the same namespace as variables but variables take precedence when it comes to abreviations, which can lead to unexpected behaviour. So you could do something like:
. tempname a
. scalar `a' = rnormal(0,10)
. di `a'


Can I set a filter condition on Visual Studio 2013's Watch Window

My program has very large matrices but most of the elements tend to be zero. Is there a way to set in the watch window something like the following for a 50x10000x2 matrix variable called tau_bcst:
Name Value {...}
Such that in watch, it will only show the elements greater than zero. Something like the following:
Name Value
tau_bcst(1,4,1) 3
tau_bcst(10,2000,1) 3
tau_bcst(11,2000,1) 3
tau_bcst(49,2910,2) 3
tau_bcst(21,8930,2) 3
I know it can take some mathematical equations and calculate a value with the variables, so I am wondering if it can do this as well. I tried several ways but it doesn't seem to work.
I would gladly use a simple filter code to check the variable (return 1 if the values are non-zero, for example), except that I have many variables that I want to check at potentially multiple points in the code against another run of the code in another Visual Studio window so that won't be very efficient.

Different parameters value in .ini file for different runs

How can I have different parameters value defined in .ini file for each repeat in omnet using cmdenv? I have repeat value as 4 and trying to have different value of accidentStart and accidentDuration.
You can't. And shouldn't. The whole point of repetition is that all parameters have the same value, just the RNGs are seeded differently. So you get a different sample of the same distribution for every result value.
What you're looking for are iteration variables.
Something like this:
**.accidentStart = ${100, 200, 350}s
This will generate 3 runs without repetition, and 12 runs with repeat=4.
and if you add
**.accidentDuration = ${duration=300, 450, 600..1800 step 600}s
this will multiply the number of runs by another factor of 5.
By default, iteration variables produce a Cartesian product of their respective assigned sets of values. But there are ways to change this, consult the manual for how.

Hide Labels with No Data in SPSS

I just started using SPSS, there is a option of Select cases that I was trying in SPSS, and later on finding frequency based on that filter.
For Eg:
Suppose Q1 has 12 parts, Q1_1 Q1_2 Q1_3 Q1_4 Q1_5 Q1_6 Q1_7 Q1_8 Q1_9 Q1_10 Q1_11 Q1_12
I want to see data in these variables based on a condition that I used in select cases. Now when I try to see frequencies of these variables based on the filter, only 4 out of 12 satisfy has data.
Now my question is can I hide rest 8 and show only 4 with data on my output window.
It's not entirely clear what you are trying to describe however reading between the lines, I'm guessing you are trying to delete tables generated from FREQUENCIES which may happen to be empty (likely due to a filter applied but perhaps not necessarily either)
You could do this with SPSS Scripting but avoiding that, you may want to explore using CTABLES, which though may not be in the exact same format as FREQUENCY table output it will still none the less retrieve the same information.
Solution below. Assumes Python Integration with SPSS SELECT VARIABLES installed and of course the CTABLE add-on module.
/****** Simulate example data ******/.
input program.
loop #j = 1 to 100.
compute ID=#j.
vector Q(12).
loop #i = 1 to 12.
do if #j<51 and #i<9.
compute Q(#i) = $sysmis.
compute Q(#i) = trunc(rv.uniform(1,5)).
end if.
end loop.
end case.
end loop.
end file.
end input program.
/* frequencies without filtering applied */.
freq q1 to q12.
/* frequencies WITH filtering applied */.
/* Empty table here shoult be removed */.
select if (ID<51).
freq q1 to q12.
spssinc select variables macroname="!Qp" /properties pattern = "^Q\d+$"/options separator="+" order=file.
spssinc select variables macroname="!Qs" /properties pattern = "^Q\d+$"/options separator=" " order=file.
select if (ID<51).
ctables /table (!Qp)[c][count colpct]
/categories variables=!Qs empty=exclude.
Note if you had assess empty variables at a total level then there is a function in spssaux2 (spssaux2.FindEmptyVars) which could help you find the empty variables and then you could build the syntax to exclude these and so contain the variables with only valid responses and then run FREQUENCIES. But I don't think spssaux2.FindEmptyVars will honor any filtering.

