Smarty to check select box value - smarty

I have two HTML Forms in a webpage. One having a select box. So i may want to check in second form if first form has selected some value and if it has, capture that value. I am using Smarty templates for these HTML form. Is there some workaround with this ? Thanks.


how to capture a particular value in dropdow attribute magento

I have an attribute called "Tam" type dropdown
with several different values
need to display a custom image in list.phtml when the selected value is equal to "Regulável"
can anyone help me how to capture this specific value and display the image?
thank you
You need to use jquery code, it is simple way
you can get its value by
You also need to get image path by jQuery and you can replace image with jQuery.

<form:input> inside of <form:select> How to realize?

I'm building a jsp which will let user select data from database, it will uploads when page will render for user. But the problem is <form:select> don't let user insert new value his own one if the value not represented in the list(doesn't inputed in database).
I need let user put his own value if it's doesn't not exist in the <form:select>.
It's kinda has to be <form:input> with <form:select><form:options items="myList"></form:select>.
Could you help me with this. Thank you
You can provide textbox and dropdown.Make textbox enable only if user didnt select any value from dropdown allow him to enter value. If he selected any value from dropdown make the textbox disable.for this you should use bit of jquery or javascript.

Select item in a gridview

I'm trying to create a webpage where a user can click on an item inside a gridview and have that rows data display in another page. I cannot figure out how to set it up so only the selected row's information is displayed in (I am thinking I will use a form view to display the data on the second page) the form view on the second page. Any suggestions?
If you have just a couple of columns i did suggest you to use QueryString to pass values between pages. Lets say there are two such values you want to pass to another page:
Response.Redirect("default2.aspx?firstvalue=" + yourfirstvalue + "&secondvalue=" + yoursecondvalue");
// this will set the values you want to pass on your gridview page
// this will retrieve the first value from URL from your second page
If you want a neat lookin URL then i would suggest you to use Session variables.

How to extract dynamic drop-down forms with iMacros?

I am looking to fill out a dynamic dropdown form with iMacros. With a regular form, I am able to loop using VBS successfully and able to extract information based on how I fill out the dropdown form.
However, there is one website that I'm trying to extract from where the option values in field 2 completely changes based on what you select in field 1. (i.e. "<option value="">" changes).
I am having trouble looping this, since the iMacro function doesn't work when you use #, $ or % for the CONTENT attribute. (I have tried them all).

Zend_Form_Element_Select onchange

I am unable to set value of text, radio and other form elements based on a select element onchange.
All form elements are part of the same form.
The values to be set are to be fetched from database table without refreshing/redirecting the whole page (may be using Ajax).
Solution should be MVC based. I am a ZF novice.
Made it work with the help of following link:
I used JQuery $.ajax() in place of prototype.js Ajax.Request() as the latter was conflicting somewhere with a datepicker element and I thought why to include one more js file when already JQuery is there.
