"The Web server does not appear to have the FrontPage server extensions installed and iis6 - visual-studio-2010

I wanted to publish my website from visual studio but i got "The Web server does not appear to have the FrontPage server extensions installed" error;first I tried to install frontpage but because i didn't have microsoft share point in my administrative tools list and as here said:here,I tried to install webdav 7.5 version,(I believed my iis version was 7)but it gives me error that iis version 7 needs webdav version 7.5!!!
I have googled it and tried so many links more or less(because I couldn't find some parts of them in my computer),I tried enabling webdav and ...
such as:thisand this
but none helped.so I thought maybe I am going wrong,so due to this:which is my own question,i think maybe i am using windows server 2003 and iis6,so i googled to install frontpage for iis6,from here,but I don't have such a thing "FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions" in turn windows features on or off,so what should I do?please help me to get out of this hell,should I upgrade iis6 to iis7?please help,i will be so thankful.
by the way my os is windows 7 64 bit,and I use visual studio 2010.

FrontPage server extensions (FSE) is a server side package that FrontPage and some other Microsoft applications use to upload files to web sites. FSE must be installed on the server in order for these applications to upload files. FSE has nothing to do with Microsoft desktop products directly. It is often installed on Apache systems, for example. cPanel has an option to install it, if you are using that to manage your server.
IIS should come with FSE already installed, AFAIK. That would certainly make sense, with it being a Microsoft product.


How can I install WebMatrix 3 in a standalone PC?

I need to install webmatrix 3 in a pc without internet connection.
I have win7 64bit.
so i downloaded webmatrix x64 exe and all his dependencies and services exe/msi files - include web platform installer.
I installed all and run the webmatrix app but an message box pop up and said that I need to have the latest webPI installed (4.6 in this days..).
But it is a problem because the wpilauncher.exe file (webPI installer file) install version 4.0 for some reaseon, i think it because I dont have internet accsess.
help, thx.
you can download offline installer from Web Platform Installer
Run on your PC with internet connection WebMatrixWeb.exe, click Install
You will see installation plan and download link on the right.
this may help
There's a link to an offline instaler for x86 available at download.microsoft.com/download/c/2/a/c2a485fa-013a-45ef-baba-c568e40f4b50/WebMatrix_x86_en-US.msi. Requires IIS 7.5 Express or IIS 8.0 Express.
I can see you've specifically asked for x64 version, but this might work for someone searching for x86 version.
WebMatrix needs an active internet connection to install since it pulls in some other required services from the Web Platform Installer.
"..WebMatrix needs other components installed to function correctly,
and those are all pulled in by Web Platform Installer automatically.
In that sense, the true installer is not really "offline"."
Source: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/641843/webmatirx-offline-installer

Cannot debug MVC project due to IIS change(8=>7.5) on VS2012 RC

I have installed web matrix and It has somehow removed the existing IIS Express 8.0, that is installed by default during the VS2012RC installation. I think that is because the web Matrix is using IIS 7.5. So that it has replaced the IIS Express 8 with IIS Express 7.5.
So my tech lead told me to remove the existing IIS 7.5 that has been installed during the installation of Web Matrix, And I removed it. So I have no IIS for debugging. So once I tried to install the IIS 8 manually and it says that there is a existing version of IIS Express 8. So that I can not even install the IIS Express 8.
So I did a repair to my VS2012RC. After a lengthy process it finally gave me a report as
"IIS 8.0 Express
Package failed"
So, Now I am totally stuck with this. Can some one good at this VS stuff help me on this issue.
Another thing is, previously when I open the project and it was not loaded(It says the project is not loaded) So, then when I write click on it and do a reload it said "For debugging you have to have IIS 8.0 and ask me to download it and install ".
When I click next and then it goes to "MS web platform Installer" and direct me to the "IIS 7.5 download page" But the install button was enabled and says its installed. What should I do to overcome this issue. This is like a nightmare.
I also Tried to use "Fix it" and Its beta testing is over and I can not do a proper uninstall of the IIS 8, which says that is still existing.
Thank you.
So, what I did was using MS web platform Installer my option of IIS Express 7.5 and IIS Express 8.0 was gone due to a registry issue. But there was another IIS 8.0 which is compatible with Windows XP and Vista and upper. So I downloaded it installed. It installed in no time and then I opened the project and changed my solution configuration, single start up to my website project. And it worked. That saved me form the havoc that day.
Later I uninstalled the IIS 8.0(Xp compatible) and then did a repair again to my VS 2012 and it installed correctly that time. Then I changed the configuration as said above and done.
If you have the same kind of problem you have to check the configuration also. Since I forgot that this took even longer instead of repairing time for the VS 2012 as well as the system restore.

