how to add slideshow in magento front-end - magento

Hi everybody May i know how to add slideshow in magento front end.
I installed magento 1.9
can anyone help me?
Thank you.

Go to
Step 1: Go to left sidebar -> hover on magic slideshow->click magento->download
step 2: unzip file->copy magicslideshow to magento folder
step 3: run localhost/website-name/magicslideshow/
step 4:Install(Before that go to magento admin panel->system->tools->compilation->If enable, do disable complilation)
step 5:After install enable the installation process.
step 6: After installation process finished, clear the cache
step 7: In admin panel go to magicslideshow ->edit-> enable slideshow and other settings.
step 8: Refresh the magento home page.

You should download a slider module.
I prefer to use Dolphin Responsive Banner Slider and MKS Responsive Banner Slider.
You can download it from

I suggest you to use this module. It is very easy to use and there are many effect in this slider too.


How to configure my theme in Magento ver. 2.1.1?

I have installed Magento version - 2.1.1 in my local but can't see any option to define my theme in back-end please review attached screenshot.
Any one have Idea ?
To apply a theme:
In Admin,
1) go to Content >Configuration > Design.
2) Click on Edit link of Global.
3) Select your Theme From Drop Down of Applied Theme And Save.
4) If caching is enabled, clear the cache.
5) run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy command in shell.
6) To see your changes applied, reload the store front pages.
This is new Setting in Magento 2.1
You can try to set theme using following steps
Hello Currently I have only one store please review attached screenshot

Proceed to Checkout button directing to homepage instead of next step in magento 1.9.1

So the problem is when i upload the website to live server. Everything works fine in local environment.
When i click the Proceed to checkout button it redirects me to the homepage. this does not happen in local environment.
In the live server I have Flushed magento cache; flushed web hosting account cache; Enable error logging but there are no errors, also no extensions are installed.
What does the link for proceed to checkout say in inspector? What i will usually do to troubleshoot issues as such is enabling the default theme to see if the issue still occurs. If it doesn't then it's theme specific. From there, run red lines with the theme having the problem and verify the block with the proceed to cart button doesn't have an error by comparing it to the base theme block.
Changing these settings from the admin panel solved my problem.

magento; diasble blocks on product page

I have a slider on my home page. Thats correct but when I go to product page you see also the slider. Where can I turns this off?
I want it only on the home page.
Use latest version of magento and the Magikshop theme from Themeforest.
First of all, have you installed the seperate extension for slider or it comes with your theme? If it was default provided by your theme.Then you can find the setting to configure the slider in
"System->configuration" in your admin panel.
Search for the banner or slider you may get the setting there to select which page you want to show the slider.
The setting may be different according to the slider.
If you have installed the extension yourself then you may find the banner/slider menu in the admin panel.
Hope this will help.
If the slider is a widget, you should be able to specify the pages that show a widget instance. The widgets that are in use can be found in the CMS section of the Magento Admin panel.
If the slider is a block you probably need to disable/remove/unset that block from your product detail page. To disable block on a particular page, you need to edit your layout Xml file. These files are most probably found in the following folder:
How to unset a block is described, e.g. here: Magento - remove block using update XML

how to install a downloaded theme to magento?

I am using magento 1.8. I downloaded a theme,
Now I have the theme zip file. I searched over the internet but I couldn’t find any solution. I replaced the folders app, js, skin of magento root folder with the folders from theme folder. After that to activate the theme I open the admn dashboard I got an error,
The page isn't redirecting properly
Which is the correct way to install a new theme to magento?
Any one provide the step by step installation.
After you install the theme, go to System -> Configuration -> Design.
For the Themes section, set everything to modern, since that’s the name of the theme.
The theme will now be applied.
If you’re running the default install, you can make the front page look how the demo store on here does. For that you’ll need to update the CMS blocks, so go to CMS -> Manage Pages. Click on the Home Page.
You’ll be in the General Information section. Under Content, put the following:
{{block type="core/template" template="sample/home.phtml"}}
You can either comment out what’s already there, or just remove it completely.
Then you need to go to Custom Design and set the Layout to 1 column.
That’s it! Hope It will help you.
there are 3 steps to install a downloaded Magento theme. I followed this tutorial: and successfully to install ultimo theme downloaded from Themeforest
Step 1: Extract/unzip template file
Step 2: Upload theme to Magento root folder
Step 3: Activate your new Magento theme
see the screenshot
Hope this helps

How to upload the default checkout procedure in magento

i am trying to fix a magento shop that another developer built.
The shop is multilanguage and i see the checkout progress block at step 3.
you can watch it here:
I need to return back to the original checkout process, i tryed to upload the app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/checkout.xml, and the app/design/frontend/default/default/template/checkout folder without any change.
How can i return back to the default and working checkout procedure?
thanks a lot!
In the Magento admin, you may want to check:
System > Configuration > Design > Themes
In this section clear all the options and make sure Default is set to default This will tell Magento to use the 'default' theme instead of a custom theme.
