Trouble faking a Laravel HttpClient response - laravel

I am trying to test the following bit of code:
DimonaClient is just a simple wrapper around a Laravel HttpClient; simplified function here:
The getDeclaration() response is a \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response
What I am trying to do in my test is:
Mock the DimonaClient class so I don't create an actual api call
"Mock" (use Laravel's Http::response()) the response I want so that I can test that a 200 w/ certain statuses dispatches the appropriate event (also mocked, but not relevant here)
My test code looks like this:
My issue(s) seem to be:
the getDeclaration() has an expectation of Illuminate\Http\Client\Response but I can't seem to create anything that will satisfy that (a new Response wants a MessageInterface, etc, etc... )
I don't actually need getDeclaration() to return anything for my testing, so I wonder if I should be mocking this differently in any case (I base this assumption on Http::response handling the internal code I'm testing for things like $response->ok(), instead of a Mockery expectation)
I feel like I'm one small step away from making this work, but going round in circles trying to hook it up correctly.

If you are using Http Facade, you don't need to mock DimonaCient. You are nearly there with your test, but let me show you what you would have done:
/** #test */
public function it_can_handle_an_approved_submission(): void
'*' => Http::response([
'declarationStatus' => [
'result' => DimonaDeclarationStatus::ACCEPTED,
'dimonaPeriodId' => $this->faker->numerify('############'),
$dimonaDeclarationId = $this->faker->numerify('############');
// Do your normal call, and then assertions
Doing this, you will tell Http to fake any URL, because we are using *. I would recommend you use $this->endpoint/$declarationId so if it does not match, you will also know you did not hit the right endpoint.
I am not sure what Laravel you are using but this is available since Laravel 6+, check Http fake URLs.


How can I get Google Auth working with Laravel?

I'd like to know if there's an easy fix for this error that I'm getting while trying to add support for Google sign-in to my website, since I can only reproduce it while on a Laravel-based environment. Vanilla PHP applications do run just fine.
This is my relevant code:
if ($request->has('googleToken')) {
$client = new Google_Client(['client_id' => env('GOOGLE_PLATFORM_CLIENT_ID') ]);
$payload = $client->verifyIdToken($credentials['googleToken']);
if (!$payload) {
return response([ 'error' => 'Invalid token, please try using form-based authentication.' ], Response::HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY);
$user['googleToken'] = $credentials['googleToken'];
I know I'm doing too relaxed validations, but please just focus on the fact that I'm just testing and I plan to change this code in the near future.
The code above, receives its data through an Axios PUT request from the frontend with the payload looking like this:
googleToken: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjE5ZmUyYTdiNjc5NTIzOTYwNmNhMGE3NTA3OTRhN2JkOWZkOTU5NjEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJhY2NvdW50cy5nb29nbGUuY29tIiwiYXpwIjoiNTkyODkzNjE3ODYzLXRscDdvaDByaTk2dTZxZGxrOXYwbHAyanQyNDlkdDNsLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoiNTkyODkzNjE3ODYzLXRscDdvaDByaTk2dTZxZGxrOXYwbHAyanQyNDlkdDNsLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tIiwic3ViIjoiMTE1NTg0MDg0NTE2OTMxOTQzODU..."
mailAddress: ""
The problem is that the payload would simply return false. I decided to try to investigate the issue, so I went to the definition of verifyIdToken contained within Google_Client and, from there, jumped over to the function that finally returns to its parent, which is verifyIdToken from the class Verify.
Inside of that class, there's a pretty loose try/catch block in which I decided to try adding a generic exception case so that I could quickly print the error message for debugging. I did, and this is the output I got:
OpenSSL unable to verify data: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
This is what's failing internally, and from this point on, I don't really have an idea about how to proceed since the error feels very cryptic, or at least it's not in my field of knowledge.
The OpenSSL error you quoted indicates that your client was not able to read any/further PEM-encoded data. Refer to
OpenSSL unable to verify data: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
'PEM routines' represents the library within OpenSSL
'get_name' is the function
'no start line' is the reason
Is you client able to access the necessary certificates/keys?

is laravel cloning my mock object?

