portfolio optimization sorting efficient solutions C# - linq

I have the following problem to solve:
Let H be a set of portfolios. For each portfolio i in H let (ri,vi) be the (return,risk) values for this solution.
For each i in H if there exists j in H (j is different from i) such that rj>=ri and vj<=vi then delete i from H. because i is dominated by j (it has better return for less risk).
At the end H will be the set of undominated efficient solutions.
I tried to solve the above problem using linq:
H.RemoveAll(x => H.Any(y => x.CalculateReturn() <= y.CalculateReturn() && x.CalculateRisk() >= y.CalculateRisk() && x != y));
But I wonder if there exist a more efficient way, because if H.Count() is of the order of ten thousands, then it takes a lot of time to remove the dominated portfolios.
Thanks in advance for any help !

First off, you should be caching the Risk/Reward. I can't tell if you are by your code sample, but if you aren't you need to transform the list first.
Once you've done that, it makes sense to order the list according to the risk. As you increase risk, then, all you have to check is that your reward is strictly greater than the best reward you've seen so far. If it's not, you can remove it. That should dramatically improve performance.
Unfortunately, I'm not feeling clever enough to think of a way to do this with pure LINQ at the moment, but this code segment should work:
(Disclaimer: I haven't compiled/tested)
var orderedH = (
from h in H
let reward = h.CalculatedReward()
let risk = h.CalculatedRisk()
orderby risk ascending
select new {
Original = h,
Risk = risk,
Reward = reward
var maxReward = Double.NegativeInfinity;
for (int i = 0; i < orderedH.Count; i++)
if (orderedH[i].Reward <= maxReward) {
else {
maxReward = orderedH[i].Reward;
var filteredPortfolio = orderedH.Select(h => h.Original);


