Codeception API testing: stuck at passing json payload to REST service - laravel-4

I found this cool tool called codeception for testing in PHP. I am liking it a lot. I started writing API test cases. But I am stuck at POSTING json payload to a REST service. How can I perform this?
I have a REST end point called /order, which accepts a JSON payload. The service is build on Laravel4, so I accept the payload in Laravel4 using Input::json()->all().
I have tried something like this
$filename = __DIR__.'/createOrder.json';
$I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
**$I->sendPOST('order', null, array($filename));**
But it gives me 500 internal server error, as my service accepts json payload and not in the form of file.
Anyone has worked on something like this before?
Thanks in advance.

I know this is an old question but for others who stumble on this, try:
it definitely should work.

I got it working by doing this
$exampleData = [
'name' => 'adam',
'age' => 99
$json = json_encode($exampleData);
$I->sendPOST('/endpoint', $json);
For more details see this Github issues

# Sameer, I have tried and faced similar issue. I then went with a work around for this.
$filename = __DIR__.'/createOrder.json';
$I->sendPOST('order', getPostParams($filename));
Now create a new folder called "helpers" inside your suite and add "<suiteName>Helper.php" to it.
Add the following code there
function getPostParams($filename){
print "MISSING FILE ".$filename."\n";
$jsonData= json_decode(file_get_contents($filename));
print "INVALID JSON CONTENT ".$filename."\n";
return (array)($jsonData);
Go to _bootstrap.php inside "tests" folder and add this
Now do a build and run the test suite. you should be able to get pass the error :)


Trouble faking a Laravel HttpClient response

I am trying to test the following bit of code:
DimonaClient is just a simple wrapper around a Laravel HttpClient; simplified function here:
The getDeclaration() response is a \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response
What I am trying to do in my test is:
Mock the DimonaClient class so I don't create an actual api call
"Mock" (use Laravel's Http::response()) the response I want so that I can test that a 200 w/ certain statuses dispatches the appropriate event (also mocked, but not relevant here)
My test code looks like this:
My issue(s) seem to be:
the getDeclaration() has an expectation of Illuminate\Http\Client\Response but I can't seem to create anything that will satisfy that (a new Response wants a MessageInterface, etc, etc... )
I don't actually need getDeclaration() to return anything for my testing, so I wonder if I should be mocking this differently in any case (I base this assumption on Http::response handling the internal code I'm testing for things like $response->ok(), instead of a Mockery expectation)
I feel like I'm one small step away from making this work, but going round in circles trying to hook it up correctly.
If you are using Http Facade, you don't need to mock DimonaCient. You are nearly there with your test, but let me show you what you would have done:
/** #test */
public function it_can_handle_an_approved_submission(): void
'*' => Http::response([
'declarationStatus' => [
'result' => DimonaDeclarationStatus::ACCEPTED,
'dimonaPeriodId' => $this->faker->numerify('############'),
$dimonaDeclarationId = $this->faker->numerify('############');
// Do your normal call, and then assertions
Doing this, you will tell Http to fake any URL, because we are using *. I would recommend you use $this->endpoint/$declarationId so if it does not match, you will also know you did not hit the right endpoint.
I am not sure what Laravel you are using but this is available since Laravel 6+, check Http fake URLs.

How can I get Google Auth working with Laravel?

I'd like to know if there's an easy fix for this error that I'm getting while trying to add support for Google sign-in to my website, since I can only reproduce it while on a Laravel-based environment. Vanilla PHP applications do run just fine.
This is my relevant code:
if ($request->has('googleToken')) {
$client = new Google_Client(['client_id' => env('GOOGLE_PLATFORM_CLIENT_ID') ]);
$payload = $client->verifyIdToken($credentials['googleToken']);
if (!$payload) {
return response([ 'error' => 'Invalid token, please try using form-based authentication.' ], Response::HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY);
$user['googleToken'] = $credentials['googleToken'];
I know I'm doing too relaxed validations, but please just focus on the fact that I'm just testing and I plan to change this code in the near future.
The code above, receives its data through an Axios PUT request from the frontend with the payload looking like this:
googleToken: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjE5ZmUyYTdiNjc5NTIzOTYwNmNhMGE3NTA3OTRhN2JkOWZkOTU5NjEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJhY2NvdW50cy5nb29nbGUuY29tIiwiYXpwIjoiNTkyODkzNjE3ODYzLXRscDdvaDByaTk2dTZxZGxrOXYwbHAyanQyNDlkdDNsLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoiNTkyODkzNjE3ODYzLXRscDdvaDByaTk2dTZxZGxrOXYwbHAyanQyNDlkdDNsLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tIiwic3ViIjoiMTE1NTg0MDg0NTE2OTMxOTQzODU..."
mailAddress: ""
The problem is that the payload would simply return false. I decided to try to investigate the issue, so I went to the definition of verifyIdToken contained within Google_Client and, from there, jumped over to the function that finally returns to its parent, which is verifyIdToken from the class Verify.
Inside of that class, there's a pretty loose try/catch block in which I decided to try adding a generic exception case so that I could quickly print the error message for debugging. I did, and this is the output I got:
OpenSSL unable to verify data: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
This is what's failing internally, and from this point on, I don't really have an idea about how to proceed since the error feels very cryptic, or at least it's not in my field of knowledge.
The OpenSSL error you quoted indicates that your client was not able to read any/further PEM-encoded data. Refer to
OpenSSL unable to verify data: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
'PEM routines' represents the library within OpenSSL
'get_name' is the function
'no start line' is the reason
Is you client able to access the necessary certificates/keys?

