I'm creating small plugin for a navigation list which will come in the right click context menu.
I want to set up short-cut key for my links.
What i implement is https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/docs/sdk/latest/modules/sdk/context-menu.html
You can use the hotkeys module to do just that -- the context-menu and hotkeys just need to read from the same dataset, they don't have to interact with each other.
I am currently creating a macOS menubar for an app without using any interface builder (no XIB/NIB files), just pure code. However I was expecting some items to be auto-generated during the start-up of the app. Items like "Start Dictation", "Emoji & Symbols" under Edit menu were existing as well as the "Enter Full Screen" menu item under the View Menu. But when it comes to Window Menu nothing was automatically generated, only the menu items I've set in the code. Do I have to enable some flags or options when instantiating a Window NSMenu so it automatically generates those items? I am new to macOS development so I feel like I am kind of lost. Thanks in advance.
The Window and Help menus are a little special in that they have their own NSApplication properties, so you will need to set them to your menus so that the system will know what they are.
For example, if you just create a window menu and add it to the main, all you will get are the items that you have provided. If you also set it as the application’s windowsMenu, in addition you will get all the stuff for moving, tab support, etc.
Setting NSApp’s helpMenu is similar, where a Spotlight menu item is added to the menu.
Is it possible to create custom windows features? for instance add new buttons to the start menu or maybe a button on the task bar like the Cortana button. Even add a new button to windows explorer. If it is can someone please point me in the right direction as google doesn't seem to return any helpful results
You can create custom widgets on the taskbar by creating a deskband shell extension.
Creating a button in the start menu or in other places that have no extension support requires major work and will often create a buggy/unstable result because you might have to inject yourself into the Explorer desktop process (and other processes on Windows 10).
I have an application with a tray menu and I'm trying to automate some tests that involve the tray menu. Basically I need obtain the tray menu's items and do stuff with them.
However, I've only been able to find ways to programmatically obtain menu items for within the application. But my automation tests are going to be an external application, so that doesn't help me.
How can I obtain an external application's tray menu items programmatically?
There are ways to enumerate/access the tray icons themselves (usually involving hooking into the notification tray itself, or using UI Automation), but there is no way to access a popup menu that appears when a tray icon is clicked on. The reason is because the icon's owning application receives a message when the click occurs and then acts accordingly, which usually involves displaying its own popup menu. There is no menu associated with the icon itself.
For what you are attempting, you would have to enumerate the icons and figure out which icon belongs to the app you are interested in (not a trivial task on its own), then simulate a click on the icon so the app displays its popup menu. See the following question for some details:
Finding and simulating a click on a system tray icon?
Interacting with the popup menu once it is displayed will be more difficult. You won't have access to the menu itself. You will likely have to resort to just issuing mouse events via mouse_event() or SendInput() to move the mouse cursor over the menu and click its items (assuming they appear in predictable locations relative to the icon).
If you can obtain the icon's HWND+ID or GUID (by hooking the notification tray itself), you can use Shell_NotifyIconGetRect() to get the icon's coordinates, at least.
How can I obtain an external application's tray menu items programmatically?
You cannot. There is no public API that provides access to notification icons.
Depending on what sort of assumptions you find acceptable, you can programmatically interact with the taskbar button's menu once it's visible. The image below shows the Inspect SDK tool reporting properties on the OneNote clipping tool button's menu. (And the menu items say they support the UIA Invoke Patten, so they should be programmatically invokable by UIA client code.)
If you want to invoke your tray button's menu items, you might consider the following steps using UIA. You may feel the assumptions that I make here are unacceptable for your situation.
Find the element with a class name "NotifyIconOverflowWindow", that's a direct child of the root menu. I'm assuming the button is in the overflow area.
Enumerate the children of the overflow element, looking for a button with the name of your button. This assumes the UI language is known and accounted for.
Get the bounding rect of the button and simulate a mouse right-click on the button. The click simulation is necessary because I'll bet the UI doesn't support IUIAutomationElement3::ShowContextMenu(), (but you could always try it).
Once the context menu's up, find the element with a ControlType a Menu, a Name of "Context", that's a direct child of the root element.
Once you have the menu, enumerate the child elements in the menu to find the items, and do what you want with them. Eg get the menu item's Invoke pattern and invoke it.
I wrote a little app that lives in the NSStatusBar. I want to have a global shortcut that when hit, the menu bar's content is displayed, exactly like the behavior of spotlight.
I have added a global key shortcut to my application, but I am unable to get the meun bar to display. How can I do this? I tried with "popUpContextMenu" , but that method displays the menu in the bottom left hand corner, I want the menu to open up right under the NSStatusBar menu icon.
You can do it, apple provides a method for it popUpStatusItemMenu:
I don't think there is a supported way to do this without perhaps using the Accessibility framework to simulate a click on your status item. Regardless, it's probably not a good idea to abuse a menu in this way.
The Spotlight menu bar item does not use an NSMenu, it uses a custom window/view. You might consider going this route if you have some sort of custom view to display.
When you press the keys for an NSMenuItem keyboard shortcut on Mac, the menu itself highlights to indicate that an action in that menu has been activated.
If you are not familiar with the effect try it now by selecting some text and while pressing CMD-C, watch the Edit menu. It will flash blue to indicate you activated a shortcut for an item in that menu.
I want to achieve the same effect programmatically, preferably without faking the keyboard entry. Thanks for your time.
Use the Accessibility framework. Find the menu item and send it an AXPress action.