Four nested for loops optimization - I promise I searched

I've tried to find a good way to speed up the code for a problem I've been working on. The basic idea of the code is very simple. There are five inputs:
Four 1xm (for some m < n, they can be different sizes) matrices (A, B, C, D) that are pairwise-disjoint subsets of {1,2,...,n} and one nxn symmetric binary matrix (M). The basic idea for the code is to check an inequality for for every combination of elements and if the inequality holds, return the values that cause it to hold, i.e.:
for a = A
for b = B
for c = C
for d = D
if M(a,c) + M(b,d) < M(a,d) + M(b,c)
result = [a b c d];
I know there has to be a better way to do this. First, since it's symmetric, I can cut down half of the items checked since M(a,b) = M(b,a). I've been researching vectorization, found several functions I'd never heard of with MATLAB (since I'm relatively new), but I can't find anything that will particularly help me with this specific problem. I've thought of other ways to approach the problem, but nothing has been perfected, and I just don't know what to do at this point.
For example, I could possibly split this into two cases:
1) The right hand side is 1: then I have to check that both terms on the left side are 0.
2) The right hand side is 2: then I have to check that at least one term on the left hand side is 0.
But, again, I won't be able to avoid nesting.
I appreciate all the help you can offer. Thank you!
You're asking two questions here: (1) is there a more efficient algorithm to perform this search, and (2) how can I vectorize this in MATLAB. The first one is very interesting to think about, but may be a little beyond the scope of this forum. The second one is easier to answer.
As pointed out in the comments below your question, you can vectorize the for loop by enumerating all of the possibilities and checking them all together, and the answers from this question can help:
[a,b,c,d] = ndgrid(A,B,C,D); % Enumerate all combos
a=a(:); b=b(:); c=c(:); d=d(:); % Reshape from 4-D matrices to vectors
ac = sub2ind(size(M),a,c); % Convert subscript pairs to linear indices
bd = sub2ind(size(M),b,d);
ad = sub2ind(size(M),a,d);
bc = sub2ind(size(M),b,c);
mask = (M(ac) + M(bd) < M(ad) + M(bc)); % Test the inequality
results = [a(mask), b(mask), c(mask), d(mask)]; % Select the ones that pass
Again, this isn't an algorithmic change: it still has the same complexity as your nested for loop. The vectorization may cause it to run faster, but it also lacks early termination, so in certain cases it may be slower.
Since M is binary, we can think about this as a graph problem. i,j in {1..n} correspond to nodes, and M(i,j) indicates whether there is an undirected edge connecting them.
Since A,B,C,D are disjoint, that simplifies the problem a bit. We can approach the problem in stages:
Find all (c,d) for which there exists a such that M(a,c) < M(a,d). Let's call this set CD_lt_a, (the subset of C*D such that the "less than" inequality holds for some a).
Find all (c,d) for which there exists a such that M(a,c) <= M(a,d), and call this set CD_le_a.
Repeat for b, forming CD_lt_b for M(b,d) < M(b,c) and CD_le_b for M(b,d)<=M(b,c).
One way to satisfy the overall inequality is for M(a,c) < M(a,d) and M(b,d) <= M(b,c), so we can look at the intersection of CD_lt_a and CD_le_b.
The other way is if M(a,c) <= M(a,d) and M(b,d) < M(b,c), so look at the intersection of CD_le_a and CD_lt_b.
With (c,d) known, we can go back and find the (a,b).
And so my implementation is:
% 0. Some preliminaries
% Get the size of each set
mA = numel(A); mB = numel(B); mC = numel(C); mD = numel(D);
% 1. Find all (c,d) for which there exists a such that M(a,c) < M(a,d)
CA_linked = M(C,A);
AD_linked = M(A,D);
CA_not_linked = ~CA_linked;
% Multiplying these matrices tells us, for each (c,d), how many nodes
% in A satisfy this M(a,c)<M(a,d) inequality
% Ugh, we need to cast to double to use the matrix multiplication
CD_lt_a = (CA_not_linked * double(AD_linked)) > 0;
% 2. For M(a,c) <= M(a,d), check that the converse is false for some a
AD_not_linked = ~AD_linked;
CD_le_a = (CA_linked * double(AD_not_linked)) < mA;
% 3. Repeat for b
CB_linked = M(C,B);
BD_linked = M(B,D);
CD_lt_b = (CB_linked * double(~BD_linked)) > 0;
CD_le_b = (~CB_linked * double(BD_linked)) < mB;
% 4. Find the intersection of CD_lt_a and CD_le_b - this is one way
% to satisfy the inequality M(a,c)+M(b,d) < M(a,d)+M(b,c)
CD_satisfy_ineq_1 = CD_lt_a & CD_le_b;
% 5. The other way to satisfy the inequality is CD_le_a & CD_lt_b
CD_satisfy_ineq_2 = CD_le_a & CD_lt_b;
inequality_feasible = any(CD_satisfy_ineq_1(:) | CD_satisfy_ineq_2(:));
Note that you can stop here if feasibility is your only concern. The complexity is A*C*D + B*C*D, which is better than the worst-case A*B*C*D complexity of the for loop. However, early termination means your nested for loops may still be faster in certain cases.
The next block of code enumerates all the a,b,c,d that satisfy the inequality. It's not very well optimized (it appends to a matrix from within a loop), so it can be pretty slow if there are many results.
% 6. With (c,d) known, find a and b
% We can define these functions to help us search
find_a_lt = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' & AD_linked(:,d));
find_a_le = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' | AD_linked(:,d));
find_b_lt = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' & ~BD_linked(:,d));
find_b_le = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' | ~BD_linked(:,d));
% I'm gonna assume there aren't too many results, so I will be appending
% to an array inside of a for loop. Bad for performance, but maybe a bit
% more readable for a StackOverflow answer.
results = zeros(0,4);
% Find those that satisfy it the first way
[c_list,d_list] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_1);
for ii = 1:numel(c_list)
c = c_list(ii); d = d_list(ii);
a = find_a_lt(c,d);
b = find_b_le(c,d);
% a,b might be vectors, in which case all combos are valid
% Many ways to find all combos, gonna use ndgrid()
[a,b] = ndgrid(a,b);
% Append these to the growing list of results
abcd = [a(:), b(:), repmat([c d],[numel(a),1])];
results = [results; abcd];
% Repeat for the second way
[c_list,d_list] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_2);
for ii = 1:numel(c_list)
c = c_list(ii); d = d_list(ii);
a = find_a_le(c,d);
b = find_b_lt(c,d);
% a,b might be vectors, in which case all combos are valid
% Many ways to find all combos, gonna use ndgrid()
[a,b] = ndgrid(a,b);
% Append these to the growing list of results
abcd = [a(:), b(:), repmat([c d],[numel(a),1])];
results = [results; abcd];
% Remove duplicates
results = unique(results, 'rows');
% And actually these a,b,c,d will be indices into A,B,C,D because they
% were obtained from calling find() on submatrices of M.
if ~isempty(results)
results(:,1) = A(results(:,1));
results(:,2) = B(results(:,2));
results(:,3) = C(results(:,3));
results(:,4) = D(results(:,4));
I tested this on the following test case:
m = 1000;
A = (1:m); B = A(end)+(1:m); C = B(end)+(1:m); D = C(end)+(1:m);
M = rand(D(end),D(end)) < 1e-6; M = M | M';
I like to think that first part (see if the inequality is feasible for any a,b,c,d) worked pretty well. The other vectorized answers (that use ndgrid or combvec to enumerate all combinations of a,b,c,d) would require 8 terabytes of memory for a problem of this size!
But I would not recommend running the second part (enumerating all of the results) when there are more than a few hundred c,d that satisfy the inequality, because it will be pretty damn slow.
P.S. I know I answered already, but that answer was about vectorizing such loops in general, and is less specific to your particular problem.
P.P.S. This kinda reminds me of the stable marriage problem. Perhaps some of those references would contain algorithms relevant to your problem as well. I suspect that a true graph-based algorithm could probably achieve the worst-case complexity as this while additionally offering early termination. But I think it would be difficult to implement a graph-based algorithm efficiently in MATLAB.
P.P.P.S. If you only want one of the feasible solutions, you can simplify step 6 to only return a single value, e.g.
find_a_lt = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' & AD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
find_a_le = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' | AD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
find_b_lt = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' & ~BD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
find_b_le = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' | ~BD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
if any(CD_satisfy_ineq_1)
[c,d] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_1, 1, 'first');
a = find_a_lt(c,d);
b = find_a_le(c,d);
result = [A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d)];
elseif any(CD_satisfy_ineq_2)
[c,d] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_2, 1, 'first');
a = find_a_le(c,d);
b = find_a_lt(c,d);
result = [A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d)];
result = zeros(0,4);
If you have access to the Neural Network Toolbox, combvec could be helpful here.
running allCombs = combvec(A,B,C,D) will give you a (4 by m1*m2*m3*m4) matrix that looks like:
a1, a1, a1, a1, a1 ... a1... a2... am1;
b1, b1, b1, b1, b1 ... b2... b1... bm2;
c1, c1, c1, c1, c2 ... c1... c1... cm3;
d1, d2, d3, d4, d1 ... d1... d1... dm4]
You can then use sub2ind and Matrix Indexing to setup the two values you need for your inequality:
indices = [sub2ind(size(M),allCombs(1,:),allCombs(3,:));
testValues = M(indices);
testValues(5,:) = (testValues(1,:) + testValues(2,:) < testValues(3,:) + testValues(4,:))
Your final a,b,c,d indices could be retrieved by saying
Which would print a matrix with all columns which the inequality was true.
This article might be of some use.