How to remove web matrix dependency from web platform installer

I wonder how to remove Web Matrix dependecy from web platform installer.
For example, I saw screencast "how to install wordpress with wpi" and there everything was fine without installinb Web Matrix. This IDE sucks, I have Visual Studio installed, so don't want to install any web matrix components.
The same happens on installing blogEngine.net.
Has anybody dealed with this problem?
When you install applications from the Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer will default to including WebMatrix if you are on a client OS (like Windows XP, Vista, or 7). This is so most users will be able to do something with the application once installed - assuming they don't have Visual Studio already installed.
Now, if you happen to not need WebMatrix, you can change this behavior - you can click on the Options link from within Web Platform Installer and change "Which Web Server would you like to use?" to IIS instead of WebMatrix - this will prevent the chaining in of WebMatrix.
Hope this helps!

Frontpage server extensions install problem

Here is the antenced of my story
I've got a problem with the VS or IIS. I don't know.
When in the Visual Studio 2010 I try to create website: throw up the follow errormessage:
Unable to create the Wet site'http://www.ecommerce.com'. The Web server does not appear to have FrontPage Server Extensions installe.
I download the Frontpage extension from here: http://www.iis.net/community/default.aspx?tabid=34&g=6&i=1630
Then I read how can it install, but when the article write that:
To extend a Web site using HTML Administration pages on Windows, use the following steps:
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Microsoft SharePoint Administrator to open the Server Administration page.
In the list of virtual servers, click Extend next to the virtual server you want to extend.
In the Administrator box, type the user name for the administrator of the virtual server.
Click Submit.
I don't find Microsoft SharePoint Administrator on my Windows 7 Profesionnal 64 bit
You can extend a Web site by using the command-line tools, owsadm or owsrmadm. These tools are located in the "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\bin" folder. To extend a Web site, use the install operation, which takes the following parameters.
I don't find the Web Server Extennsions dir on my Windows 7 Profesionnal 64 bit
I have read another article where write that, Use the Visual Studio DVD go to WCU dir and into the Web Server ... dir, but I don't find...
I download the FPSE and install with my local Administration account.
But the Visaul Studio Always says: The WEb server does not appear to haver FPSE installed.
How can I fix it? Install it?
Bad news (may not be so bad): FPSE for IIS 7 and 7.5 are not supported. Alternative is to use WebDav and here's an article explaining how to migrate FPSE Sites to WebDAV.
Good News (may not be so good due to licensing part): As of December 18, 2010, Ready-to-Run Software Inc. has created Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) 2002 for IIS 7 and 7.5.
See this announcement from MS: FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista
If the FrontPage Server Extensions are installed, this error may occur because the _vti_bin virtual directory is not marked executable. To correct this problem, run the Internet Service Manager, select the Web server having the problem, and use the Check Server Extensions task. Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa984224%28v=vs.71%29.aspx

Deploying ASP.NET 2.0 to IIs7

How to deploy my ASP.NET website to IIS7? I'm using Visual Studio 2005. And I don't know where to start.
I tend to take more of a manual approach, but there is a web publish feature built into Visual Studio that should get you going.
Here is some reading you can do on it:
Here's some preliminary steps, a little more manual than some other options, but they are the ones I'm comfortable with:
Obtain access to the server where IIS7 is installed. If you don't have IIS7 installed on a server, install it. If you are not able to get access to this server, you will need to have the administrator of that server set up IIS7.
Create the website in IIS that you want to deploy to, or have the server administrator create an empty website for you to run your website on.
Use the 'publish' feature in Visual Studio to build a deployable version of your site. This is what you will install on IIS7.
Copy paste the website over to the server where IIS7 is installed. You will need to place it in a directory which you can set as the Home Directory for the site.
If you have access to the server, and rights to administer IIS7, set the Home Directory of the site to point at the directory where you copied over your files.
Enable the website, and you should be good to go!
These instructions assume the following:
a) You have some basic knowledge of how to configure IIS7 (or at least access to somebody who does)
b) You have some basic knowledge of how to install IIS7 if it is not installed (or access to somebody who does)
c) You have some basic knowledge on web site publishing from Visual Studio
If you need more instructions on these 3 notes, you may wish to consult the references for IIS7 and Visual Studio.
