How to switch to design mode in CS Cart 4 beta - cs-cart

Hi i have downloaded the cs cart 4 ultimate and i want to switch to the design mode. As i have read this example and it is CS-CART 3.0.1
Can any body please help how to switch mode in CS CART 4.
Thanks in advance

Try logging into the front end and the back end as the admin user - that brings up the debug tools etc.


how to add slideshow in magento front-end

Hi everybody May i know how to add slideshow in magento front end.
I installed magento 1.9
can anyone help me?
Thank you.
Go to
Step 1: Go to left sidebar -> hover on magic slideshow->click magento->download
step 2: unzip file->copy magicslideshow to magento folder
step 3: run localhost/website-name/magicslideshow/
step 4:Install(Before that go to magento admin panel->system->tools->compilation->If enable, do disable complilation)
step 5:After install enable the installation process.
step 6: After installation process finished, clear the cache
step 7: In admin panel go to magicslideshow ->edit-> enable slideshow and other settings.
step 8: Refresh the magento home page.
You should download a slider module.
I prefer to use Dolphin Responsive Banner Slider and MKS Responsive Banner Slider.
You can download it from
I suggest you to use this module. It is very easy to use and there are many effect in this slider too.

joomla news site. All news in blog format

I am trying to build a news website in Joomla 1.7.
I want in the main content to display the latest e.g. 10 news and then using the next button to see the rest and so on.
What kind of module do I need? I did a little search and I am guessing a blog module?
I cannot find a free blog module. Any ideas?
If that is not the way to go, can anybody suggest any other way?
Thank you!
2 things - first, you need to upgrade to 2.5, 1.7 dies at the end of the month.
Next, I would use K2 for what you are describing. It's basically a replacement for the standard Joomla category/articles. It has all the features that a blog component should have plus a lot more if you need it.
1) UPGRADE to Joomla 2.5.1!
2) Blog format is a Joomla core feature, so no need to install any other 3rd party component!
Go to your Joomla backend
Manage menu
Create a new link (give a name....)
Type: Articles / Category Blog
In the right panel :
1. Coose your category name
2. In blog layout Options :
Leading Articles 0
Intro Articles 10
Columns 1 (or 2 as you want)
Links 0
Save and enjoy your blog!

Joomla Community Builder profile template

I have installed community builder on my Joomla installation. I need to understand the Community Builder templating. I cannot understand where templates are and how can I override them. Can I override them by placing files in my site template's html folder, the way Joomla does or else it gets harder to maintain.
Another small problem: I wanna redirect to the profile page after logging in from the CB login page instead of the page that say Hi %username% with a Logout button.
Thanks for all the help in advance.
I appreciate it.
CB templates are found in the CB plugin manager located through components - CBuilder - Plugin Management, There are a few default templates but most decent ones are commercial, If you happen to find any free ones please let me know.

Please clarify - What's my default site?

I've just installed Joomla and I'm a little confused with the new interface.
I'm actually looking at Joomla after about 2 years.
I've installed it and it has things like default pages about joomla, Australian Parks and Fruits...
Now, are these separate sites or are they just a heap of pages? Thanks!
It looks like you installed the default data during the installation process. This demo data is intended to show you the features of Joomla and how it works. To stop it from showing start the installation and on the last step you will be asked to enter the admin password and the site name... don't click on "Install Sample Data" and your Joomla installation will be plain waiting for you to load the contents!

How to add a program into Dashboard and implement to turn over a panel In Mac?

I found some programs can put into the Dashboard , and most of them have a feature: when click the "i", the panel will turn over and show another panel , How to implement it ? and how to put a program into a Dashboard? Thank you very much!
Developing Dashboard Widgets
Dashboard Reference
In addition to Pierre's answer, see also Dashcode, part of Xcode Tools.
