sqlloader date conversion: inconsistent data type - oracle

Am trying to load some data to an Oracle database using SQLLoader but I keep getting the errors ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER or expecting char got date
The date comes in the format of e.g. 20130815 and it is to be stored into a database with a column of type Date.
The logic should be that if someone passes an invalid date a null or say an invalid month in the date string e.g. 20131301, then I want to insert a default date e.g. 19990101.
Here is the SQLLoader code I have so far:

The immediate issue is that you're calling to_date() on the fixed value. The then part is returning the original string value of the date from the file; the else is returning a date; which leads to the 'expecting char got date' message.
If you remove the to_date() part then it will load all the values as 1900-01-01, because you have the case statement wrong. You're comparing the :COLUMN_DOB value with the string 'isdate(:COLUMN_DOB)=1'. It isn't calling the function, it's a fixed string, and your date field is never going to exactly match that text. So the case always goes into the else and gets the fixed value. You also seem to be mixing up the two forms of case statement.
So it should be:
... "CASE WHEN isdate(:COLUMN_DOB)=1 THEN :COLUMN_DOB ELSE '19000101' END"
Which, assuming you've built an isdate() function - since that is not an Oracle built-in - with a default format mask, something like this one based on an AskTom version:
create or replace function isdate (p_string in varchar2,
p_fmt in varchar2 := 'YYYYMMDD')
return number as
l_date date;
if l_date is null then
return 0;
end if;
l_date := to_date(p_string, p_fmt);
return 1;
when others then
return 0;
... will put in valid dates as supplied, and invalid dates as 1900-01-01. The null check also means nulls will be inserted as 1900-01-01; it's perhaps simpler to have it here than to try to handle that separately in the control file.
You could maybe simplify it further by having a function that tries to convert the string and returns a date, and just calling that in the control file, without the date mask or the case statement. That approach is covered in that AskTom link too.
Personally I'd probably prefer to see the column left null rather than giving it a magic number. It isn't impossible to have someone with a valid DOB of 1900-01-01.
If you are creating a new function anyway, you could do this instead:
create or replace function my2date(p_str in varchar2) return date is
return to_date(nvl(p_str, '19000101'), 'YYYYMMDD');
when others then -- just about acceptable here
return date '1900-01-01';
which you can execute from SQL*Plus, SQL Developer, Toad or whatever client you're using. And then you control file would have:
I don't think there's a way of doing this without using a function. If you used an external table instead then you could use an anonymous block to do the conversion I suppose, but if you're stuck with SQL*Loader then I believe a function is the only way to stop a bad date causing the whole row to be rejected.


I want to export data from oracle database to csv, and I am putting a number filter on a varchar column. It thows ORA:01722 error. Please suggest

Select count(*) from table where loc between 300 to 400.
loc is a varchar column.
it is not selecting all the data
checking the count, gives ORA :01722 error
exporting the results with error.
Edit from comment:
loc contains values less than 300, more than 400, and alphanumeric like 'GT' , '3KT1'
loc is a varchar column.
[From comment] The Loc column has char type value also like GJ, 3KT1
LOC contains values which are not convertible to numbers. This matters because your WHERE clause predicates are defined as numbers, so Oracle applies an implicit to_number(loc) to the query. This is why using proper data types is best practice: it doesn't help you now but please learn the lesson, and use NUMBER columns for numeric data.
In the meantime you have several options to deal with your shonky data model.
If you're lucky enough to be using Oracle 12c R2 you can use the new VALIDATE_CONVERSION() function to exclude values of loc which can't be cast to numbers. Find out more
If you're using an earlier version of Oracle you can build your own function:
create or replace function is_number
(p_str in varchar2) return number
n number;
rv number;
n := to_number(p_str);
rv := 1;
when invalid_number then
rv := 0;
return rv;
The weakest option would be casting the predicates to strings. where loc between '300' to '400' would include '3000', '4' and various other values you probably don't want.
Here is a LiveSQL demo (free Oracle Technet account required, alas).
Your current query is trying to compare a varchar to a number. So it tries to convert the varchar to a number on the fly. This is called implicit conversion.
You should make it compare a varchar to a varchar.
Use single quotes so that you are comparing to varchars, not numbers
Select count(*) from table where loc between '300' to '400'
Then go and read about implicit conversion
Based on the update to your question, this column is a legitimate varchar and should not be converted to a numeric data type.
However you do need to work out whether you are incorrectly storing different types of data in the same column

