How "print" (keyboard) button works? - windows

I am very curious to know how "Print" button capture current screen? When we press "print" button what happens? How it'll capture the screen?
Please let me know if anyone know about the same.
Thanks, Jimit

Under command-line based operating systems such as MS-DOS, this key causes the contents of the current text mode screen memory buffer to be copied to the standard printer port, usually LPT1. In essence, whatever was currently on the screen when the key was pressed was printed. Pressing the Ctrl key in combination with Prt Sc turns on and off the "printer echo" feature. When echo is in effect, any conventional text output to the screen will be copied ("echoed") to the printer. There is also a Unicode character for print screen, U+2399 ⎙
Newer-generation operating systems using a graphical interface tend to copy a bitmap image of the current screen to their clipboard or comparable storage area, which can be inserted into documents as a screenshot. Some shells allow modification of the exact behavior using modifier keys such as the control key.
Macintosh does not use a print screen key; instead, key combinations are used that start with ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift.
For example a C# code can run to take a screenshot:
private void PrtScr() {
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width,
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm as Image);
g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, bm.Size);
bm.Save(#"C:\image.jpeg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
For example Java code:
class ScreenRecorder {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
Toolkit tool = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
Dimension d = tool.getScreenSize();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(d);
Robot robot = new Robot();
File f = new File("screenshot.jpg");
BufferedImage img = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
} catch(Exception e){


Xamarin / iOS - How to disable tab keycode from hardware keyboard

I have a circumstance where a bluetooth barcode scanner is acting as a hardware keyboard in an Xamarin Forms application. The barcodes are encoded as such to contain a bit of information that needs to be parsed into different fields.
Unfortunately, some of the data is a tab character. iOS receives this hardware event in my app and once the tab pumps through, the next input field is focused and the barcode data continues to dump into that (the barcode scanner reads the data through "sequentially", as if to simulate you were typing it in).
At any rate; I'm having a heck of a time intercepting the "tab" character in an Entry (UITextView) in Xamarin/iOS.
I've set up an extension on Entry and associated a custom renderer with it (MyRenderer : EntryRenderer). Searching suggests that using Control.ShouldChangeTextInRange should work for character remapping, but the tab event happens on a different level it appears.
How can I stop a hardware keyboard "Tab" character in iOS from focusing onto the next field?
You could use KeyCommands to filter the Tab action in your EntryRenderer like this:
public override UIKeyCommand[] KeyCommands
UIKeyCommand newForwardKeyCommand = UIKeyCommand.Create(new NSString("\t"), 0, new ObjCRuntime.Selector("Excute"));
UIKeyCommand newBackKeyCommand = UIKeyCommand.Create(new NSString("\t"), UIKeyModifierFlags.Shift, new ObjCRuntime.Selector("Excute"));
UIKeyCommand[] keyCommands = { newForwardKeyCommand, newBackKeyCommand };
return keyCommands;
private void Excute()

Check if exact image in exact location is on screen

I am looking to create a program in Visual Studio (C#) which scans the screen for an exact image in an exact location of the screen. I have seen many discussions which involve algorithms to find a "close" image, but mine will be 100% exact; location, size and all.
I have obtained a png from a section of my screen [Image 1] using this code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Create a new bitmap.
var bmpScreenshot = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width,
// Create a graphics object from the bitmap.
var gfxScreenshot = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenshot);
// Take the screenshot from the upper left corner to the right bottom corner.
gfxScreenshot.CopyFromScreen(1555, 950,
1700, 1010,
// Save the screenshot to the specified path that the user has chosen.
So, basically here is the flowchart of my program on how I want to move forward:
1) create the master png using the above code
2) run loop:
create same screenshot using the same procedure as the master png
compare master png to new screenshot png and if:match then move on otherwise reiterate loop.
I am very new to programming, but I don't believe this is beyond me, given a little guidance. I have written fairly complicated (in my opinion) VBA and Matlab programs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
Digging around a bit through Microsoft's documentation, I came up with a rough function that would do something similar to what you want.
This function offers the chance of getting stuck in an endless loop, so you might consider calling it with a timeout from your main. See here for info on synchronous methods with timeouts:
Monitoring a synchronous method for timeout
From your main, all you'd have to do is see if it returns true.
static int Main(string[] args)
if (ImageInLocation(left, right, top, bottom)) {
// do other things
return 0;
The only thing I'm not entirely sure on is how strict you can be with the ColorDifference. Even if the images are identical, any pixel difference with an entirely non-tolerant ColorDifference will come up false. If you know it should work and it's not, perhaps consider increasing the tolerance. Here's some more info on that:
public bool ImageInLocation(int left, int right, int top, int bottom) {
bool image_found = false;
var masterImage = Image.FromFile("path_to_master");
while (!image_found) {
// screenshot code above, output to "path_to/Screenshot.jpg"
var compImage = Image.FromFile("path_to/Screenshot.jpg");
// note, all zeroes may not be tolerant enough
var color_diff = new ColorDifference(0, 0, 0, 0);
Image diffImage;
image_found = ImageComparer.Compare(masterImage, compImage, color_diff, out diffImage);
return true;
Good luck! Welcome to the programming community.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions/changes, feel free to edit this. Happy imaging, friends!