Using JavaScript to get the text of an element using Laravel Dusk

I'm doing automated testing using Laravel Dusk, when I do this:
$test = $browser->script('$(".page-sidebar-menu").text();');
It returns array of null, but if run $(".page-sidebar-menu").text(); in a browser, it returns all text inside that class.
Where I go wrong in here? Please help if you know.
Okay it's wrong of me to asked this, I not include return inside script
it should be like this
$test = $browser->script('return $(".page-sidebar-menu").text();');

Get environment inside controller

I have a situation in one of my controllers that should only be accessed via AJAX, I have the following code.
if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$response = new Response();
$response->setContent('AJAX requests only!');
return $response;
When I am testing this gives me an issue because the request hasn't actually been made via AJAX. This then breaks my tests every time. How should I go about working around this?
My Ideas:
I have tried to set a server header but have had absolutely no success.
Check if I am in the test environment in the controller and don't do the check if it is. I know this is dirty, but it would work. :-/ The problem was that I couldn't figure out how to discover what environment I am in.
Anyone else have any other ideas or tips that I am missing to get one of the above to work?
Of course in Icode4food's case, it's better to use Matt's solution, but here is how to find the current environment:
Looking at the code for isXmlHttpRequest in class Request and method getHeaders in class ServerBag, the piece of code below should do the trick:
'HTTP_X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest',
I did not test it personally but I think it should works. The line of code below in Request is used to check if the http request is a XmlHttpRequest.
return 'XMLHttpRequest' == $this->headers->get('X-Requested-With');
In the code, $this->headers is set using:
$this->headers = new HeaderBag($this->server->getHeaders());
The method getHeaders creates an array of headers. Each server variable starting with HTTP_, plus some special server variables like CONTENT_TYPE, are put in this array.
Hope this helps.

Generate an HTTP response in Ruby

I'm working on an application that reaches out to a web service. I'd like to develop a proxy class that returns a fake response from the service, so I don't have to constantly be hitting it with requests while I'm developing/testing other parts of the app.
My application is expecting a response generated via Net::HTTP.
response = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(''))
case response
when Net::HTTPOK
# do something fun
when Net::HTTPUnauthorized
# you get the idea
How can I manufacture a response object, give it all the right headers, return a body string, etc?
response = ProxyClass.response_object
case response
when Net::HTTPOk
# my app doesn't know it's being lied to
It's actually not that hard to roll your own fake responses directly with Net::HTTP. Here's a simple 200 OK with a cookie header:
def fake_response
net_http_resp =, 200, "OK")
net_http_resp.add_field 'Set-Cookie', 'Monster'
RestClient::Response.create("Body goes here", net_http_resp, nil)
Since few of us are using raw Net::HTTP anymore, the (optional) last line wraps it up as a RestClient::Response, which can then be stubbed into RestClient:
stub(RestClient).post(anything) { fake_response }
I would start with FakeWeb and see if that meets your needs. If it doesn't you can probably gut whatever you need out of the internals and create your own solution.
I know this post is old, but instead of FakeWeb which seems to be largely dead, try webmock. It seems to be more full-featured and very active.
I would look into a mocking library like mocha.
Then you should be able to setup a mock object to help test:
Then following example is from Tim Stephenson's RaddOnline blog, which also includes a more complete tutorial:
def setup
#http_mock = mock('Net::HTTPResponse')
#http_mock .stubs(:code => '200', :message => "OK", :content_type => > "text/html", :body => '<title>Test</title><body>Body of the page</body>')
For testing a web service client, we use Sinatra, a lovely little lightweight web framework that lets you get something up and running very quickly and easily. Check out the home page; it has an entire Hello World app in 5 lines of code, and two commands to install and run the whole thing.
I ended up using a Struct.
FakeHttpResponse =, :body)
http ='success', 'body goes here')
http['status'] # = 'success'
http.body # = 'body goes here'
The drawback is that .status and ['body'] are also valid, but I don't think that matters much.
I would either use FakeWeb as mentioned above, or have my rake test task start a Webrick instance to a little sinatra app which mocks the various test responses you're hoping to see.
You could look into using Rack for this which should allow you to do everything you need.
