How to change App Part title dynamically? - client

I have developed an App Part (Client Web Part) for SharePoint 2013. Now it has a static title, that was configured in Elements.xml. I want to use a different title for my App Part.
Is it possible to change the App Part title dynamically?


MS Teams Personal Tab (Custom App) is not displaying in the side App bar

I have the below queries:
We were trying to expose the SharePoint portal in Microsoft Teams by creating a Personal Tabs App. In order to display it in the side app bar, we have added the app in Global Policy (admin.teams->Teams app->setup policy) and rearranged the App to top.
But the app is not getting displayed in the app bar for any user. Are there any more configurations need to be implemented?
Will this take hours to get displayed in the Teams UI, does E3 subscription will take more time to render the APP in Teams compare to E5?
If so, how many hours do we need to wait to see the update in Teams UI?
Please note this app is created via App Studio, not custom code.
Reference links:
Yes it is taking 24 hours to get displayed in the side bar. The configured tabs are displaying successfully in Teams web app/via browser. But not rendering in the desktop version. The tabs url changed in the below format to overcome this issue but not sure why this is replicating. Tab url format:

How can I pin a Sharepoint's WebPart app?

I have developed a Sharepoint's WebPart. This app works fine and now I need something similar to integrate with Teams.
I have been researching about the best way to develop the app for Teams. As far as I know, there are two ways of doing this:
1. I can develop a new app only for Teams
2. I can "reuse" the Sharepoint's Webpart.
According to the second one option, I have made some little changes and now the app based in the WebPart is working in Teams.
My doubt is the next one. The application is a "Tab" associated to a channel and the client wants that the app icon appears in the menu of the left side.
When I try to add the icon in:, this new application based on the WebPart, never appears and I don't know the way to add the icon in the menu.
Could somebody help me?
Kind regards
You can pin only Personal Apps to the left rail. Please add your SharePoint page as personal (static) tab in your App and then pin it.

How do I make an App Inventor app be a target for Chrome Share web page?

This is for an Android app that I want to develop using App Inventor, to read the content of a web page when a user decides to share it to my app.
When you are on a web page, in Chrome, you have the option to "Share" it. If you click this option, you get a list of available apps on your Android device to pick from. How can I make my app appear on that list?
How do I make my app read the web page that is shared by the user to my app? I want to read the text, not render the web page.
This is not possible with App Inventor, unfortunately.

Can we get to choose the application which can be used to edit a document in iOS 8?

I was going through Document Picker & Document Provider Extensions of iOS8 today. Document picker allows us to pick documents of the different apps where as the document provider helps us to work with third party storage.
Right now I have one scenario that I am stuck with i.e, in my app I will have a document lets say a word document. Now I want to open this document in my app using an other app say Microsoft office and then I want to perform edit on this document. After editing, I should be able to come back to my application. Again if I view this document those changes should be present. Can this be achievable in iOS 8 without duplicating the documents.

How to create a custom app entry inside the Application Settings with Windows Phone SDK

Do you know if the Windows Phone SDK offers an API that allows to add a custom App entry inside the Application Settings page?
I would like to create a new entry "AppXYZ" that links the settings page of the application.
Is this view reserved just for "system" applications or could also be used to add a link to an external app's settings?
Although not well-known, there is a way to do that. In WMAppManifest.xml you can specify that your app belongs in HubType="268435456". That way, it will be integrated there. This is not an officially-supported approach and I am yet to see a third-party app approved in the Store that would handle this.
You can link to the settings page of your own application but not to the windows phone settings page you show us in the screenshot. Developers are only allowed to show some of these by using the corresponding URL schmemes.
Unfortuantely there is no possibility to integrate your app to the official settings hub as a third party developer. Adding HubType="268435456" in your WMAppManifest.xml file will prevent a successful sumbission.
Sorry for the bad news...
