run command in bash and then exit without killing the command - bash

I am attempting to run a couple commands in a bash script however it will hang up on my command waiting for it to complete (which it wont). this script is simply making sure its running.
ps cax | grep python > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running."
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
echo $(ps aux | grep python | grep -v color | awk {'print $2'})
Once it gets to the python command it hangs up while the command is being executed. its not till i cntrl c before it gives the pid. is there anyway i can have it run this bash script and exit the bash script once the commands were run (without waiting for them to complete).

In general, if you want to execute a command and not wait for it, you can simply use & as the delimiter rather than ; or a newline. When doing so, the pid of that process is available to the shell in the special variable !. If you want to wait for that process to complete, you can use wait. If you do not wish to wait for it, then simply omit the wait. In your case:
python & # Start command asynchronously
echo $! # echo the pid of the most recent asynchronous process

Since it looks like likebot should be always running you might want to consider 'nohup' as well, with a bare & the job is still a child of your login process and will die if that dies.


Kill bash command when line is found

I want to kill a bash command when I found some string in the output.
To clarify, I want the solution to be similar to a timeout command:
timeout 10s
Which will execute the script: and kill the script after 10 seconds of execute.
Instead I want something like:
regexout "^Success$"
Which will execute the script until it matches a line that just says Success in the stdout of the program.
Note that I'm assuming that this does not exit at the same time it outputs Success for whatever reason, so simply waiting for the program to exit would waste time if I don't care about what happens after that.
So something like:
bash -e > /tmp/output &
PID="$(ps aux | grep | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')"
echo $PID
while :; do
echo "$(tail -1 /tmp/output)"
if [[ "$(tail -1 /tmp/output)" == "Success" ]]; then
kill $PID
exit 0
sleep 1
Where is something like:
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Success"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
But that is not very robust (uses a single tmp file... might kill other programs...) and I want it to just be one command. Does something like this exist? I may just write a c program to do it if not.
P.S.: I provided my code as an example of what I wanted the program to do. It does not use good programming practices. Notes from other commenters:
#KamilCuk Do not use temporary file. Use a fifo.
#pjh Note that any approach that involves using kill with a PID in shell code runs the risk of killing the wrong process. Use kill in shell programs only when it is absolutely necessary.
There are more suggestions below from other users, I just wanted to make sure no one came across this and thought it would be good to model their code after.
looping_program() {
for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; sleep 1; done
echo Success
coproc looping_program
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ Success ]]; then
done <&${COPROC[0]}
exec {COPROC[0]}>&- {COPROC[1]}>&-
kill ${COPROC_PID}
wait ${COPROC_PID}
Do not use temporary file. Use a fifo.
Do not use tail -n1 to read last line. Read from the stream in a loop.
Do not repeat tail -1 twice. Cache the result.
Wait for pid after killing to synchronize.
When you're using a coprocess, use COPROC_PID to get the PID
When you're not using a coprocess, use $! to get the PID of a background process started from the current shell.
When you can't use $! (because the process you're trying to get a PID of was not spawned in the background as a direct child of the current shell), do not use ps aux | grep to get the pid. Use pgrep.
Do not use echo $(stuff). Just run the stuff, no echo.
With expect
#!/usr/bin/env -S expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect "Success"
send -- "\x03"
expect eof
Call it looping_killer:
$ ./looping_killer
spawn ./
To pass the program and pattern:
./looping_killer some_program "some pattern"
You'd change the expect script to
#!/usr/bin/env -S expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn [lindex $argv 0]
expect -- [lindex $argv 1]
send -- "\x03"
expect eof
Assuming that your looping program exists when it tries to write to a broken pipe, this will print all output up to and including the 'Success' line and then exit:
./looping_program | sed '/^Success$/q'
You may need to disable buffering of the looping program output. See Force line-buffering of stdout in a pipeline and How to make output of any shell command unbuffered? for ways to do it.
See Should I save my scripts with the .sh extension? and Erlkonig: Commandname Extensions Considered Harmful for reasons why I dropped the '.sh' suffix.
Note that any approach that involves using kill with a PID in shell code runs the risk of killing the wrong process. Use kill in shell programs only when it is absolutely necessary.