Im testing a Soap web service with getMockFromWsdl from phpunit, for unit testing within laravel works fine, but when I try to replace the SoapClient in a feature test, it always fails, like the web service never called, but actually the mock is called.
I suspect that laravel is cloning somewhere my $this->soapClient because if I debug the code, it calls the soap mock and gets what is faked in the mock but always receive the error:
Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:GetToken> when invoked at least once.
Expected invocation at least once but it never occurred.
My code is like:
public function test_soap_call()
$this->soapClient = $this->getMockFromWsdl(dirname(__FILE__).'/../Mocks/service.wsdl');
->with(['Code' => '03600', 'User' => 'username'])
$this->app->instance('MySoapClient', $this->soapClient);
$this->postJson('/api/order', $this->getValidRequest());
and in my controller (/api/order) I have
$soap = $this->app->make('MySoapClient');
$soap->GetToken(['Code' => '03600', 'User' => 'username']);
Am I using correctly the Laravel Service Container?
PD: Something similar happened to me, when doing a Spy and using $app->instance, where I was trying to get what was passed to an object, but always got null. I solved it declaring the field of the spy static.
Check this from
... "objects are passed by references by default". This is not completely true. ...

Generating PHPUnit tests from array with endpoints

For an application we use configuration files in which a large number of endpoint characteristics are determined (relations, fillables, visibles, roles, etc.) We would like to loop through these files and conduct automatic tests with PHPUnit, simply to see if we receive a response, if validation errors are being triggered, if the response is in line with the files, etc.
We load the configuration and perform the tests for each endpoint configuration:
public function testConfigurationFiles()
$config = resolve('App\Contracts\ConfigInterface');
foreach ($config->resources as $resource=>$configuration) {
foreach ($configuration->endpoints() as $method=>$rules) {
$this->endpoint($method, $resource, $configuration);
After which we use a switch, to test each type of method differently (index, show, create, update, delete). In total this comes down to dozens of tests with hundreds of assertions.
However, if even one of these endpoints fails, the entire tests fails without showing explicit information what went wrong. Is there a way to automatically generate a "test{$resource}{$method}" method for each endpoint, so they will be handled like individual tests?
Besides these tests we also conduct units tests & e2e tests, so we are fully aware of the disadvantages of this way of testing.
After studying PHPUnit some more, I found my answer in dataProviders:
This way you can indicate a data provider for a method, which should return an array with all cases you want to iterate over.

mock StripeCheckout in Jasmine test

I am writing Jasmine tests for my Javascript application. A major time-sink has been testing my code which depends on StripeCheckout. Stripe does not want you to use it offline. I realized I should mock the service, but that has not been easy in Jasmine.
How can I mock "custom" (instead of "simple") usage of StripeCheckout?
I tried to use spies, like so,
var StripeCheckout = jasmine.createSpyObj('StripeCheckout', ['configure']);
But I think the created object needs to attach to the global object (window).
So, I can add an object to the global
object. This worked,
but it feels lame.
Another option could be to tell
Karma to load the
page over the network. This worked for me, but it seems lame to make
a network request for tests.
I'm not sure if you have figured this out yet but an easy way to do this would be to just create a simple mocked implementation for StripeCheckout. Something like this should work.
beforeEach(function() {
module(function($provide) {
$provide.factory('StripeCheckout', function() {
//your mocked custom implementation goes here
configure: function() {
//do something
inject(function($injector) {
StripeCheckoutMock = $injector.get('StripeCheckout');
This way you are not making a request in order to run your tests. The test will just use the mocked service that you have set up.

Mocking methods in google ruby api client

I am trying to mock some methods that use the google-api-ruby-client to make some testing without actually calling the api. Authentication and client and activities methods are taken from the example found on the github page (see link above), which is why I skipped it here.
The method from the example is the following:
def activities
result = client.execute(
:api_method => plus.activities.list,
:parameters => {'collection' => 'public', 'userId' => 'me'}
I previously tried to stub the client (even chained with the execute) methods, however this results in authorization requests for oauth, which the gem uses underneath followed by mocks for the plus.activities.list methods. Is there a way to directly mock client.exectute to return something useful while skipping the whole chain?
I am not sure that I understand your problem correctly, but maybe something a little bit crazy will work
I assume that your method is in Client model so maybe something like that will work
Client.stub_chain(:client, :execute).and_return(true)
Of course if you model have different name you have to adjust. I am not sure but you can give it a try
Checkout their spec helper:
And how they do the tests:
