mirth can connect with Cache,sybase,informix database? - caching

I want to know that mirth can connect with other database like(cache,sybase,informix).
I am getting no way to connect all above database using mirth
because In Mcsm(mirth connect server manager) there is only few database option like(postgres,durby,oracle,mysql).
so is there any alternate way to use url of (cache,informaix database) in mcsm.
please help me any help is highly apprecialble.

Sql server2000
sql server
-These are the various different RDBMS system that Mirth can support at this moment in the latest version
Having said that, it means that the mirthdb the database that mirth uses for its integration purpose can be configured/installed on any of the above RDBMS systems, most of the times its either postgre or mysql.
Other than this, there is no other means of connecting to informix (even though I would love to see that happen), that depends on Mirth corp.

If you have a JDBC driver (.jar file) for the other database(s), you could try these steps:
Add the .jar file to the $MIRTH_HOME/custom-lib directory
Add/Change a driver entry to the file $MIRTH_HOME/conf/dbdrivers.xml
I'm not sure if that will let you choose other databases in MCSM or only allows you to choose them in Mirth channels (Database Reader, Database Writer, etc), but it's worth a try. I am unable to test it right now.
See http://www.mirthcorp.com/community/wiki/display/mirth/Server+Configuration


find who is connecting to database using db link

currently, we are using oracle 8i and we are working to decommisson it.
I need to find out which all other databases are connecting to our database using db link.
Please note, I am not looking for the connection from our database to others database. I already got that information using all_Db_links.
If you audit connections to the database or look at the listener log, that will tell you the machines that are connecting to the database and the application that is connecting (that information is coming from the client so it could be spoofed but I'm assuming no one is actively trying to hide information from you). That should allow you to determine which connections are coming via database links. That may not tell you which database on the particular server is connecting if there are multiple databases on the same server using the same Oracle Home. But it should narrow it down to a relatively small number of databases that you can manually check.

Not able to create connection on oracle sql developer tool

I'm trying to create a new connection on the Oracle SQL Developer tool but I'm not able to. I just simply download the latest version of oracle SQL developer tool from the oracle site and unzip the folder and run. I haven't set any password or anything because there is nothing to do so.
Please guide how I can make a local connection on oracle Sql developer tool.
Well based on what you have described, you only installed SQL Developer, without having the Oracle Client installed on your device.
To be able to connec to to something in SQL Developer, you need to have a database to which you would like to connect. That basically means that either you need to install one, or you have one available in your System. But I will assume that you are new to this and have no database to connect to.
First things first, you will need to install the Oracle Client. A pretty good example can be found on here. You have a video tutorial which contains a step by step guide.
Once you finished installing the Oracle Client, you can proceed with unlocking the basic HR Schema, or create your own DB Schema. Again, a tutorial on how to achieve this step can be found here.
There are a few steps to follow, but in the end, if you follow them accordingly, you will be able to make a local connection on oracle using SQL Developer. Besides that, both the links will provide you with some explanation as well for each particular task.

Oracle APEX 5.1 connect to remote db using JDBC and query data

I have only used db links to get access to remote db so far. Now I have to find a way to use JDBC to connect to remote db and get data. Can someone guide me what all things would I need to ask the remote db admin in order to setup a jdbc connection, and once I have the connection, how do I query the database using java stored procedure, just like I am querying it over remote db right now with db link?
You've described a fairly complicated problem, but haven't given any information about your database or operating system. Are you connecting to a SQL Server database? MySQL? Are you running on Linux? Windows?
First, you'll need a driver. That's going to depend on the database, operating system and versions thereof that you're using. For example, here is the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (Oops, looks like it's currently unavailable.)
Second, you need to set up Oracle Heterogenous Services. That's fairly complicated and not something I can answer here. You might start with the Database Gateway for ODBC User's Guide.
Oracle does have gateways for various other databases, but they're licensed additionally from the database itself.

How to replicate existing OracleRDB ODBC connection in Oracle's SQL Developer application?

I am new to Oracle database in general, but I'm attempting to get Oracle's SQL Developer running on a workstation that has pre-configured System DSNs created for an OracleRDB database. I've confirmed the ODBC connections are working because I can use MS Access to connect and link to the tables. The "test" options within ODBC also succeed. Now I am trying to get a similar connection created using SQL Developer so I can see the column types and write queries in a more useful editor.
Here's what I have available when examining the ODBC connection properties:
Now I'm trying to create a duplicate connection in SQL Developer, but I'm at a loss for why things don't work. I first tried using the default SQL Developer installation, but couldn't get things working. Then I discovered there's an OracleRDB extension available, so I installed that, but I keep getting this error when attempting to use similar values:
As I stated, these ODBC connections were pre-configured on the workstation I'm using, so I don't know anything more than what is provided by the Oracle ODBC driver window.
Is there something obvious I'm not seeing or doing to replicate this connection in SQL Developer? Or perhaps something else I can do to debug this to learn more?
On the advice of one answer I'm trying to make the connection with JDBC, but having a hard time understanding what I'm doing wrong. Here's another screenshot with the connection parameters I have available, but with the server and database names changed:
With these values (the port came from my tnsnames.ora file), if I try to make a JDBC connection I keep getting the following error from SQL Developer:
One final attempt I did was to use the proper values in the Oracle RDB tab, and when I use them and click 'test' the Testing Connection dialog just spins and never seems to return:
So I apologize for the long post here, but I'm struggling because there's just something I am really not understanding about how this all works. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this question.
Oracle SQL Developer is a Java Application. You'll need to get the JDBC Driver for RDB.
Once you have that, in the SQL Developer preferences, find the Third Party JDBC section, and then use that to add an entry and point to the JAR for what you just installed.
Step by step instructions here.
Working connection string for RDB Thin Driver:
RDB_DB_CONN_STR = "jdbc:rdbThin://node.myplace.com:1707/";
where node.myplace.com is the name of the OpenVMS node hosting the RDB Thin Driver, 1707 is the port number assigned to the RDB Thin Driver.

Reading SAS Dataset into Oracle

I have installed SAS Enterprise Guide 9.3 and SAS JDBC Drivers 9.3 and have some test SAS data sets that I need to load into Oracle. We have licenses for
WKSPSRVLOCAL SAS Workspace Server for Local Access
I am using Windows 7. I am not sure about next steps
Can I read SAS Datasets having just installed SAS EG?
Which JAR files are required
How will the connect string look like and what will be the port, username & password.
Appreciate any help I can get.
Not an expert in this. If you can do this, you will need to connect through the local Workspace server. I've only connected through a server Workspace server to get a JDBC connection.
How I've done it in the past. Always possible this is not the best method.
Step 1. Connect to SAS workspace. http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/itechjcdg/61499/HTML/default/viewer.htm#connfact_direct.htm
Step 2. Use the DataService on the Workspace to get a JDBC connection to the current SAS session. http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/itechjcdg/61499/HTML/default/viewer.htm#jdbcconn.htm
Alternative: Connect through ODBC to Oracle in SAS and use SAS to write the tables into your Oracle DB. See the SAS/ACCESS documentation. http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/access/index.html
Hope this helps!