Check if bash script already running except itself with arguments

So I've looked up other questions and answers for this and as you can imagine, there are lots of ways to find this. However, my situation is kind of different.
I'm able to check whether a bash script is already running or not and I want to kill the script if it's already running.
The problem is that with the below code, -since I'm running this within the same script- the script kills itself too because it sees a script already running.
result=`ps aux | grep -i "" | grep -v "grep" | wc -l`
if [ $result -ge 1 ]
echo "script is running"
echo "script is not running"
So how can I check if a script is already running besides it's own self and kill itself if there's another instance of the same script is running, else, continue without killing itself.
I thought I could combine the above code with $$ command to find the script's own PID and differentiate them this way but I'm not sure how to do that.
Also a side note, my script can be run multiple times at the same time within the same machine but with different arguments and that's fine. I only need to identify if script is already running with the same arguments.
pid=$(pgrep | grep -x -v $$)
# filter non-existent pids
pid=$(<<<"$pid" xargs -n1 sh -c 'kill -0 "$1" 2>/dev/null && echo "$1"' --)
if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
echo "Other script is running with pid $pid"
echo "Killing him!"
kill $pid
pgrep lists the pids that match the name From the list we filter current $$ shell with grep -v. It the result is non-empty, then you could kill the other pid.
Without the xargs, it would work, but the pgrep will pick up the temporary pid created for command substitution or the pipe. So the pid will never be empty and the kill will always execute complaining about the non-existent process. To do that, for each pid in pids, I check if the pid exists with kill -0. If it does, then it is outputted, effectively filtering all nonexistent pids.
You could also use a normal for loop to filter the pids:
# filter non-existent pids
for i in $pid; do
if kill -0 "$i" 2>/dev/null; then
echo "$i"
Alternatively, you could use flock to lock the file and use lsof to list current open files with filtering the current one. As it is now, I think it will kill also editors that are editing the file and such. I believe the lsof output could be better filtered to accommodate this.
if [ "${FLOCKER}" != "$0" ]; then
pids=$(lsof -p "^$$" -- ./ | awk 'NR>1{print $2}')
if [ -n "$pids" ]; then
echo "Other processes with $(echo $pids) found. Killing them"
kill $pids
exec env FLOCKER="$0" flock -en "$0" "$0" "$#"
I would go with either of 2 ways to solve this problem.
1st solution: Create a watchdog file lets say a .lck file kind of on a location before starting the script's execution(Make sure we use trap etc commands in case script is aborted so that .lck file should be removed) AND remove it once execution of script is completed successfully.
Example script for 1st solution: This is just an example a test one. We need to take care of interruptions in the script, lets say script got interrupted by a command or etc then we could use trap in it too, since at that time it would have not been completed but you may need to kick it off again(since last time it was not completed).
cat file.ksh
if [[ -f "$watchdog_file" ]]
echo "Please wait script is still running, exiting from script now.."
exit 1;
touch $watchdog_file
while true
echo "singh" > test1
if [[ -f "$watchdog_file" ]]
rm "$watchdog_file"
2nd solution: Take pid of current running shell using $$ save it in a file. Then check if that process is still running come out of script if NOT running then move on to run statements in script.

Shell script returning non zero value after killing process

I am trying to kill a process using a shell script.Looks shell itself is getting killed in this process. Also I am seeing non zero return value of the script in terminal.
I am running it on Amazon Linux 2 with sudo.
kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep myapp | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
I am executing like:
sudo ./
"echo $?" after executing is returning 137 instead of zero. Can someone please help to understand what is going wrong.
Another observation:
if i directly run kill command in my terminal, i.e below command,
kill -9 $(ps -ef | grep myapp | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
I see echo $? is returning zero.
Problem is solved. Name of process I am trying to kill is overlapping with name of my script. Hence grep is returning both the pid's. Both the process are getting killed. Also learnt that better way of doing this by using pkill or using pidof() to get pid.
If you want the exit code of your last-run command to be the exit code for the script, your script must end with exit $? as the last line. Any function before that must also end with the $? so the chain flows to that final line. Otherwise some other exit is taking place.
If the script is being killed along side the application or script you are trying to kill, then your ps and grep work is likely including both in the results. Look at the output of the ps and grep while the script is running. You could add a line prior to your kill line which just shows the output of the ps and greps so you can see what is actually getting killed.
Finally (and I don't think this is the case) if you are trying to end the script after the kill, manually run an exit (again likely using exit $? for the reason stated above) where appropriate within the script.
Hope that helps you get where you are going.