Is heap sort supposed to be very slow on MATLAB?

I wrote a heap sort function in MATLAB and it works fine, except that when the length of input is greater or equal to 1000, it can take a long time (e.g. the length of 1000 takes half a second). I'm not sure if it's that MATLAB doesn't run very fast on heap sort algorithm or it's just my code needs to be improved.
My code is shown below:
function b = heapsort(a)
[~,n] = size(a);
b = zeros(1,n);
for i = 1:n
a = build_max_heap(a);
b(n+1-i) = a(1);
temp = a(1);
a(1) = a(n+1-i);
a(n+1-i) = temp;
a(n+1-i) = [];
a = heapify(a,1);
function a = build_max_heap(a)
[~,n] = size(a);
m = floor(n/2);
for i = m:-1:1
a = heapify(a,i);
function a = heapify(a,i)
[~,n] = size(a);
left = 2*i;
right = 2*i + 1;
if left <= n
if a(left) >= a(i)
large = left;
large = i;
if right <= n
if a(right) >= a(large)
large = right;
if large ~= i
temp = a(large);
a(large) = a(i);
a(i) = temp;
a = heapify(a,large);
I'm aware that maybe it's the code a(n+1-i) = []; that may consume a lot of time. But when I changed the [] into -999 (lower than any number of the input vector), it doesn't help but took even more time.
You should use the profiler to check which lines that takes the most time. It's definitely a(n+1-i) = []; that's slowing down your function.
Resizing arrays in loops is very slow, so you should always try to avoid it.
A simple test:
Create a function that takes a large vector as input, and iteratively removes elements until it's empty.
Create a function that takes the same vector as input and iteratively sets each value to 0, Inf, NaN or something else.
Use timeit to check which function is faster. You'll see that the last function is approximately 100 times faster (depending on the size of the vector of course).
The reason why -999 takes more time is most likely because a no longer gets smaller and smaller, thus a = heapify(a,1); won't get faster and faster. I haven't tested it, but if you try the following in your first function you'll probably get a much faster program (you must insert the n+1-i) other places in your code as well, but I'll leave that to you):
a(n+1-ii) = NaN;
a(1:n+1-ii) = heapify(a(1:n+1-ii),1);
Note that I changed i to ii. That's partially because I want to give you a good advice, and partially to avoid being reminded to not use i and j as variables in MATLAB.

Are two circular buffers equal? (While ignoring shift)

I have two circular buffers -- how can I tell if one is just a shift of another?
For example with B1 = 1,1,2,1,8,1,5,7, B2 = 2,1,8,1,5,7,1,1 we can say that B1 and B2 are equal, because I can rotate one of them to get the other.
What is the best algorithm to test this equality? Obvious test is in O(n^2) (just compare the buffers - in n steps - starting in each of their n element) but I believe I've seen a linear time algorithm. Can you please point me to it?
Assuming B1 and B2 have the same length, your question is equivalent to asking "is B2 a substring of B1 + B1" (B1 concatenated with itself).
For example: 4-element string is a rotation of 1234 if and only if it is a substring of 12341234.
Checking if one string is a substring of another can be done in linear time using KMP algorithm.
if your buffer is of integers, I was thinking that maybe you could use the fact that addition as the commutative property (a+b == b+a)
that means that the start of the list doesn't matter. but on the other hand nether the order of items (1+2+3+4) = (3+1+2+4) so to make sure the items are in proper order we may associate them in pairs or trios. to better ensure a chaining order.. (12+23+34+41) or something like this..
var B1 = [1,1,2,1,8,1,5,7]
var B2 = [2,1,8,1,5,7,1,1]
var B3 = [2,1,8,1,5,7,1,4]
function checksum(buff)
var sum = 0
for(var i = 0 ; i < buff.length;i++)
var a = buff[i];
var b = buff[(i+1)%buff.length];
var c = buff[(i+2)%buff.length];
var n = ((a*100) + (b * 10) + c);
sum += n;
return sum;
console.log(checksum(B1) == checksum(B2))//true
console.log(checksum(B1) == checksum(B3))//false
this is a "order sensitive" circular checksum
but like every hash functions there will be collisions and false positives so you will still need a secondary method of comparison..
don't know if i'm on the right track.. hope someone can help to make it better or totally disprove..