SPSS- assigning mulitple numeric codes to one variable

I am trying to assign multiple codes to existing variables. I am using the syntax below, but it will only assign the first code entered for that
Syntax example:
Do if ( or ( or (
Compute role_EM_communication=10.
Else if (
Compute role_EM_communication=11.
End if.
Execute. needs to be coded 10 and 11, but it will only code it at 10. Anyway to rephrase so that SPSS will accept 2 or more codes for a variable such as
Your role_EM_communication variable is a single variable, but from what you are saying, I think you need it to be a set (for the same record, it could take on more than just one code). So you need to create n variables named role_EM_communication_1 to role_EM_communication_n, where n is the maximum number of codes you estimate will be possible for one record.
For your example, it would translate like this:
create the 2 variables:
vector role_EM_communication_ (2, f2.0).
do the first recode:
if any(,9037,1058,11256) role_EM_communication_1=10.
very important - execute the recode
check if the first variable has data, and populate the second variable if true:
if miss(role_EM_communication_1) and any(,9037) role_EM_communication_1=11.
if ~miss(role_EM_communication_1) and any(,9037) role_EM_communication_2=11.

Format statement with unknown columns

I am attempting to use fortran to write out a comma-delimited file for import into another commercial package. The issue is that I have an unknown number of data columns. My output needs to look like this:
which would result in something that might look like this:
I have three issues. One, I would prefer the elements to be tightly grouped (variable column width), two, I do not know how to define a variable number of array elements in the format statement, and three, the array elements can span a large range--maybe 12 orders of magnitude. The following code conceptually does what I want, but the variable 'n' and the lack of column-width definition throws an error (of course):
WRITE(50,900) linenames(ii),loc(ii,1:2),recon(ii,1:n)
900 FORMAT(A,',',F,',',F,n(',',F))
(I should note that n is fixed at run-time.) The write statement does what I want it to when I do WRITE(50,*), except that it's width-delimited.
I think this thread almost answered my question, but I got quite confused: SO. Right now I have a shell script with awk fixing the issue, but that solution is...inelegant. I could do some manipulation to make the output a string, and then just write it, but I would rather like to avoid that option if at all possible.
I'm doing this in Fortran 90 but I like to try to keep my code as backwards-compatible as possible.
the format close to what you want is f0.3, this will give no spaces and a fixed number of decimal places. I think if you want to also lop off trailing zeros you'll need to do a good bit of work.
The 'n' in your write statement can be larger than the number of data values, so one (old school) approach is to put a big number there, eg 100000. Modern fortran does have some syntax to specify indefinite repeat, i'm sure someone will offer that up.
the unlimited repeat is as you might guess an asterisk..and is evideltly "brand new" in f2008
In order to make sure that no space occurs between the entries in your line, you can write them separately in character variables and then print them out using theadjustl() function in fortran:
program csv
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
integer, parameter :: nn = 3
real(dp), parameter :: floatarray(nn) = [ -1.0_dp, -2.0_dp, -3.0_dp ]
integer :: ii
character(30) :: buffer(nn+2), myformat
! Create format string with appropriate number of fields.
write(myformat, "(A,I0,A)") "(A,", nn + 2, "(',',A))"
! You should execute the following lines in a loop for every line you want to output
write(buffer(1), "(F20.2)") 1.0_dp ! a_float
write(buffer(2), "(F20.2)") 2.0_dp ! a_different_float
do ii = 1, nn
write(buffer(2+ii), "(F20.3)") floatarray(ii)
end do
write(*, myformat) "a_string", (trim(adjustl(buffer(ii))), ii = 1, nn + 2)
end program csv
The demonstration above is only for one output line, but you can easily write a loop around the appropriate block to execute it for all your output lines. Also, you can choose different numerical format for the different entries, if you wish.