Quit from pipe in bash

For following bash statement:
tail -Fn0 /tmp/report | while [ 1 ]; do echo "pre"; exit; echo "past"; done
I got "pre", but didn't quit to the bash prompt, then if I input something into /tmp/report, I could quit from this script and get into bash prompt.
I think that's reasonable. the 'exit' make the 'while' statement quit, but the 'tail' still alive. If something input into /tmp/report, the 'tail' will output to pipe, then 'tail' will detect the pipe is close, then 'tail' quits.
Am I right? If not, would anyone provide a correct interpretation?
Is it possible to add anything into 'while' statement to quit from the whole pipe statement immediately? I know I could save the pid of tail into a temporary file, then read this file in the 'while', then kill the tail. Is there a simpler way?
Let me enlarge my question. If use this tail|while in a script file, is it possible to fulfill following items simultaneously?
a. If Ctrl-C is inputed or signal the main shell process, the main shell and various subshells and background processes spawned by the main shell will quit
b. I could quit from tail|while only at a trigger case, and preserve other subprocesses keep running
c. It's better not use temporary file or pipe file.
You're correct. The while loop is executing in a subshell because its input is redirected, and exit just exits from that subshell.
If you're running bash 4.x, you may be able to achieve what you want with a coprocess.
coproc TAIL { tail -Fn0 /tmp/report.txt ;}
while [ 1 ]
echo "pre"
echo "past"
done <&${TAIL[0]}
kill $TAIL_PID
With older versions, you can use a background process writing to a named pipe:
mkfifo $pipe
tail -Fn0 /tmp/report.txt >$pipe &
while [ 1 ]
echo "pre"
echo "past"
done <$pipe
kill $TAIL_PID
rm $pipe
You can (unreliably) get away with killing the process group:
tail -Fn0 /tmp/report | while :
echo "pre"
sh -c 'PGID=$( ps -o pgid= $$ | tr -d \ ); kill -TERM -$PGID'
echo "past"
This may send the signal to more processes than you want. If you run the above command in an interactive terminal you should be okay, but in a script it is entirely possible (indeed likely) the the process group will include the script running the command. To avoid sending the signal, it would be wise to enable monitoring and run the pipeline in the background to ensure that a new process group is formed for the pipeline:
# In Posix shells that support the User Portability Utilities option
# this includes bash & ksh), executing "set -m" turns on job control.
# Background processes run in a separate process group. If the shell
# is interactive, a line containing their exit status is printed to
# stderr upon their completion.
set -m
tail -Fn0 /tmp/report | while :
echo "pre"
sh -c 'PGID=$( ps -o pgid= $$ | tr -d \ ); kill -TERM -$PGID'
echo "past"
done &
Note that I've replaced the while [ 1 ] with while : because while [ 1 ] is poor style. (It behaves exactly the same as while [ 0 ]).

killing the background process in a shell script

I have a script that starts background processes.
./ &
./ &
I need to kill these processes using a separate script.
Here is what I did:
# the
pid=$(ps | grep './' |grep -v grep| awk '{print $1}')
kill -9 $pid
Question time:
When the is called processes are stoped. But I get the message
"sh: you need to specify whom to kill".
Why is that?
After I kill the process using the described script, it doesn't stop immediately.For a while I see the output on the screen as if the process is still running. Why?
What could be an alternative solution to kill the processes?
Worth to mention that I am working with busybox do I have limited choice of utilities.
You could store the process ids in a temporary file like this:
./ &
echo $! > /tmp/
./ &
echo $! > /tmp/
and then delete it with your script. $! returns the PID of the process last executed.
kill -9 `cat /tmp/process*.pid`
rm /tmp/process*.pid
Make sure the process*.pid files get deleted after the corresponding script is finished.
Because your kill command failed as pid is empty.
pid=$(ps | grep './' |grep -v grep| awk '{print $1}')
This doesn't give you the pid you want. When you start a process in the background, it's executed in a new shell and you won't see the in your ps output.
What you can do is save the PIDs when you start the background processes and kill them:
./ &
pid1=$! # Save the previously started background's PID
./ &
pid2=$! # Save the previously started background's PID
echo $pid1 " " $pid2 > /tmp/killfile
Then get the PIDs from this file and pass it to kill.
