Octave output buffer completely messed up on OS X. How to fix? - macos

I have just installed Octave 3.6 version on my MacBook. It uses emacs as its default editor, but it seems some regular emacs keys (such as C-x C-c for exiting) doesn't work in Octave emacs. Also, the output buffer gets completely messed when I try to use octave. Also, it always prints the prompt even when I'm in emacs. (See picture below)
It seems it's parsing my input in the editor on the fly. But I have no idea how this could every happen.
Can anyone tell me what the problem is and how to fix it?

My guess is that you end up running the Emacs that comes bundled with Mac OS X (an old version of Emacs that only works in text mode) and you want to change that by installing a more recent version that can run in the GUI. But that's just a wild guess.


MSYS2 paste problem when pasting multiple and long lines

I have an issue with recent versions of MSYS2 that I didn't have with older versions.
I often paste a large number of commands, some of which are longer that the console width. There are also sometimes multiline commands in there (e.g. shell if stuff with the fi several lines later). But I do make sure there are no tabs in there to avoid autocompletion from kicking in.
In old MSYS2 I could just paste everything and the commands would start right away.
In newer MSYS2 after pasting it is apparently waiting for another Enter before starting.
But what's worse: the data pasted isn't intact. Sometimes pieces are missing, sometimes it gets truncated, sometimes both.
I have reproduced this on Windows 10 and Windows 11.
I also tried running msys2.exe as well as others like mingw64.exe, and I even tried running sh.exe from ConsoleZ.
Is there some kind of setting or environment variable to get the old paste behaviour back?
Also tried with Windows Terminal
Tried pasting from different source (Notepad instead of Notepad++)
Tried changing copied source (in Notepad++) to different line endings (CR, LF, CR+LF)
No improvement.
Additionally I noticed sometimes part of the beginning of the copied text are pasted last. So it's not just a matter of missing pieces - the contents get thrown around during paste...
I have not been able to resolve this issue in ConsoleZ or Console2, but when using mintty from MSYS2 the following fixes the paste problem:
bind 'set enable-bracketed-paste off'
As mintty is not a console program (in the Windows application sense) this solution can't be made to work with ConsoleZ or Console2, but it is possible with ConEmu.

How do I set Zsh up in iTerm2 to match Terminal?

I'm new to development & stack overflow so hopefully my question will be phrased correctly.
Q: How is it that within OS X El Capitan Terminal my Ruby, Rails, & RVM versions are correct, but within iTerm Zsh, it does not reflect the same information. I set up Zsh & honukai theme for aesthetic & practical purposes > standard terminal. How do I set up iTerm2 to reflect the same data. As you can see Ruby is showing an older version besides my best attempt to have it as 2.3.1 (which is set to the default and current within RVM list in iTerm2) and Rails is showing not installed ('rvm not a function' problem within iTerm, but no issue with using rvm as a function within Terminal).
I do want the issue solved, but I also care more about knowing exactly why the problem is occurring in the first place so that I understand the difference between Terminal and iTerm2 Zsh better.
Link to Gyazo image since I do not have 10 reputation to post images.
Comparison Images:
Zsh rvm list even though ruby -v showing as 2.0.0:

Emacs hang after installing gtk3 in windows 7

I recently decided to use emacs as I am starting to learn common lisp. But here is a problem that I feel that I must have done something wrong. After googling around for the past several hours, I still couldn't figure out why.
I am using windows 7. Installing the most recent emacs (24.5) with quicklisp, slime, sbcl etc are all fine. Then I started to install gtk+3 according to http://www.gtk.org/download/win32_tutorial.php. And it went well: I can run gtk3-demo. The problem is that after I put the path in the system environment, emacs was not responsive anymore: When I run runemacs.exe, it starts a window, then hang with a blank window (the menu appears). It can start fine after I remove the /dir-to-gtk-bin/ from the path.
I believe that there must be something wrong with my system setup, since emacs should work smoothly with gtk+ devleopment. Could you please give me a hint on where to start checking? Thanks very much for your help.

swi-prolog aborts (after installation via homebrew)

For some reasons I had to uninstall/reinstall homebrew on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.9).
I wanted to reinstall swi-prolog via homebrew (like I did the first time). The installation process worked without any visible issue, but now every time in want to run swi-prolog in my terminal this message appears: "Abort trap: 6"
I have no clue of what that means. There is a lot of things about this message on the internet but I can't relate them with my issue.
Could you help me?
For some reason it seems that the symbolic link doesn't work correctly. In my version of swi-prolog I had to type the full path to get it to run correctly, for example:
Remember to keep in mind that your version number could be different than what I have listed above.
This became extremely tedious however to remember when having to type it every time I wanted to use Prolog, so I was able to add it as an alias with this command:
alias prolog='/usr/local/Cellar/swi-prolog/6.4.1/bin/swipl'
From that point on in the current terminal session, I was able to open it by just typing:
This way is obviously much easier, however you need to remember to change the alias if the version also changes.
The command "prolog" can of course be exchanged with any command you wish to use.
Keep in mind, if you want this command to be more permanent (as in after you close the terminal window), you will need to also add the above alias command to the ~/.bash_profile file so it runs on startup.
Hope this helps!
if i am not mistaken, swi-prolog required x11 to run but now in mac 10.9, there were no x11 anymore instead of xQuartz.
i am not sure if this is the real problem now.

How can I most effectively use Emacs as an editor alongside XCode?

There are a few tutorials online (For example) having to do with configuring emacs to work with XCode, but they all seem to be for old versions, and I haven't found one that ties neatly to XCode 3.x + Emacs 23.1 in a way that I can unpack.
So, I'm running XCode 3.1.2 and the Mac Cocoa application build of Emacs 23.1. I have a passing familiarity with elisp, so modifying configurations doesn't scare me, particularly. I'd like to be editing my Objective-C code in Emacs, because the XCode editor is painful once you've used a real text editor (snark, snark).
What should I do to make this happen?
For Emacs.app you can adopt a cleaner approach, and it doesn't require you to change configurations (unless you don't like make-frame to be called when a file is opened from XCode, but it's very easy to change).
Well, the customization should be similar to the documentation you pointed to. With Emacs 23, the server/client code has changed just a little. Namely, you can start it with the [--daemon][1] option to have Emacs start a server in the background. Then, have XCode just call Emacs using [emacsclient][2]. There are options you can use with emacsclient to force a new frame (graphical window): -c, and you can even start it off with -a to ensure you get an emacs if you forgot to start it with --daemon.
