Managing images in Media Manager on Joomla 2.5 - joomla

I am new in Joomla environment and I have a question regarding Media Manager. I uploaded some images on the Media Manager and I successfully put it on my LightBox Plugin. However, I need to set the Order of each images on Media Manager. Is that even possible? or do I need to use other modules for that? please help me.
Right now I can only upload them, but I can't order how they appear in the gallery. How can we accomplish this?

You can't order the images using the Media Manager as it simply allows you to upload images. There might be an option with the lightbox extension you're using to order the images. If not, try using another extension such as the Yootheme Wigetkit. It's a component that comes with a Lightbox and allows you to upload and order the images


Add Alt text on Media Images while uploading - Umbraco

I am using Umbraco 7.5.3 and I want to add an alt text to media images while uploading or while selecting (On clicking submit) them using media picker. Is this possible?
I have added a property to Image Media Type. This way it is available for all the images I have in the CMS.
But another question I am getting stucked with. Is it good or bad to change inbuilt Umbraco data types?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
For this, I have added an alternative text property to the media Image type. (Settings -> Media Types -> Image).
You can see the below image.
It's not currently possible to add ALT text to images whilst uploading / selecting images using the standard media picker.
To fulfil this functionality you would need to extend the data type.
Extending existing datatypes & creating new data types is encouraged, Umbraco is an open source project so you could even create a pull request on GitHub.
I would be very interested as this is a feature that I also would like to see in core.

Redmine Updating Images

Our Redmine server has CKEditor, which allows for inserting images into Wiki pages, documents, etc.
The images are embedded into the pages via a direct link to the image, i.e. https://redmineserver/attachments/download/94/someimage.png.
The only way we know of to update this image is to delete it then upload the new image. The problem is that the new image will be at a different directory, i.e. https://redmineserver/attachments/download/89/someimage.png, thus breaking all our previous links to https://redmineserver/attachments/download/94/someimage.png.
There is an extension called CKFinder which will fixes this, but we're looking for a free alternative (without coding our own plugin).
Does anybody know of another plugin to update images without breaking their references?

Magento: Can't understand uploading images via desktop instead of via FTP client

I am pretty new to Magento and I had a quick question.
I am struggling to understand how I can upload an image straight from my desktop to my website via the Magento backend without adding it to my FTP client first, and it still show up on other peoples computers when they access the website?
To elaborate on this, in the backend location System/Configuration/GENERAL/Design/HTML Head/Favicon Icon, to add the Favicon Icon you simply search your desktop for the image you want, were with other images, I have to add them to my FTP client first. Why is this and what happens if I were to delete the chosen Favicon Icon off my desktop, would the image still appear on my website?
Short (only?) answer: Magento is fairly inconsistent when it comes to administering these specific files. Some options (favicon, email logo, logos for PDFs) can be uploaded directly via form input in System Configuration. Others (such as header logo) cannot.
If I were forced to explain the logic (though I'm not sure it's intentional): favicon, email logos, and PDF logo image assets are not subject to theme design factors such as element layout and CSS. Whereas this is the case though I would think that Magento would not provide the option to change the path for the header logo.

Use Media Manager as filepicker in component

I'm developing a component in Joomla 1.6, is a Document Manager and I have all the funcionality, but now I want to include the Media Manager as File Picker.
In Joomla 1.6 Media Manager is prepared to be use like a Image Picker (as we can see in the Article Manager where you can select a Image for the content), but I want to know if it's possible to reproduce the same action with all filetypes without modifying the Media Component.
I know how to use the media manager as Image Picker in my component. In fact I answered to this question.
use joomla com_media image selection in my custom component
Can someone help me? :)
Ok, after the study of the component i got the fact that is not an easy question.
How can we use another filetypes?
on line 116 exists a switch which works as a filter
If we want to add a new functionality (with a button)...
Where can we add the button?
Where can we add the javascript functionality?
Doing that we have some problems
1) we need to hardcode in every joomla.
2) I'm not sure, but the changes might be delete after a Joomla Updated.
Another chance is make a fork of the media component with theses changes ready to install.
Thanks to the tumbleweed badget to encourage me to write the response.

How can i integrate joomla media selector into a custom component

I'm writing a custom component for joomla 1.5 and i been searching for a way to integrate
com_media image selector into it.
All i want, is to have a functionality like, the image selection in the create article page.
Anyone knows how to do this?
Is there an API in joomla to do this, or do i have to see how is done in com_content an start
form there?
You can use a select box with image preview like the one used for the Sections and Categories thumbnails. This is much easier to integrate though images must come from single directory.
See the com_sections and com_content files in you Joomla Administrators components directory.
Also try posting this in the Joomla Forums.