Speeding up a nested for loop

I've been working on speeding up the following function, but with no results:
function beta = beta_c(k,c,gamma)
beta = zeros(size(k));
E = #(x) (1.453*x.^4)./((1 + x.^2).^(17/6));
for ii = 1:size(k,1)
for jj = 1:size(k,2)
E_int = integral(E,k(ii,jj),10000);
beta(ii,jj) = c*gamma/(k(ii,jj)*sqrt(E_int));
Up to now, I solved it this way:
function beta = beta_calc(k,c,gamma)
k_1d = reshape(k,[1,numel(k)]);
E_1d =#(k) 1.453.*k.^4./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int = zeros(1,numel(k_1d));
parfor ii = 1:numel(k_1d)
E_int(ii) = quad(E_1d,k_1d(ii),10000);
beta_1d = c*gamma./(k_1d.*sqrt(E_int));
beta = reshape(beta_1d,[size(k,1),size(k,2)]);
Seems to me, it didn't really enhance performances. What do you think about this?
Would you mind to shed a light?
I thank you in advance.
I am gonna introduce some theoretical background involving my question.
Generally, beta is to be calculated as follows
Therefore, in the reduced case of unidimensional k array, E_int may be calculated as
E = 1.453.*k.^4./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int = 1.5 - cumtrapz(k,E);
or, alternatively as
E_int(1) = 1.5;
for jj = 2:numel(k)
E =#(k) 1.453.*k.^4./((1 + k.^2).^(17/6));
E_int(jj) = E_int(jj - 1) - integral(E,k(jj-1),k(jj));
Nonetheless, k is currently a matrix k(size1,size2).
Here's another approach, parallelize, because it's easy using spmd or parfor. Instead of integral consider quad, see this link for examples...
I like this question.
The problem: the function integral takes as integration limits only scalars. Hence, it is difficult to vectorize the computation of of E_int.
A clue: there seems to be lot of redundancy in integrating the same function over and over from k(ii,jj) to infinity...
Proposed solution: How about sorting the values of k from smallest to largest and integrating E_sort_int(si) = integral( E, sortedK(si), sortedK(si+1) ); with sortedK( numel(k) + 1 ) = 10000;. Then the full value of E_int = cumsum( E_sort_int ); (you only need to "undo" the sorting and reshape it back to the size of k).

How to speed this kind of for-loop?

I would like to compute the maximum of translated images along the direction of a given axis. I know about ordfilt2, however I would like to avoid using the Image Processing Toolbox.
So here is the code I have so far:
imInput = imread('tire.tif');
n = 10;
imMax = imInput(:, n:end);
for i = 1:(n-1)
imMax = max(imMax, imInput(:, i:end-(n-i)));
Is it possible to avoid using a for-loop in order to speed the computation up, and, if so, how?
First edit: Using Octave's code for im2col is actually 50% slower.
Second edit: Pre-allocating did not appear to improve the result enough.
sz = [size(imInput,1), size(imInput,2)-n+1];
range_j = 1:size(imInput, 2)-sz(2)+1;
range_i = 1:size(imInput, 1)-sz(1)+1;
B = zeros(prod(sz), length(range_j)*length(range_i));
counter = 0;
for j = range_j % left to right
for i = range_i % up to bottom
counter = counter + 1;
v = imInput(i:i+sz(1)-1, j:j+sz(2)-1);
B(:, counter) = v(:);
imMax = reshape(max(B, [], 2), sz);
Third edit: I shall show the timings.
For what it's worth, here's a vectorized solution using IM2COL function from the Image Processing Toolbox:
imInput = imread('tire.tif');
n = 10;
sz = [size(imInput,1) size(imInput,2)-n+1];
imMax = reshape(max(im2col(imInput, sz, 'sliding'),[],2), sz);
You could perhaps write your own version of IM2COL as it simply consists of well crafted indexing, or even look at how Octave implements it.
Check out the answer to this question about doing a rolling median in c. I've successfully made it into a mex function and it is way faster than even ordfilt2. It will take some work to do a max, but I'm sure it's possible.
Rolling median in C - Turlach implementation
