Magento advanced newsletter hide fields when logged - magento

i`m using the Advanced Newsletter extension on my magento store:
My problem is:
If the user is not logged he can see all input field (name, email...), but if he is logged all inputs disappears and he can only see the subscription button which only subscribe his account e-mail.
I need guest users and logged users seeing the same form! Both need to be able to choose any email they want to subscribe.
Does anyone know how to fix it?


Can an admin validate sign-up requests in

Is there something similar to the email verifcation feature where a system admin could validate user sign-up/registration requests?
Background: We're building a system with a closed community, where new users can join only if an admin has verified their sing-up data.
Ideally the admin should just receive an email that there's a new registration request and validate the request directly from the email.
The emailVerified column is protected - it can only be updated by the system in response to the target user clicking the link in the validation email.
An admin can not "tick" this field on behalf of another user.
However. From your brief description of the background I would suggest that you want the users to click the link - after all it serves to validate their email address. If you are creating your own app there is nothing to stop you adding your own column to the user model (or preferably a related table) and implement code in your sign up that also checks this extra column. Of course this is more work - but likely not excessive - and you get the desired workflow.

Joomla create a confirmation button that send email to administrator

i have a big problem. I have to create a button that is taking the name and email of registred users and sending automatic email to the admin for confirmation.
Joomla already has a feature so that admins must approve the registration of a user. Have a look here at the Joomla documentation:
If you need a little more functionality, you may want to consider a 3rd party extension such as Admin Approval
Hope this helps

how to set that only admin gete mail confirmation in magento

I have a problem in to set that only admin get confirmation email after a cutomer purchase for example if a customer purchase a product and he does't want a confirmation email and unchecked the email confirmation option then I want admin get email.please help me in step by step
You can use this extension disable mail for disable mail system for customer when customer place order.
You need create extension and create method for send mail to admin with this event checkout_onepage_controller_success_action
When customer place order admin will get mail.

Magento customer dedicated confirmation page - with working confirmation

New customers receive an email in which they have to click on the confirmation link. This link should put the customer to the account-page with the message "hey, your account is now confirmed"... How could I tell Magento to show the user an alternative page without lead him to the regular page?

How to add a custom column to Magento's "Manage Customers" view

In order for a user to become an active member of our site, they need to click on the confirmation link sent to their email address. When we click on "Manage Customers" on the backend of Magento, we can see which customer group the customer belongs in, but we cannot tell whether or not they have activated their account without clicking on each individual account. Is there a way we can add a column to show and filter users who have activated / not activated their account?
Please help!
If the value that tells if an account is activated or not is stored in an attribute, this extension should do the trick : Enhanced Admin Grids