Apex Interactive Report ORA-1843

I'm trying to display at oracle apex IR query, a biggest date from 3 different tables, using greatest function to choice the biggest. For that, created two varchar2 type functions.
One of them return the date converted to char, of a selected table like this:
create or replace FUNCTION RETURN_DATES (key in number, parameter in NUMBER)
case parameter
when 1 then
select distinct MAX(mydate) into seal from table1 v WHERE v.num_contract = number_contract;
return NVL(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (seal),'mm/dd/yyyy'),'01/01/1980')
when 2 then
select... from table2 x WHERE...
The second function calls that one using a greatest function between the parameter calls, which refers to case statement:
create or replace FUNCTION RETURN_BIGGEST_DATE(key in number) return VARCHAR2 IS
select greatest (RETURN_DATES(key,1),RETURN_DATES(key,2),RETURN_DATES(key,3)) into greatest_date from dual;
return greatest_date;
When i call it on sql commands it's works fine, but at an interactive report its fails, returning the ORA-1843, using the quite same query.
Could anyone help?
Simply modifying the RETURN_DATES returning DATE
and the seal variable, of date type, without conversions, works fine at apex IR!
I noticed when a date column is relayed on ir query, there are an extra parameter on Column filter, named Date Ranges. It was the two way traffic to start simulations and change the returning type of the that function.
No more changes was required:
create or replace FUNCTION RETURN_DATES (key in number, parameter in NUMBER)
select distinct MAX(mydate) into seal from table1 v WHERE v.num_contract = number_contract;
return NVL(seal),'01/01/1980')

How to write date condition on where clause in oracle

I have data in the date column as below.
I want to write a query to fetch data for 01/21/2017?
Below query not working in Oracle.
SELECT * FROM tablename where reportDate=to_date('01/21/2017','mm/dd/yyyy')
What is the data type of reportDate? It may be DATE or VARCHAR2 and there is no way to know by just looking at it.
Run describe table_name (where table_name is the name of the table that contains this column) and see what it says.
If it's a VARCHAR2 then you need to convert it to a date as well. Use the proper format model: 'dd-Mon-rr'.
If it's DATE, it is possible it has time-of-day component; you could apply trunc() to it, but it is better to avoid calling functions on your columns if you can avoid it, for speed. In this case (if it's really DATE data type) the where condition should be
where report_date >= to_date('01/21/2017','mm/dd/yyyy')
and report_date < to_date('01/21/2017','mm/dd/yyyy') + 1
Note that the date on the right-hand side can also be written, better, as
date '2017-01-21'
(this is the ANSI standard date literal, which requires the key word date and exactly the format shown, since it doesn't use a format model; use - as separator and the format yyyy-mm-dd.)
The query should be something like this
FROM table_name
WHERE TRUNC(column_name) = TO_DATE('21-JAN-17', 'DD-MON-RR');
The TRUNC function returns a date value specific to that column.
The o/p which I got when I executed in sqldeveloper

SQLPLus vs SQLDeveloper behavior

I'm experiencing a different behavior between SQLPlus and SQL Developer.
Example data:
create table test (
INSERT INTO test(INIT_DATE) values (sysdate);
Now I run the following query (notice we're doing an unnecessary to_date because INIT_DATE is already a date):
select to_date(INIT_DATE, 'dd/mm/rrrr') from test;
The result is:
SQLPlus => Return 20/09/16
SQLDeveloper => Throw ORA-01861
I found this answer, so in SQLDeveloper I changed NLS>Format Date to 'DD/MM/RR' and now SQLDeveloper return 20/09/16.
But, if in SQLDeveloper I change NLS to 'DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SS' again, and I change the query mask to 'DD/MM/RR', SQLDeveloper return an error again:
select to_date(INIT_DATE, 'DD/MM/RR') from test;
Can anyone explain this behavior?
Why SQLDeveloper throw an error if the query mask is 'DD/MM/RR' but not when NLS is 'DD/MM/RR'?
Use TO_CHAR instead of TO_DATE. TO_DATE function converts char argument in specific format given by second parameter to date value.
Your statement
select to_date(INIT_DATE, 'DD/MM/RR') from test;
does first implicit conversion to char, because INIT_DATE is a date. This conversion is in nls default format, depending on your machine settings.
You try convert DATE to DATE through TO_DATE function, but TO_DATE function arguments are strings and as result Oracle convert INIT_DATE column to string and then pass this string into TO_DATE function.
If you use implicit conversion 'string to date' or 'date to string' , then Oracle use the default date format. In different environments default date format may be different.
Try to use an explicit conversion and an appropriate format.
For example:
select to_date(to_char(INIT_DATE, 'dd/mm/rrrr'), 'dd/mm/rrrr') from test;

PLSQL Invalid Month

Why am I getting invalid month when I test this code? How does PLSQL and XML handle data types?
select * from xmltable ('/' PASSING i_XML COLUMNS READING_DT DATE PATH 'DATE',
for d in c_DATA_INF loop
insert into table_name(READING_DT, actual, eligible)
values (to_date('d.READING_DT', 'MM/DD/YYYY'), d.ACTUAL, d.ELIGIBLE);
end loop;
I'm not sure if it's incorrect in my insert statement or in my cursor.
You are passing d.READING_DT as string. within quotes. Please remove the quotes and try
The parameter types are invalid in to_date(DATE, "DATE FORMAT STRING");
Link to Example
Instead of passing 'd.READING_DT', remove the quotes. Pass: d.READING_DT
The error is thrown becasue Oracle does not recognize 'd.READING_DT' as a valid date/ or date string.