I want to display numbers on the system tray notification Icons on windows

I am trying to create a notification Icon based application in which I want to display some numbers ranging from 1-999.
I looked at this video which is similar to what I want to do but here the system tray icon just displays the icon and it shows a pop up rather than the system tray icon showing the number or any text.
Excluding the popup item, all I want to do is to read a number (input from somewhere) and display that number in the notification icon section.
I am open to trying any technology (QT, .net) for doing this. Basically, I am looking for some examples.
While parts of your question are vague, this is very possible, I'd even dare-say quite simple. Since you mentioned you're open to trying any technology, C# would probably simplify things for you.
Generate a new 16 x 16 Bitmap and draw the number to it using the Graphics class.
Convert the Image instance to an Icon instance, after disposing of your Graphics object.
Set the Icon property of your NotifyIcon to the icon you've just created.
These are the basic steps. You'll likely need to do some research if you aren't familiar with the classes used.
Thanks for replying to my question. Here is what I came up with. Not sure if this is what you were talking about.
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources._16by16BitmapIcon);
RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(2, 2, 16, 16);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.DrawString("99", new Font("Tahoma", 7), Brushes.Blue, rectf);
pictureBox1.Image = bmp;
pictureBox1.Height = bmp.Height;
pictureBox1.Width = bmp.Width;
var thumb = (Bitmap)bmp.GetThumbnailImage(64, 64, null, IntPtr.Zero);
notifyIcon1.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(thumb.GetHicon());
Now my next question could this be done in a better way? This is my first C Sharp app so any suggestions are welcome!
public void ShowText(string text, Font font, Color col)
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(col);
// Create a bitmap and draw text on it
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(16, 16);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
graphics.DrawString(text, font, brush, 0, 0);
// Convert the bitmap with text to an Icon
Icon icon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());
m_notifyIcon.Icon = icon;

IUP, menu, webbrowser, tree, tabs

I have such menu situation:
int menu_create(Ihandle *menu)
hamburger = IupItem("&Hamburger", "hamburger");
IupSetAttributes(hamburger, "AUTOTOGGLE=YES, RADIO=YES");
char* ce = "Ćev&apčići";
cevapcici = IupItem(utf8_to_cp1250(ce), "cevapcici");
IupSetAttributes(cevapcici, "AUTOTOGGLE=YES, RADIO=YES");
exit = IupItem("Exit\tAlt+F4", "exit");
img4 = IupLoadImage("icons\\delete_16x16.ico");
IupSetAttributeHandle(exit, "TITLEIMAGE", img4);
menu = IupMenu(
IupItem("Carro&t", "carrot"),
IupSetFunction("exit", (Icallback)mnu_exit);
... etc...
IupSetHandle("menu", menu);
How to get "radio toggle group" functionality with items hamburger and cevapcici so first turns off a second checkmark and opposite. This is my try but it don't work.
2) I try webbrowser example from IUP suite on my windows 7. Problem is that bad black flickering appear's during resize (increase). Also, background of webbrowser flicker black during showing.
I try a same example on Ubuntu and there flickering appear's too but it is not so much visible since background is there white.
Is here any way to get rid of those flickering or if not to get white background of webbrowser window on windows?
3) Since webbrowser is ole object (on windows) is it possible to use say "print preview" or "zoom" function by reference from IUP handle or at any other way like we used to do from MS programming tools?
4) How can I get key_up event fired from IupTree?
5) Interesting situation with IupTabs:
frame3 = IupHbox(mat, val, NULL);
vboxt1 = IupVbox(frame3, NULL);
vboxt2 = IupVbox(frame3, NULL);
IupSetAttribute(vboxt1, "TABTITLE", "First documents... ");
IupSetAttribute(vboxt2, "TABTITLE", "Second documents... ");
tabs = IupTabs(vboxt1, vboxt2, NULL);
hbox1 = IupHbox(tabs, IupVbox(frame, tree, frame2, NULL), NULL);
dlg = IupDialog(hbox1);
When I set frame3 which should be a same for both tabs my GUI frozes.
However, I have to got same "mat" (IupMatrix) in both tabs because by changing tabs other data load in matrix but similar enough to use same matrix and related functions.
What to do here?
1) The RADIO attribute belongs to the IupMenu, not to the IupItem. This also means that all the IupItems inside that menu will be part of the radio.
A workaround would be to manually unset the other toggle inside the action callback.
2) That flicker is not caused by IUP. Don't know why the native controls are doing it.
3) Yes, but you will have to program that using the OLE API. If you take a look at the IupOleControl and IupWebBrower source code and send me the code to do it, I will be happy to add it to IUP.
4) You don't. Use the K_ANY callbacks.
5) You can not reuse a control in different places in any dialog. So you must have two different frames, with two different matrices. What you can do is to encapsulate your matrix, so the same function will create a matrix with the same attributes and callbacks any time you want one.

In Win32, how can a Change Color dialog be used to change STATIC text?

I am relatively new to the Win32/Windows API (non-MFC), and am trying to change the text colour of a static text control. It is already drawn to the screen in black, but I want to change it to another colour using the Windows Colour Chooser dialog, which is opened on clicking a button. Is this possible?
For the button, the WM_COMMAND message is handled on clicking. So far, I have written:
ccColour.lStructSize = sizeof(ccColour);
ccColour.hwndOwner = hWnd;
ccColour.rgbResult = crLabelTextColour;
ccColour.Flags = CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT;
if (ChooseColor(&ccColour) == TRUE)
// crLabelTextColour is a COLORREF global variable assigned on loading the program
crLabelTextColour = ccColour.rgbResult;
This code, however, fails with an unhandled exception at the if statement, and I'm not sure why! Other examples seem to write code like this.
ChooseColor() crashes because you are not initializing the CHOOSECOLOR structure completely. You are only setting 3 fields, the rest will contain garbage. You'll need to zero-initialize everything, simple to do:
CHOOSECOLOR ccColour = {0};
